Universal Asylum

Chapter 927: Pangu Method

"Wang Daozun won't mind it." Rulai salutes from afar.

Wang Sheng turned his head, and then waved his back robe and turned Amituo's body in that direction. He was led by Rulai and returned to the Daleiyin Temple. If Rulai disappeared, there was no movement at all. I don't know how many people were secretly disappointed. There was no chaos, nor did he see this man's style.

Wang Sheng turned his head, but still indifferent, watching Yuan Shi Tianzun, who stood on the footsteps for a long time, ridiculed the corner of his mouth, "How can the Tianzun's great prestige not be displayed like others, just look down on Wang Mou Is the so-called outsider still bullying and fearing hard, thinking that Wang is a good persimmon."

He never concealed his identity. Kyushu is a mysterious place to the universe, but the universe is not mysterious to Kyushu, because the advent of Kyushu is for the universe, and it is already contained in the universe. These top-level ones The characters are not so stupid that the universe can only recognize the origin.

Just like entering the Kyushu, you have to travel through the river of time. Without the permission of the Sanqing who controls the river of time, these cosmic emperors would never enter the Kyushu. Only they care about it, and there is no past that can’t be hidden. The existence of nature is not a secret, and Wang Sheng has no hidden meaning. What he wants is to be unscrupulous, because even if Sanqing appears, he does not think that these three can completely take him down. This is not arrogance, but rather there is Self-knowledge, with enough strength, to be careful, only suitable for those who do not believe enough, do not believe in his own strength, and Wang Sheng is clearly not the case.

So in the face of Sanqing, he simply counterattacked this way, and now it is just the beginning. Wang Sheng does not mind letting this arrogant Yuanshi Tianzun know some truths, or some realities of human relations.

Yuan Shi's eyes sank, "This Tianzun service doesn't need someone to intervene, but this is the one who doesn't invite you to act on other people's sites. I once asked the owner, but regarded me as clear as nothing."

"Don't dare!" Wang Sheng raised his footsteps, his eyes bright, "It's not good to see you, Yuanshi Tianzun, if you have any opinions, you may wish to let Wang know your knowledge."

Wang Sheng didn't wait for a reply, and then said to himself: "You took the blow before, now Wang will take a look at your limit, how many can you take."

Wang Sheng raised his palms and printed them out suddenly. The shape of a palm was not illusory, but the actual palm, compressing the air between the two, the space and everything that could be seen with the naked eye, all thought of Yuanshi Tianzun pressing, then The golden seal rolled in the air, and was forced to be suppressed by Wang Sheng before returning to the owner. It may not be damaged, but the gloss will inevitably dim.

Yuan Shi's stature was soaring, he stepped on the river of time, stretched out his fingers and held a few points on Wang Sheng's huge palm, and drank coldly in his mouth, "Come back!"

Words and methods follow, everything retreats, including the palm of the hand completely reduced to phantom dissipation, which makes Amita's inferior move is so easy to resolve in Yuanshi's eyes, Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, his eyebrows slightly I was not surprised when I picked it, and printed it again.

Yuan Shi's face was calm, and he continued to extend his fingers and jog on the palms. The palms dissipated. Yuan Shi retracted his fingers, and his face did not move, but if he looked carefully, he could show a slight tremor in his body, and the pace of progress stopped.

Wang Seng looked down at the time under his feet, the long river trembling slightly, he saw Xuan Miao, Yuan Shi was using this time to release his power, so he lightly wrote down.

"It's not bad, it's really one of the Sanqing, and its strength is unusual, but with such strength, it still makes a villain, which is more despising."

Wang Sheng’s sarcasm continued, and the means of this time changed slightly. He did not shoot himself, but the law behind him opened his mouth again, and he shouted towards the dying Tianzun, and then sent by a palm. One palm is the palm of the right hand, one palm is out, the sky falls, and has not stopped, followed by a finger of the left hand, pointing towards Yuanshi Tianzun's feet.

Three consecutive moves! Every move is enough to make Amita sleepy. These three moves can be called horror. Even the third step of the monk's appearance is boring and weak, and it consumes a lot.

Tongtian on the side had already looked slightly dark, and the swords around his waist and back were trembling slightly, and he seemed unable to suppress such a desire to shoot.

Yuan kept changing his complexion, his chest bulged, his mouth opened, and he spit out a breath. After this breath was spit out, the surrounding world changed, no longer a piece of destruction, but a vitality, then It was only in this vitality that there appeared a huge figure that covered the sky and sun, and who should not be able to see clearly. But the breath is in the same vein as the original Heavenly Venerable, and the terror breath that appears is enough to shake the world.

Wang Sheng was startled, he felt a familiar taste from this breath, "Pangu!"

That’s right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the figure and breath of Pangu. In the myth and legend, one gasification and three clearness, there are real and virtual, at least the original Tianzun at the moment painted a oh Pangu, even though it is only a virtual image However, Wang Sheng feels that his face is extraordinarily dignified and even weird. "The third step of Pangu?"

Tongtian's color changed slightly, "Is the pressure to this point!"

Was Brother Tian, ​​the original Tianzun, oppressed to this point! His eyes were fiery, and the belligerent emotion in his heart was almost irrepressible.

As soon as this Pangu figure appeared, he stepped forward, and in the depths a pair of big hands slammed into one palm and one finger, as for the power of the roar that fell on the Fa, but only let the figure slightly shake, it would have no effect, under his hands One palm collapsed and one finger disappeared. The law behind Wang Seng raised his head slightly. It seemed that he saw Pangu's body through the mists. There was no fear in his eyes, only calmness and calmness. The figure of the law.

The figure of Wang Seng stood there, and was extremely weak in front of the Pan Gu Fa phase. After the Pan Gu Fa phase smashed those two moves, he did not stop. Instead, he waved his fists and fell towards the prosperity. He would see Wang Sheng o39; small Xiao o39;'s figure shattered into slag, but a black spot suddenly wrapped up Wang Sheng.

So in everyone's slightly dignified eyes, he saw the pair of fists that smashed the horrific attack of giant palms and fingers on the black dots, but only set off a wave of fluctuations. Affected, the body win under the black spot has not changed.

"What a powerful defense!" This is what people in the eyes of either the bright or the dark watch.

Yuan Shi's face was cold and cold, and his hands were sealed again, and the huge Fa-phase attacked even more and more powerfully!

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