Universal Asylum

Chapter 969: Shady

Faced with such a force, Wang Sheng is still a great magical force in space blockade.

The blockade of space, like a dense network of scattered nets, completely envelops the black dots and the aftermath of the power of the white explosion, and then the net is exhausted.

Then in the black hole Daogu, Wang Sheng’s true spirit suddenly turned into a giant that covered the sky, my eyes were mysterious and ruthless, and then a finger was pointed out straight out, the straight point was in the white before the space was blocked. The tide is still above the black dots.

There is nothing in front of this finger, which combines the height of Wang Sheng's standing in the past and the current understanding. This finger is a real divine finger. If the ancient ancestor of the ancient world created the finger of the ancient god, seeing this time One finger, when you look back, is amazing, because this finger is very close to the one pointed out by the horrible creature he saw at the time, beyond the **** of the ancient god's one finger, beyond the level, just the level of It is to step on that level. Although the strength of the show is slightly worse, there is no doubt that the mood of this trick has been reached.

Under one finger, the first thing that shattered was Wang Sheng’s space seal supernatural power, then the white wave aftermath, completely disappeared, and finally the black spot was suddenly hit, and the result was that even Wang Shengdu was slightly shocked, because the black dot exploded completely, but it was not the feeling of destruction, but it was like a doppelganger, turned into countless system bodies, and then shot out into this dark space.

And beyond this dark space, is Wang Sheng's flesh, that is to say, these black spots are going to enter his body through the dark space? Waiting for not waiting, guessing becomes a reality, those black spots have traversed the dark space, and after being incorporated into the darkness, Wang Sheng's heart is slightly deep. There is no doubt that the flesh that has been disconnected from the true spirit is full of harshness. With countless system avatars, although I do not know what effect the parasitic with the system as a whole, but there is no doubt that it is not a good result.

Wang Sheng still reflected, he reached out a little, another kind of space seal great supernatural power played again, wrapped a large part of the black dots, just a momentary delay, but these black dots seemed to have lost their vitality, and each one lost their mobility. , And then disappeared completely.

Now, the system has finally completely disappeared from the true spirit and the influence of the true spirit. Such a result is replaced by others. At this time, it is a real victory, because the true spirit is the real core for him. But for Wang Sheng, this is just the beginning, because his physical body and true spirit are one, both are cores, and there is no other. For him, the only result may be that the system has been integrated from the beginning. Innumerable copies, fused with his body, although I don’t know the consequences, but from the point that some black spots in the previous capture lost their maneuver and disappeared completely, these avatars are simply different from the main body. As far as the system is concerned, it is the only option in desperation, and it is also a major victory for Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was quiet in his heart. Such a result was not bad. It was still a bit of a victory. However, it was always regrettable. After all, he still did not get rid of the system. However, Wang Sheng was also slightly slack in his heart. Crushing, that is to say, opposite to the front of the system, his battle intensified the momentum, so it seems that the remaining system is just a defeated soldier for survival, it is not worth Wang Sheng too much in the eyes, but just vigorously thought of the previous system The electronic sound, again dignified.

What is the so-called supreme power, and why is it now linked to that power again, whether it can be connected to that supreme power in the universe, in Kyushu, in the sea of ​​nothingness, and even in the astral world, this Where does this power come from?

How Wangsheng can't distinguish the level of this power is undoubtedly the power of that level. If this power really comes down, he can only spy on a trace of the level at present, which is unmatched.

Only the exposed corner is so vast and unfathomable, whether there are other powers on it, what is the origin of the system, what is the real mission, is it parasitic on him, is it by accident or is he really Where did the fit fit and meet the requirements of the system, Wang Seng could not be careful, after all, if there is no accident, this is the level of power that appeared from the time he first sought the Tao, and he has not discovered it until now, He couldn’t think about people. If he stepped forward step by step according to the systematic arrangement, what would be his final ending, no matter how good or bad, in general, there would be a mountain depression above his head, not him As if you are going to work in shifts, you are really getting some freedom now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ leaving only a little scabies, it won't affect you much.

After a battle, under this dark package, the slightest aftermath did not spread out. Wang Shengzheng stared at the layers of darkness, and once again returned to the question he had originally thought about, where did he come? Where are the layers of darkness? Is the pillar of source gas just a shuttle channel that sent them to this place?

And this question must be understood by Wang Sheng, because the darkness is forcibly inserted into his physical body and the true spirit, forcibly separating his true spirit from the flesh color, as if a strong thing appeared in his body. Inside, there is no doubt that this is the real hidden danger, and where Wang Sheng urgently needs to be resolved.

The thought of the small black spots scattered by the previous system easily passed through this dark sky, proving that the sky is not relying on a strong force to cover him. At least in the strong perception, knowing that the black screen cannot rely on a strong The power to break it, just do it when you think about it. Wang Sheng pointed a finger at the sky before the gathering, and a finger pointed out, and the black sky began to move with it. He didn’t wait for a finger to really approach the sky. I saw the same force rising from the sky, invisible but vast, and collided with one finger, just to break this force without causing a trace of aftermath.

There is no surprise in exuberance, the true spirit stares at the shady, and the angle of view has turned into a high angle, from this angle to the shady, but still can not see the slightest mystery, nor the slightest weirdness, but this happens to be the biggest The problem can only show that the real level of this shady beyond his imagination, is the existence he can not understand.

Wang Sheng thought of the scene created by the previous system. No matter how it was created, whether his true spirit could be combined with the flesh as long as he broke out in this way.

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