Universal Asylum

Chapter 997: return

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However, if this is not the case, Wang Sheng really values ​​it. He is interested in the origin of these three stone statues. Why did the blue wolf shape these three stone statues? He must have seen or recognized the origin of the three stone statues. Say, only that blue wolf memory can give him the answer.

Liu Yin'er stepped into it and snorted, "The three stone statues don't know that they are like the image of the evil god. They gave the wicked beast Shentong to do evil, and they should be destroyed." She said she would raise her cold sword in her hand. The three stone statues came up, but the monk raised his hand to stop her movement.

"The three stone statues have a mysterious core in them. Maybe they will pay attention to it in the door. Just put it like this. Presumably, there will be people who will come after the door to deal with it. You and I will not have to control it." Tao, walking out of Sanqingguan, Liu Yin'er hesitated and walked out of the audience. I don’t know if it was because Wangsheng saved her life or how. Her attitude towards Wangsheng has improved a lot. At least she won’t take her too much. The concept is important.

After the two walked out of the audience and even reached the top of the mountain, the sky Lao Pang landed and smiled bitterly, "Sheng'er, this child seems to have already discovered the whereabouts of the old man. There is indeed some value, which should be returned to the door, and the situation of Shenger’s child should also be told to the master." Old Pang thought about it, and then picked up the blue wolf side by side with a wave of his hand, and then more He put away the three stone statues and flew in the direction of Tianmen. As for the two children, with such strength, it is not necessary for him to follow him. If he is in danger, he can’t handle it. The elder's method will naturally come into play.

"Where is the next task, lead the way!" Wang Sheng casually walked behind Liu Yin'er, and said lazily, but Liu Yiner snorted, and then ran out of the cold sword magic weapon in his hand, turning into Feijian Yu The sword flew, Wang Sheng stepped into the air, and the flying sword behind him also appeared at his feet, taking him step by step to rise to the sky.

Wang Sheng is thoughtful. He is accepting the memory of the blue wolf. With the existence of the blue wolf's soul, he can know everything. He saw a clear history of growth and saw the blue wolf fighting from an ordinary little wolf city. When he was an adult, he accidentally swallowed a wild fruit, and then a wonderful change took place, becoming a blue wolf demon.

After becoming a demon, this blue wolf suddenly became the overlord of the mountain range, or the fruit was too domineering, the blue wolf rampaged, swallowed all the mountain spirit monsters, and gradually refined the body, and eventually became a A big demon on the top of the foundation, and just then, the second turning point in his life came.

That day, on the top of the mountain, he saw several blue lights passing through the sky, and disappeared without a trace, and fell to an endless place. Somehow, he saw one of the blue lights. There are three figures in the light. I don’t know why he carved three stone statues with the stone on the top of the mountain as if he were possessed. These three stone statues are the same as the previous Sanqing stone statues. This continued for a long time, and even formed a habit. Even if the feeling of possessiveness disappeared, he also had the habit of worshipping. At first, he was alone, and then he worshipped the beasts and spirits. Over time, these three stone statues gradually gave birth to spirituality, and even one day in response to his prayers, he can be attached.

The blue wolf naturally rejoiced. In the following years, in just a few decades, he successfully advanced to the Fa phase and condensed the two-eye Shentong, which is also considered to be a natural Shentong to take things. The stone statue was moved into Taoist temple, and it must be carried wherever you go. It is also named after the name in memory, Sanqingguan!

Wang Sheng looked inexplicable after reading his memory. All this was too simple, too ordinary, and made him almost doubt whether it was the Sanqing in his memory. If it was really a powerful Sanqing, let alone worship, Just seeing its existence will instantly lose its shape, because its real body is not acceptable to such monsters, and even Taoists who have not reached the detachment level cannot look directly, unless they deliberately hide, but from the blue wolf’s memory, see There is nothing hidden in it, and in the memory, Wang Sheng and Qin Chu saw the figure in the blue light, which is 90% similar to the stone statue carved by the blue wolf demon. It must be said that it is a strange thing.

Wang Sheng thought about it, it seemed that Sanqing would only match the name of Sanqingguan, and the rest of the nap could not match Sanqing’s reputation and strength, nor was it something that his personality could correspond to, no matter what Wang Sheng was disappointed in his heart. Such Sanqing was obviously not the one he was looking for.

Wang Sheng also recovered his wandering fright, followed Liu Yin'er around, sitting on tasks one by one, without any accidents. These tasks are basically the tasks that Tianmen deliberately arranged for them, and naturally will not exceed their level. Even if there were some accidents, Wang Sheng secretly helped to solve it. During the period, Liu Yin'er's feelings about Wang Sheng changed once, perhaps to admit his strength, and the kind of emotional book that was born from urination has changed. , Also not so cold to Wang Sheng.

In the process of completing the task in this way, Liu Yin'er successfully broke through in one day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and became a dharma monk, whose dynamics and turbulence were unpredictable. The vastness is like the Tianhe River, but it is completely frozen, and the moment the Dharma is displayed will freeze the Tainan land around it.

Such a sudden breakthrough also caused some turmoil, and even secretly had a avenue level demon repair, but when Wang Sheng was about to go out to search, the big elder suddenly appeared, fighting this big demon, and quickly expelling it After that, it was even more difficult to hide the figure before falling into prosperity.

"This experience is enough, you should settle down again, Sheng'er, Yin'er has now condensed the Fa, but this is her magical magic, you should not be impatient, or step into the more steadfast." The elders obviously Afraid of Wang Sheng's unbalanced state of mind, Wen said at this time.

Wang Sheng nodded and crossed his knees to meditate on his side, which is also how he responded to outsiders.

Liu Yin'er succeeded in condensing the Fa phase, but later was less powerful, and was taken away by the elders and returned to Tianmen.

"Several years later, Daomen is about to start a ten-door gathering, and the door has decided to send you over. In the past few years, you have digested this experience and you will no longer face the usual demon cultivation and suffering. It’s a truly peerless genius."

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