Universal Asylum

Chapter 815: Strong and weak

The ancient **** Gu Xuan was not surprised that Wang Sheng knew the ancient **** family. Even if they all had to admit to authenticity, some of the ancient god's means exerted by the other party, and the most critical ancient **** finger was also comprehended the most primitive insights, if not The other party does not have the body of an ancient god, and they all regard Wang Sheng as an ancient **** clan with deep heritage.

It's just that they still can't figure out why Wang Sheng has the inheritance of the ancient gods, and he can't achieve the body of the ancient gods. Even if it's just the inheritance of memory, it will gradually be affected and transformed into the body of the ancient gods. This is the hegemony of the ancient gods. Office.

There are two reasons for this. One is that it is not a heritage body, but it has a close connection with the heritage. Second, the body and mystery of the body are too powerful, and the ancient gods cannot be compared, so they are suppressed.

Thinking of Wang Sheng's physical application before, they preferred the second possibility.

It is just a pity in the heart of the ancient god, if a complete ancient **** clan is better, with the finger of the ancient **** who comprehends the ancient line of the Tao, their relationship will be closer, even more than the ancient mystery, but now only Wang Sheng can be counted as Half of the people of the ancient tribe, without Daogu's recognition, Wang Sheng's heritage has always been unjustified.

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, the ancient **** Gu Xuan nodded slightly. At this moment, they even had a little bit of difficulty in speaking. No matter their respective cards, the body had reached the end of the crossbow, but it was only supported by an obsession.

Wang Sheng was shocked, like the most sophisticated machine. His body started to move in an instant, from the most subtle composition, and then affected the whole body, so that even if he did not have the power to become a god, he even used the flesh to become a god. The meaning is that this is the foundation of his body and what really belongs to him. At this time, cheer up, the momentum is not as good as the ancient Xuan and the gods, but it is still enough to guide them.

"Shooting!" He shouted flatly, his body's strength was heavily hit in the air, following the waves of waves, two powerful forces erupted one after another, making the fluctuations here have a confused illusion.

Large fluctuations can't be affected by them, but they can be done with small changes, just like white sharks in the ocean can't change the size and rush of seawater, but they can use their own power to swim in the seawater and change themselves.

Wang Sheng they are changing their position, through such squandering powerful power to affect the frequency of fluctuations.


The sound cannot be transmitted, but everyone still feels it in their hearts. This is the manifestation of the frequency of fluctuations in their hearts. It is what they change, and it is almost impossible to detect that their position has moved, although the trend is small, But it is indeed moving.

Discovered the cosmic frequency fluctuations and the vitality it brought. The previous attempt to find the Pangu incarnation was stranded. Instead of resorting to external forces that cannot autonomously judge, it is better to use your own power to get results. This is every Taoist who has a clear heart. Will make choices.

As for whether such efforts can get a good result, it is all after hard work.

At the moment, the ancient gods, including Wang Sheng, have despair in their hearts, but more is the power that can turn this despair into a calm emotion. They are sinking into a wreck, and they are making a final fight for life.

The ancient God Guxuan's card broke out, and there was no time for termination. It seemed that the endless influence on the fluctuation seemed to be able to be released all the time, but the real situation is that the ancient blood of the ancient **** is in Dull, just an instant, a drop of ancient blood burned out, the second drop of ancient blood began to burn, extremely fast, and his ancient blood amount was only three drops.

Gu Xuan is also consuming power. The dark pupil behind his head has been slowly closed, which is faster than the consumption of ancient blood.

The endless time is ultimately an illusion. Their time is short. If they do not seize this effective time, they will be helpless and can only hope in their destiny.

Wang Sheng also feels strenuous. He forcibly shakes his body and runs his body like this, which is equivalent to the strength of ordinary monks who have been erupting at all times. In history, his body is profound and his recovery is strong. Such losses are still in shortfall, and recovery is not possible. Endless replies still have their limits, and perhaps the physical body that can take the last step is OK, but now obviously not.

In addition to providing this power, Wang Sheng also needs to constantly sense the interaction point, as their position changes, the position of that point also changes, and there is no rule to follow, almost every time you need to rediscover, Consumption is unimaginable.

I was so immersed in this emotion that Wang Sheng didn't realize that his body was exuding a layer of golden light. The appearance of this golden light was very abrupt. It seemed that the consumed power was related to the mind, as if it had always been the power of the flesh. Repression, until this time, took the opportunity to break away, if Wang Sheng is sober, he can find that this power is the strength of his field.

The strength of this golden field is much stronger than before. It seems that there has been some fundamental change. The deepest change is that it has a third-step flavor on it, but this is not its qualitative change. The root, this root is related to his body.

This layer of golden light is very light, and it is suppressed only when it spreads out around the body, but only with this golden light, Wang Sheng's body has a particularly tall feeling, supporting this ancient battlefield to a higher level~www.wuxiaspot.com~Change The first to be discovered by the ancient god, the releaser of the ancient battlefield, he naturally knew that the burden on his shoulder was a little easier, and he was surprised to find that Wang Sheng was in the position. He had no time to investigate what the reason was, only to spare more effort Used on the outburst of cards.

Rumbling, this small ancient battlefield space collided in two fluctuating cross-flows, and no longer suffered the impact of this force all the time, and it was full of holes, but under the support of the atmosphere that the two shares of the cards were faintly This fluctuation is still safe and sound, temporarily!

Wang Sheng's heart is always quiet. If they say that they are so powerful and can regenerate the difference from ordinary people before the crisis of death, it is to know why they are facing desperation, how to do it, not panic, know the exact goal and then work hard Do, the results are always as good as it is.

Perhaps this is not the difference between power and ordinary people, but the difference between the strong and the weak. This difference is only psychological, and it has little relationship with physical strength.

Needless to deny, this crisis is accompanied by huge opportunities, and this fluctuation, especially Wang Sheng, can clearly feel the two fluctuations. In this comparison, it is easier to understand the laws and mysteries of this fluctuation. In his mind, he has learned too much, but it must take a long time to digest.

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