Universal Asylum

Chapter 861: open circuit

() Not everyone has an emperor-level physical body. The quasi-imperial body is the limit that most cultivators can reach. Except for the true spirit, this physical body can barely become a true monarch.

The real monarchs with domains are a bit different, because their domain power will change the flesh and let the flesh take away a layer of deterrence. This is Diwei. This Diwei will enhance the strength of the flesh, and finally show the strength to complete The flesh of ordinary fungi is a little stronger, but it is only so.

A true spirit without a physical body may not be able to advance again, but the domain is in the body, cultivation is in the body, and the level is placed there. It is a complete great emperor.

Unless it is Wang Sheng's physical body called Emperor or Black Dragon's physical body, it can't be comparable to the power of Xie Zhen Ling, and Black Dragon is not a real physical body emperor, but just like the ancient **** family like to use power and physical body to play out The strength and expression of the power are biased toward the flesh. In fact, its flesh level is only the level of the quasi-imperial, otherwise Wang Sheng burning his body is not so simple.

The Black Dragon can exert its good power at the level of the true monarch, which is enough to prove that its true spirit is also very powerful. It can be said that until the body is completely burned into ash, Wang Sheng’s burning process has only completed 30%, and the true spirit is the most powerful. important.

The energy group is like a drop of crystal water droplets, but the will of the real dragon is constantly being pulled, and the shape of the drop of water droplets is transformed, and the real fire is burning under the energy group. This energy group becomes the protection of the true dragon will. Lock, the influence of True Dragon Will seems not to be great.

Wang Sheng's eyes were calm and he pointed out with one finger, the flesh rumbling. This is the body burned by heaven and earth, and the mobilized flesh became stronger. It is pointed out with one finger. The cohesive force is his highest level of effect on the flesh.

The fingers fell into the sky, the energy group fluctuated violently, and the will of the real dragon flew out violently, but it was not the initiative, but was pointed out by Wang Sheng. This real dragon and the real spirit changed into a black real dragon in the middle, just like the body Still there, he was majestic, free from the shackles of the flesh, and the vacuum's true spirit will seem to become more mature. Wang Sheng saw anger in it, but there was also restraint, which seemed until he was powerful.

At the next moment, the real spirit ran away, and disappeared instantly. Wang Sheng was not in a hurry. With a finger, the real fire disappeared with a whirl, and Wang Sheng’s figure also disappeared, but when he disappeared, he threw his sleeves and took it away. The pure energy group.

In the distant passage, the Black Dragon True Spirit appeared, suddenly turned around and sprayed a flame towards the rear opening.

Dragon Breath! Dragon Breath of the Great Emperor Level!

The dragon breath sprayed directly on the world fire that followed in the future. The world fire was like swallowing up the fire of the dragon breath, and there was no image of it. It caught up with the true spirit of the black dragon again.

After them, Wang Sheng's figure appeared in a stroll, just looking at the direction of the Black Dragon True Spirit's escape. His eyes were strange, it seemed unnecessary unnecessary trouble, because from the connection of the energy group, he vaguely knew the Black Dragon True Spirit The direction of the escape string is the passage barrier felt by the energy group, and it is also the purpose of his burning of the black dragon. That is to say, now he can find the barrier by following the black dragon without burning.

Wang Sheng flicked his fingers, causing the speed of the world's fire to fall, and the Black Dragon was already a bit panicked, perhaps because he lost his body, he recovered more memories, and the target obviously fled towards the ancient chaotic world.

Wang Sheng became more and more curious about the origin of this black dragon. Obviously it is related to the chaotic world that has disappeared in theory, or is there a plan to prepare in the world?

It's just a time in the past, but it's a ruined time world. Even if you go to the sea to change it, you can't change the ending, unless you have really reached the third step, and no longer in this big world.

Wang Sheng followed without any hassle. The effect of that mass of energy is now small. The Black Dragon True Spirit seems to have the coordinates of the chaotic world and moves forward in that direction without deviation.

I don't know how far forward, the black dragon finally encountered the barrier, but in Wang Sheng's strange eyes, the black dragon suddenly penetrated the barrier and disappeared.

He went in like this, without receiving any obstruction, without looking for the boundary between reality and illusion, he just walked in and entered like a simple teleport.

Tiandihuo followed, but was undoubtedly blocked by the barrier.

Wang Sheng's pupils shrank, and the barrier actually disappeared. Once it disappeared, there was no guidance from the Black Dragon. Even with the guidance of the energy group, he increasingly found the barrier directly. He also needed to distinguish between reality and the past, although his original intention That's it, but since the barrier in front of him appeared, he would have to seize the opportunity.

Wang Sheng's body flashed, the passage space trembles violently, the space is dark and dark, and it is bright at the moment, but he sees that the bottle in the distance grows out of the sky. Burning this entire barrier, a figure fluttered in the fire of heaven and earth, and faintly saw that figure suddenly burst into countless punches.

It was Wang Sheng, who seemed to be a huge palace at this time, with black dots floating above his head, which added to his fluctuation and invincible defense. The palace cracked down, and the barrier that was about to disappear shook, but it was just like that, Wang Sheng actually felt that he was hitting the vacancy, there was no feeling of hitting the substance at all, and the barrier was still disappearing.

Wang Sheng snorted all over his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~The world's fire shrank outside him and turned into a fire curtain. In the fire curtain, the Admiralty wobbled, the ancient Ding suppressed, the pagoda fell and collected all things, the three combined, the palace was surging Suppressing down, such a surging force of suppression, even the barrier between the virtual and the real treasures, was also fixed at the moment.

In addition, Wang Sheng released all the breath of the third step, slammed on the palace, and the black dots waved against the palace, and even the particles were the flames of the palace, the three combined, emitting For a moment, the power of Wang Sheng was the strongest magical power that Wang Sheng bloomed. This channel began to sway. This Chengdu power never appeared even in the ancient times of chaos, because this is a powerful release that is very close to the third step. All the power.

"Open!" Wang Sheng punched again.

The sky was shaking, and finally, the barrier exuded layers of ripples, like a space opening, and Wang Sheng passed directly into the body.

At the moment of his disappearance, the passage creaked, and a series of cracks appeared directly, as if the passage was about to shatter, and countless quasi-imperial relics turned to ashes, and the barrier disappeared, and somewhere in the passage, the ancient emperor Micro-shock, "It's him!" can launch such a powerful attack, at this location, at this time, only Wang Sheng!

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