Universal Asylum

Chapter 857: Angry Dragon

() The era of chaos is like an unrestricted era. In this era, after birth, 80% of the universe is a holy place. The formation of the holy place is not a living emperor. It can be called like this. It requires an extremely deep background, which includes the emperor. The strong man below, the quasi-imperial detachment, can survive in the long river of history only with enough details. The lonely emperor can indeed survive, but the power is alone, and the traces have actually been submerged in history.

In the Chaos era, only the ruins of the quasi-imperials in front of you can be the best in any cosmic era, but in the era of chaos, these quasi-imperials all fell into the end times, enough to witness the prosperity and horror of that era.

Wang Sheng walked in time, feeling this feeling as if he had read some information and saw that under the desperation of despair, these Taoists sent their own resistance to the avenue, and the strong ones who entered the passage of time seemed to It is some fear to give up everything just to avoid everything.

Wang Sheng went all the way, this passage was already filled with gray breath, not that there was no remaining life, but that there was no life here. Wang Sheng saw a relic again, it was a pagoda, this pagoda had lost its luster, pagoda Even the dimples are damaged on the top. The pagoda is quaint and still has the power of repression, but the power of repression is all gathered in the middle of the pagoda. It seems that all the power of repression is gathered to push down the power to suppress this thing.

Wang Sheng stepped in, the tower door had lost its strength, and it opened with a slight push. When he was about to enter, he suddenly moved, and his fingers were connected to the back, and his body was instantly released, and roar came from behind, unprecedented fierceness. The breath was overwhelming, and then the roar became sizzling.

A huge fierce beast shot towards the rear, the fierce beast was a black shadow, and it disappeared when retreating in the air. Wang Sheng turned around, his expression slightly condensed. This impact has already belonged to the level of the emperor, except there is no realm. The display of this beast is already the same as that of the emperor, and this force is more similar to the physical supernatural power. The simple power exceeds the ancient emperor, only slightly inferior to him, but it is undoubtedly the power of the emperor, even if it is said that this beast There is nothing wrong with being emperor in flesh.

The way to become the emperor by flesh has been cut off. He is also a unique body with unique opportunities and achievements. He knows nothing about himself, but now the achievements of this fierce beast have proved nothing. If we find out the method of physical achievement of this fierce beast, it is another avenue. Appearance.

Wang Sheng rushed up interactively and punched in the void. The black shadow of the fierce beast was accurately ejected. The black scale armor of the fierce beast was like a big lizard with dragon blood, but it was the same as those of the West. The dragon is similar, but the skull is grim, terrifying, and there are cracks on the two corners, with strange liquids, and a drop of black contaminates the space. There are also countless cracks on the head, and there are many breaths, and the eyes are on. For a moment, the red is fierce, the nostrils are skyward, and there are long mouthparts in the mouth. The mouthparts are sharp. The mouthparts are as sharp as those of the blood mosquitoes. They are sharp and sharp. At this time, each movement is like a pair of eyes to perceive the king. Sheng's movement, Wang Sheng's skin is slightly cold, this is a sense of a certain breath.

The head is grim, the body of this fierce beast looks more like a combination of bit by bit, like being stitched by needle thread, this fierce beast is blown out by a strong punch, three withdraws in the air, three gas Appeared outside this figure, the fierce beast disappeared afterwards.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and he came into contact again. He found a problem. The murderer's flesh is powerful, but it is not full of flesh's strength, and there is some breath. This breath combined with the flesh issued a kind of flesh-like magical power. The power of Wang Sheng was not investigated for a while, and he mistakenly thought that this was the power of the emperor. The combination of power levels of this murderer is similar to that of the ancient **** practitioners.

This breath is also a breath that makes Wangsheng cold.


A roar is like a dragon like nine ghosts, and the shadow of the shadow is thrown into the shadow. With the support of that evil spirit, the figure of this fierce beast is strange and hard to find. Wang Sheng's mouth moved, and it was still a simple punch, a punch After coming out, the fierce beast snapped all over, and a rapid scale armor floated, and the cracks under the scale armor became more and more, and the black liquid under it burst out, but strangely spilled in the air.

The mouthpiece of the fierce beast shot backwards in the air, and the two mouthpieces pierced through the air toward Wang Sheng, but the fierce beast flashed directly over Wang Sheng towards the pagoda at the rear, toward the gate of the opened pagoda, strange What is true is that the original pagoda is no different, but when the fierce beast contacts, it suddenly trembles, the dim gloss on the pagoda shines brightly, the power of repression is unprecedented, the fierce beast figure pauses, but it is still faster Passed into the pagoda.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered and he kept looking, not blocking again, but waiting quietly for this.

The fierce beast entered the pagoda, and the pagoda trembles violently. The fierce beast seems to be in the world. The power that was originally suppressed in the middle of the pagoda suddenly rioted, and the pagoda suddenly became large and small, like a mustard hidden, power hidden in it, the sound of the murderer The roar roared with joy, and seemed to have gained something vital.

Strong thinking, this fierce beast trailed all the way, in order to lead him to the land of the pagoda and help him to open the door of the pagoda~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the door of the uncommon pagoda, but it is The fatal point of this fierce beast.

This also proves that this fierce beast has a basic sanity, but instantaneously, the pagoda's continuous size changes, and finally banged away, turned into countless pieces and thrown away from a distance, a raging dragon with a surging The appearance of this angry dragon changed dramatically. The original black scale armor was reorganized again, and the pieces were already neatly arranged. The lizard-like limbs were shortened and evolved towards the direction of the Eastern Dragon. Only the fierce pupil looked terrible. Unchanged, but the fierce breath suddenly increased.

The angry dragon rose into the sky, and the dragon's tail flew down again, tearing the space with four claws and directly covering Wang Sheng. The black shadows and sharp edges were cut on Wang Sheng's body. Wang Sheng raised his fist suddenly, and the black breath was completely broken. Cracking, Wang Shengsha clawed in his breath, and directly caught the claw of the black angry dragon.

His arm was swinging in the air, and the angry dragon flicked from the sky and the ground, and was thrown to the ground. This supernaturally-increasing angry dragon seemed to have no place to resist. The dragon mouth angered, and at one point the black beads were looming like a dragon ball.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, reached out and pulled out the bead from the dragon's mouth. He raised his fist again and slammed the black dragon hard. The black dragon struggled several times, but to no avail, his body overflowed with black breath, this space was black breath Shrouded.

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