Universal Asylum

Chapter 800: Ancient Soul Streamer and Mo Jian

Wang Shengru is trapped in the Nine Nether, a dark and invisible space, the darkness that invades the soul, but he feels the undercurrent is turbulent, and compared with the Nine Nine in the universe, the breath of death is heavier here, like a high concentration of Nine Nether.

This is the world corresponding to heaven and earth transformed by the dirty breath! Wang Sheng knew it, he didn’t have much time to think about it, he stuck the gold bow in the crack with his backhand, he stepped back himself, and a dull breathing sound had already sounded, suddenly rushing when he just left the place The last black shadow, covered with black, like a monster, is equivalent to him. Naturally, it is very huge, but compared to this dirty world, it is very small, but the other party’s actions seem to involve the entire dirty world. Coming with the repression of the world.

The unprecedented emptiness of the power in Wang Sheng's body was squeezed by the force of the world. He felt a stronger force than in the previous world. Out of that space, it does not represent security, but it is more dangerous. The only thing may be I finally broke a jade calculation, no matter why the other party kept him in his world. Now he is in a dirty world where the other party seems unable to fully control. Finally, there is a trace of initiative, but the premise is that After the crisis that is visible to the naked eye.

Wang Sheng stretched out and took nine steps in the air. He had used his own condensed footwork. At the same time, his hands were deep, a square shape was formed, and a black lacquered space was printed, slamming on the surging monster. Then, Wang Sheng pointed his backhand to the stagnation and dignified space behind him, and finally took advantage of this time to break a trace of cracks, and he went out in a string.

The square seal he used did not add the third-step breath, and the ancient **** did not add a finger. The third-step breath was ultimately his life-saving card. This filthy world still has enemies and foes. He only needs to reveal the means that have been revealed.

His body was light, but Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and saw his body surrounded by a circle of white fluorescence at the moment. This light flickered, and the world was moving around, and he had appeared before the previous crack. At the same time, the monster transformed by the fairy emperor again Bounced forward, his red eyes glowed with the deepest evil light.

Move space! ?

Wang Sheng turned straight, and in this and the dirty world can actually use the way of space, the jade pan shot!

In the hands of outsiders, including ancient Xuan and ancient gods, but after seeing the figure of Wang Sheng rising since his appearance, he made a series of decisive movements, but when he finally left the huge body and enveloped the range, the jade plate of the giant's eyebrow appeared again. In a flash, Wang Sheng's body had disappeared, and he came to the door as if sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

"Decisive mind, strong strength, and a faint breath of ancient gods! Gu Xuan, let's go!" The ancient **** shook his eyes, sternly shouted, and already stood up and stretched his hand to the void, with a desolate ancient **** in his mouth. Language.

"In the name of Daogu, call the ancient heritage of Taoism, the ancient soul streamer!"

Wow, it seemed that a large flag was waving in the wind, and the iron-like flag was screaming, and then a black phantom appeared from the void and appeared directly in the hands of the ancient god. It was a black streamer flag without any Embellishment, only darker than Jiu You.

Moreover, the streamer seemed to be really heavy. Even when it appeared a phantom, the huge body of the ancient **** could not be supported. The body screamed when it bent, and lifted the spine to expand the streamer. It is inevitable that the will that has been poured into sight will emerge.

Ancient Soul streamer appeared, what the huge body in the distance felt, the jade plate was pointed at the ancient Soul streamer, and a figure could be seen flashing in the jade plate, and a palm hit.

Ancient Soul streamer! Gu Xuan's eyes are different, and he can summon the ancient soul streamer. It seems that the ancient **** of this ancient family is higher than he imagined. I am afraid that his status after retreating will barely be equal.

But thinking under his heart, he was also dissatisfied with the movements in his hand. He stretched his hand on the chest, and opened his mouth to highlight a deep drop of blood of the ancient god. The blood had turned blue, but it still carried a trace of purple. There is also a black sword, even if it is placed in the body of ordinary human beings, it is called a small sword. It is a real small sword, and it can’t compare with the one-thousandth of the size of the blood dripping.

But the breath radiated on this little sword cannot be ignored. It was an extreme killing intent of strong crossbars. It seems that from the very beginning of birth, it has slaughtered countless demon gods and practiced swords with demon **** purple blood.

"Mo Jian, the deity with reference to the treasures made by the Great World of Immortal Territory, succeeded in the ancient world, but in this so-called Holy Realm!" Gu Xuan's mouth is slightly pulled, in fact, although his strength in the ancient world is strong, but also It’s just an ordinary saint level. This ink sword can only continue to be strong if it constantly engulfs the blood of power, but his strength plus the three hundred domains like the ancient big world. The saints generally have a backer and their own. Relying on it, it's not so easy to kill, so Mo Jian Xiaocheng is already assisted by his powerful forehead, and only the Holy Realm has fallen.

This Holy Realm looks like the top power is not as big as the ancient world, and even far from it. In fact, there are not many masters in the realm of the sage, and even in the ancient world, they have only heard of it, but have never seen it. All the disappeared are close to the existence of the third master. Therefore, due to the poor chance and his chances, his ink sword swallowed a lot of blood of the saints~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and finally made it.

In fact, before the Emperor Emperor could make a promise with him, it was because at the beginning, he had made a deal with the Emperor Emperor, and he had killed a lot of Demon Gods, and he had some friendships. Gu Xuan did not easily take out the ink sword, Taking it out means that she already has a goal. The goal at this moment is self-evident. Naturally, whether it is the ancient world or this holiness, it is extremely rare and close to the power of the third step, and it is a person who has almost created a The power of the big domain shakes in his heart. If he can succeed in one fell swoop, the magic power of the ink sword will reach its peak. At that time, even his power could not be imagined.

The fluctuation caused by the appearance of the ancient Soul streamer brought the eyes of the Yupan Taoist to the forehead, and the unprecedented palm was pressed down. This palm was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it was almost a palm that touched the dirty world. For a while, it seemed that the world was using them as rivals.

Such a big movement shows that the Yupan Taoist attaches great importance to the ancient soul streamer and wants to destroy it at all costs, but the ancient **** did not panic, but he looked heavy and stretched his finger on the ancient soul streamer. Convulsions, the body shrunk visible to the naked eye, and the ancient Soul streamer seemed to have taken a big tonic, and it was suddenly a sacrifice-like method.

The ancient soul streamer was supplemented by the straight sacrifice, and an exhibition was launched against the huge palm!

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