Universal Asylum

Chapter 836: Stranger

Wang Sheng didn't take it seriously, nodded, and at the same time, on the one hand, he had made time for the time, flashing scenes before his eyes, and did not avoid San Qing and contemporary Dao ancestor Li Yan.

That was what happened on this land, but it was already three hundred years after Wang Sheng left, and a thousand years before now. During that time, the sky gradually sank, and the color became more and more dense, almost So that more than half of the people on the land are always trapped in deep blood, life habits are changing, and there is a trace of sneaking violent factors awakening, so that this world covered in blood is really in a ghost.

At this time, there are already a lot of Man Tianxian gods, but it seems to have received a powerful will, no one to control, so that there are fewer and fewer creatures here, and they have moved to the other half of the continent, and all they have left is unable to walk The trekking women and children are old and weak.

This sky is still giving birth to countless blood beasts, but it is almost no longer raging under the **** sky, but to go to another continent, as a prey to kill ordinary monks, or to be hunted by monks as a prey, because The return of Mantian Immortal God, even with a large number and powerful strength, can not set off too much stormy waves. Instead, it gradually changed into a peculiar cultivation resource, which was cultivated by the practitioners or alchemy or refinery.

Until another hundred years, there were no creatures under this **** continent, and finally the sky disappeared without warning. That day the **** world was not bloody, but dark and deep, leaving many legends, I only know that after this day, a lot of strange creatures suddenly appeared on this **** road. This creature was very much the same as the original Western gods, but the very different amount system still let the monks know that these people are different. World visitors.

This writing of Western alien gods did not act much, nor did it invade the entire world, and the upper ranks of the monks did not react too much with the couple. It seems that the existence of these western alien gods has been modeled for a long time. This writing of Western gods has become a major force in the world, fully integrated into it.

What happened that day was a bewilderment for many middle- and low-level monks, but for Wang Sheng, who fiddled with time and time, it was nothing. He could clearly see that the **** sky was a big hand. It was taken away as if opened, and as time went by, he could not see anything, not he could not see, but time was unable to record the original figure.

This is a true monarch, that is, an emperor! Wang Sheng's eyes were different.

He naturally also knew that the illusion in time did not really take away the Zeng Tianmu, because in the final analysis it was a projection of another world, that is to say, that the mighty person personally took that step closer to the new The world of the legendary world of Bai Niangzi is taken away, so this scene is caused, and the time record is just a projection.

After the sky was taken away, many western gods appeared for no reason. These western gods were all transferred to the world by the great emperor, disrupting their plan to conquer the world with the world at the beginning. Let the long-prepared resistance plan of the legendary world of Xinbai Niang come into operation.

Being disturbed by this power, they are naturally unable to conquer the world. As for the subsequent negotiation with the world power, how to let the power of the east world not to deal with them is another matter. Anyway, now the Western gods must be fully integrated into this world, because they have no place to go, their world has been taken away, there is no trace of souls on it, even looking for the top divine pursuit There is no trace of it, and even if there is no memory, the fear in their hearts makes them dare not pursue it, because it can be done silently, so that all of them do not know and change the world, they are unimaginable. What a power at this time.

Wang Sheng reached out his hand and sent away the time, thinking a little, and actually got such a result, who is the emperor, and if the time of appearance is converted to cosmic time, he seems to have just achieved detachment at that time, and has not yet proved the emperor, that is, the emperor Said that at that time, an emperor was born and walked in the universe.

And why did you take away the world where the western gods are located? Does it have anything to do with the legendary world of Xinbai Niangzi, after all, it was not causeless for the world to move towards the legendary world of Xinbainiang at that time, according to Wang Sheng's inference, if the process continues at the beginning, this world is close to the legendary world of Xinbainiang, The last two results are the safe integration of the two worlds, but not the integration of the expansion of the territory, but the integration of luck, and the integration of the main and the secondary.

A complete opportunity, in addition to the positive world, there will be this negative world. The negative world of this new white lady legendary world has disappeared, which is also a prerequisite for that world to gradually move closer, and the latter two compete for who is dominant and who is negative. No matter what the final result is, it will inevitably be combined into a complete new world. At that time, when the world is formed, there will be a big explosion of aura, there will be a detachment, and with the background of the two worlds, this is not the end. In the future, there will certainly be another opportunity for detachment. This is also the opportunity and opportunity for the mighty competition of the Eastern world, and it is also a matter of preparation for the Western gods and other fists.

It's just that the sudden emergence of this powerful man disrupted their plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also made things develop to the present level.

That great power was not for the sake of several unsophisticated plans and plans in the chaotic area. He certainly had his own consideration in taking away the world. Wang Sheng is now thinking about this too. Is there anything special about that world, he? I feel the need to meet the Western gods.

Wang Sheng only thought in an instant, he turned to look at the old man riding the green cow, his eyes slightly strange, this green cow did not know where the other party was recruited from, would anyone related to Lao Tzu find a green cow When to mount?

There is also Xuanzu, who seems to be riding a green cow. When he first met Xuanzu, he gave Wang Sheng a similar feeling to Lao Tzu. Wang Sheng thought about it deliberately, and said with a smile: "Wang Mou is not Please come by yourself, I hope it won’t cause trouble to your friends."

Li Yan's face was calm, "This world is not a world of old people, and those who are old are never going to take care of things. As long as the friends of the road do not destroy the world, the old road is still very willing to invite the friends of the road."

Although Li Yan is a nominal Taoist ancestor, he does not say that he is a wild cultivator of morale. This is not something he can control only by the Western gods and those of the Eastern monks. Therefore, compared with the previous Taoist ancestors, his Taoist ancestors are a little bit stumped.

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