Universal Asylum

Chapter 834: Western god

This thing seems to be just a mass of incarnation, but the green is not obvious, only a slight darkness is deep, this is the world will incarnation?

There is already a little will, so there is fear, knowing awe, knowing that there is no resistance in Wang Sheng’s presence, then simply appearing undefended in Wang Sheng’s face paint, let Wang Sheng see his face clearly and smoothly. With the green Guangyuan extending outwards, it is an ancient tree that extends from the bottom of the world through the whole world, touching any part of the world. On this ancient tree, there are countless fires of life, this In the world, any fire of creatures appears on the ancient tree, and the branch of the lowest branch is inserted into the real world, into the higher world, where there are three breaths, very different, and the relationship with the ancient tree is also casual. , Not detached, but only one step away.

In fact, talking about the entire universe world, it is actually incredible that three and a half-step detachments emerge in such a world. After all, it is detachment, which is much lower than the real monarch level, but it does not mean that the achievement will be very simple. In a realm, the detachment is obviously the most basic starting book and the foundation. The achievement of the true monarchy also needs to be based on detachment. There is no detached life, everything is the essence of water moon.

After detachment, you will never fall into the bottleneck of the realm if you master certain know-how, such as the trick to open your own arrest. Only in the realm of real monarchy will there be a turbulent difficulty. So, detached Existing in the previous universe, they are absolute strongmen, and these strongmen have appeared in the ordinary world of the legendary world of the new white lady, and three of them suddenly appeared. It has to be said that it is amazing news.

Although these three are present in many parallel planes in the heavens and the worlds, the top state cannot be detachment, or one of them proclaims detachment, and the rest will almost be close, but in this world, Sanqing has all caught up, and all are qualified to achieve detachment.

"In addition, there will be the Yangliu Dao Ren, the Lord of the East Emperor Bell, and the Heavenly Emperor!" Wang Sheng faintly realized that this world is still different. The former Yangliu Dao Ren, of course, the Yangliu Dao Ren of this world has actually been regarded as an achievement. Detachment, at that time, with the exception of Sanqing, but also some characters who participated in it, are eligible to proclaim the detachment. In this way, if the world is surpassable, the number of people who achieve detachment is afraid to be much higher.

Wang Sheng shook his head. The mystery of this world is also the secret of the universe. If there was still leisurely exploration in the past, it is now unable to take care of it. Wang Sheng just flashed his thoughts in his mind and skipped the big tree. He wanted someone. , Don’t need this big tree as a dependency, because he believes that if the ancestor of Bodhi is really a problem, the one found on the big branch is not accurate, because those characters will not leave their breath of life on the old tree. .

Wang Sheng's vision circulated in the heavens and earth, over the land of the four wildernesses at that time, and came to the Central Plains. At this time, the earth and earth's vitality returned to the amount of the Honghuang era. The spirit is rough but powerful, and the magical powers repaired in every move. It’s not comparable to before. In scientific terms, it means that the oxygen content has increased, and the composition of many gaseous substances has decreased or increased. This has led to the survival of the biologically fittest in this world, and it has begun to evolve again. The dinosaurs and other beasts that occupied the mainstream of the world when they first descended on Wang Sheng were extinct. They appeared again at this time. In addition, there are many creatures that are only circulated in myths and legends. Zhanshan is king. Or invading the earth, all kinds of magical powers open the mountains and the sea, the power is huge, the same level, the destructive power caused by this kind of repair has been dozens or more times.

The number of monks on earth has decreased. The monks have retired from this world, instead of becoming the protagonist of the world again. Instead, the group of cultivators of morality has once again been developed, combined with the monks’ methods, they have created new realms and systems of cultivating methods. Practical use of this world, the pace of which the great immortals used to revise this set of exercises, was to achieve longevity again in this world, and what is more ambitious is waiting for such an opportunity to achieve detachment.

In any case, the former monk was trying to adapt to the world. Although he could not become the protagonist of the world, because the many powers in the real world still exist, that is to say, their backing still exists, or has become a weak. There are even powerful forces, as opposed to them, there are several forces, including the power of the world to train the morale, and the sky events that occurred when Wang Sheng was in this world, such as today’s curtain disappears, but the sky is originally The blood beasts of the creation have existed, it seems that some fusion with the native wild beasts of this world, actually born of the wisdom, with their own system, began to practice, and because of the large number, there is actually a hidden The rudimentary form of the race is called the Shura clan, because even if the gods were born, these blood clan gods still have a violent factor in the deepest part. If they are not good, they will lose control.

The strength of these blood clan is strong, and the origin is mysterious. It really can't make people completely believe that if they can, the power of the monk will have been completely pulled out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But what makes them unable to make such big moves is Another force is blocking their footsteps. This force is from the West, but it is not the Western monks who are hiding in seclusion, but the more Western Western gods.

Eastern monks are naturally no strangers to these Western gods, because these Western gods existed in this world, or in the older ones, but then these Western gods were looked down upon by Eastern monks and considered not orthodox. It’s just that the barbarians who got a little blood power are all Mao gods, and this is indeed the case. Except that the Western founding father **** is a bit from the origin, but it is still suppressed by the saints such as the Taoist ancestors. The jujube is not cared about by the heavenly court and overseas immortals.

But I did not expect that in this era of reopening, these Western gods not only recovered, but also seemed to be integrated into a completely new Western deity system. These Western gods are surprisingly powerful. If the previous Western gods were just blood The pure Mao God is now the pure **** of pure blood, just like the descendants of the ancient Pangu, the ancestors like the ancestor.

For these strange gods, who are obviously outsiders, Dongfang Dao dare not ignore this, but after several shouts, it was discovered that the other party had already integrated the mark of life in this world, that is to say, it was already complete. The spirits of this world are recognized by the origin of this world, and they really are not qualified to exclude them.

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