Universal Asylum

Chapter 883: Choice

() Wang Sheng is a little speechless in his heart, but it is more excitement and joy. Finding Kyushu World really let him down his mind, because Kyushu World is the beginning of everything. If Kyushu World disappears with time, Or Kyushu World is the only one. After all, Kyushu World did not exist in the past, but now, this concern can be eliminated after all.

The nodes of Kyushu World struck the minds of the several emperors present. They couldn't help but fix the Kyushu World. Only the Emperor looked at the ancient immortal punishment above him and the voice that had gradually faded, and his eyes were rare and complicated.

"Emperor fell, Kyushu reappeared, time is not for me!" Emperor Tiandi's majestic and ruthless voice sounded.

Since the world of Kyushu moved with the ancient immortal punishment, the world of Kyushu will also be hidden with the disappearance of the ancient immortal punishment. Their chance is now. At this time, the human clan in the palace community is no longer the focus of their attention. Take a look at this time, the strength of the human race is great, but the distance from them is still far away, and it is not worth their wait.

The emperor took a deep breath, but flew upwards when he was shocked, and finally fell outside the ancient immortal penalty, and also suppressed the Kyushu node. This is the only way for everyone to go to this node. The emperor's eyes are deep ahead.

"I promised to be given a chance by him!" The emperor said slowly, his eyes gradually lowered, a sharp sword appeared in his hand, the tip of the sword was trembling against the void below, and a field was also forming on the periphery.

In fact, not only him, but also the emperor knew that the ancient immortal punishment had an impact on the Kyushu world. Does the ancient immortal punishment affect the ancient immortal punishment? Since ancient times, the ancient immortal punishment has been punished against the universe. It is a way of promotion from beginning to end. Although there is still a strong danger, it is more of a ray of life. This change has caused an illusion that the ancient immortal punishment exists for the Kyushu world.

Therefore, who dares to guarantee whether the ancient immortal punishment will be affected if they try to enter the world of Kyushu, and now the human race is in it. If the ancient immortal punishment is affected, he is destined to be affected.

The emperor's realm spreads out, and even if this opportunity is wasted, it is necessary to fight for this opportunity for the back. This opportunity to become an emperor in the flesh, and the voice of the ancient immortal penalty is getting darker, but after all, there is still a movement, this is The struggling and hard work of the great human respected his junior, his grandfather must fulfill.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to raise his sword against the two emperors.

"The emperor fell, the emperor didn't want to grow into a branch, and entering Kyushu would not affect your juniors. You are worried too much." Tiandi frowned slowly.

The Divine Emperor took a step, and the wild and ancient atmosphere finally broke out unabashedly, just like an ancient existence broke free from the seal and roared to the world. At this moment, his eyes are only the world of Kyushu, and the emperor is not in his eyes. ,

Heavenly Emperor's eyes moved slightly, looking at the Divine Emperor, the Emperor finally finally lifted the sword, and in front of him, he quietly saw the tail from the beginning, and then raised his eyes, "You are a god, a **** who is downright, Do you also want to be detached? How long is your strength left until now?

There was no fear in his words. The sword light suddenly rose. Compared with the sword light of the white clothing swordsman, the brilliance and magnificence disappeared. Only the power of simplicity and unity, this power is only returned to the original by the Emperor Mirror. There is no additional field on the tip of the sword, but every part of this one has the embodiment of the field.

This sword is unremarkable, but it falls into the eyes of the quasi-imperials below. They are full of pain, unable to digest and understand this force. This is their limit, they are terrified, and they have bitterness. This is the emperor. This is the power of the emperor, and they cannot accept the connection.

"Quick away from here!" Kunlun Mangosteen retreated dignifiedly, and several quasi-empires hung at the same time as streamers disappeared. Only Zu Feng struggled, looking at the Kyushu node, he also had the brain to bear the power of the emperor, and he would not be promoted to the emperor for one day. Can't bear this coercion, even if she has a deep heritage.

She deserves to withdraw, but in this unprecedented opportunity, she does not want to retreat, she is afraid that this choice is related to her final vitality, but also that staying here will run and her ending will also change. This is how it will be in the future, Even if she knew the ending, she became hesitant and lost her heart.

She couldn't help looking left and right, trying to find the figure before, but she found nothing, only lowered her head in disappointment, her breath rising and falling, representing the hesitation and struggle in her heart.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a figure in front of her stay, and in between was a figure looking up quietly at the sky. In fact, her eyes were as plain as before, and her eyes lit up.

"I won't persuade you. This is your way. It's your own way to make any choices. I can't interfere or interfere. You just need to know a little and be firm."

Wang Sheng appeared on her side, quietly speaking, at this time he no longer needed Zu Feng's help. The reason why Zu Feng was needed at the beginning was because he wanted to catch Zu Feng's unique reality and not let him touch it. What an unknown change has happened, and now Kyushu World appears in front of this class, his purpose is achieved in this way, Zu Feng has little effect on him, but he still chooses to give her a reminder at this critical moment~www. wuxiaspot.com~Zu Feng finally couldn't help but ask: "So how do I choose, don't you know the future."

In Zu Feng's eyes, Wang Sheng's origin is inseparable from the future. There is even a guess that shocks her heart, but she dare not say a little, because there are too many things involved.

Regarding this question of Zu Feng, Wang Sheng does not know how to answer it, because in the past history, there must be no existence of his own, unless it is cut from the entire chaotic dome, otherwise there will be no effect of health. Zu Feng definitely did not have a future vitality because of his existence, but he is also not sure whether the impact he completed at this time will eventually affect Zu Feng's vitality.

One is due to his past, a fart without his past, in the past without him, how Zu Feng gained vitality, whether there is participation of Kyushu World, these are difficult to explain, so Wang Sheng does not know how to answer, only Tells her to stick to her own path, because in the past without him, Zu Feng relied on herself to ensure life.

However, combined with the current situation, Wang Sheng still thought slightly: "The chance is not to be fixed and blindly suppressed, but also to let go at a critical moment!"

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