Universal Asylum

Chapter 892: Desert monster

"Strange creatures, I can't feel your breath. You are neither a living nor a dead."

Wang Sheng’s eyes are weird. He didn’t defend against this fluctuation, because it was just similar to the transcendental level of fluctuation, which did no harm to him, and the fluctuation reached his ears. Wang Sheng also fully understood this through this fluctuation. The strange creature looks strange.

"I saw a creature similar to you ten thousand years ago." This voice looked like a thoughtful forehead, recalling the memory of the past, enough to arouse anyone's curiosity, Wang Sheng's mouth slightly raised, just the right question, "Then you I know where that creature went."

"Well, I have to think about it. Your companion is a terrific person. By the way, he seems to call himself Emperor. He once came down from the sky with you and asked me for directions." The voice said.

A strange light flashed in Wang Sheng's eyes. "He asked what way it is."

The wave shook again. This time and the previous shock formed a chain. The whole desert suddenly turned over. Wang Sheng fell under the desert. The whole world was turned upside down. He fell into a dark environment with only two huge red spots. The light moved slowly over the top of my head, and when I looked closely, I knew that the two red lights were the pupils of a monster monster, and the light in my eyes almost overflowed.

When I saw this monster, it was cold in my heart. This is this terrifying monster, dense and dense but unable to count the long and sharp to the tentacles with shining light, and the black armor of the whole body only by the dim red light. It can be seen that it looks so dark and weird, so fierce and cold.

A pair of eyes protruded as if hanging two red balls, and looked at Wang Sheng immobile, the creature in front of it was only the ants of the ants, and the long two tentacles protruded far away, constantly shaking, the collector king Sheng's message, even a ants like Wang Sheng, did not take advantage of the situation, but deliberately deceived to divert attention and wait for the opportunity.

"Strange creatures, how did you find out." The obscure wave sounded again, and in addition to the meaning reaching your heart, there was a slight sound, "You can see me."

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "Originally I couldn't see it, but now I see it clearly." He turned his words, "You haven't told me where my companion who claimed to be the emperor went, and how are you Recognize me as his companion."

Perhaps it was Wang Sheng’s calm attitude that made this fierce beast hesitant, struggling slightly in a pair of red eyes, a struggle of reason and fierceness, so that the next wave of waves has strong emotions, "Naturally is a dead end! If you If you want to know more, you might as well take a look."

The fierce beast no longer hides, red eyes shake in the dark, hissing sound comes out from underneath, the body of the fierce beast has disappeared, and a phantom is slowly appearing behind Wang Sheng’s body. In this way, the weight appeared light, the red eyes were crazy and extremely cold, and the limbs under the head almost pierced Wang Sheng's head.

The fluctuation was slowly born at this time, as if everything before was compressed until a brain burst out at this time, and there were murmurs of the fierce beast somehow.

"Your taste is not as good as that of your companion, but I seem to value you more." The emotion in this volatility is doubtful, and I don't even know how I feel like this.

Wang Sheng seemed to be undecided, instead of defending, but his eyes were bright. This murderous beast seems to be the effect of a few pieces of speed. In fact, the fierce beast compresses space and time and then forms the effect of shifting space and time.

Transferring time and space in the Kyushu world without being stunned by the mighty power of the third step, such a supernatural being Wang Sheng is surprised, could it be that its origin is in exceptional fit with this world, so it can sense and use time and space?

Wang Shengrao was interested in thinking, and at the same time knew that this big guy really had to decide himself, at least he couldn't let him go before studying his magical powers.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, "Good luck guy, you don't need to be another barbecue species in human history. You have to say it's your luck and regret, but you have so many feet, it doesn't matter if you cut them off."

Wang Sheng spoke directly. Through the long-term fluctuations, he already knew the language system that this monster might exist. He directly penetrated the sound into its ears.

The fierce beast kept moving, but there was a ray of doubt in his eyes, which seemed to wonder how this person reacted.

Everything seemed to happen slowly and quickly. When the two heavy limbs touched his brain, a dark flame erupted from Wang Sheng's body and directly greeted the fierce beast, and then completely ignited this The head beast is covered. The outer layer of the beast's body is like a black carapace. The emotional nerve of the beast has not yet reacted, but its body has moved ahead and retracted back, and then it is an extremely crazy roar. The sound was hoarse and the whole dark space was trembling.

"What the hell!"

The black flame has no contact with the fierce beasts, but is covered with a flame shell, but the temperature transmitted in this way is not resistant to the fierce beasts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The black shell of its own slowly cracks After that, countless sands flowed out, and Huang Chengcheng was like gold. This dark space was collapsing, but the black space was completely fragmented in an instant. Wang Sheng appeared again in a large desert, and this desert was crazy, every grain of sand As if I had life, I was madly evading this and shrinking toward the inside.

And in this big desert, the desert that enveloped all the particles, covered with a layer of black flame, is Wang Sheng's heaven and earth fire.

The strangeness in Wang Sheng’s eyes has never disappeared. This is the first time he has seen this kind of structured creature. It is actually such a way of existence. The desert is not its bunker but its real body, and the beasts he saw before are also Its body, but it is true that the other party used sand to form a shape, said that the most original thing, is still the entire desert, is his real body.

After being threatened by the black sky and earth fire, the involuntary body fully exposed the body. This desert is like every place where life is gone, and then it collapses into the interior. The entire desert is shrinking. This range is not weak. In a blink of an eye, it was reduced by half, and a complete black hole was leaked. It was a whole piece of black earth. It was like a black bowl holding this big desert. At this time, the desert finally contracted.

The fire of heaven and earth shrinks with the size of the desert, and always maintains the degree to which the beasts feel threatened.

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