Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 104 Zulong talks about Hunyuan, Hongjun refuses to obey the will of heaven

"Everyone, get out of the Four Seas, otherwise, you will fall here!" The face of the Ancestral Dragon, who had recovered from his injuries, changed immediately, and his eyes stared fiercely at the innate saints above the infinite sea.

Hongjun was not surprised by the sudden change of face of the Ancestral Dragon. What surprised him was why the Heavenly Dao gave infinite merits and gave a share to the dragon clan. Was it saying that the dragon clan should also prosper? !

But the dragon clan had committed boundless killings, why was it still like this!

Hongjun was puzzled, but he didn't have time to think too much, because the Ancestral Dragon had already changed his face at this time. There were tens of thousands of Daluo perfect dragons, plus the Ancestral Dragon and the four dragon kings, five of whom were as powerful as them and Daluo Jinxian. They would definitely not fight with them.

It's not that they can't win, but after winning, there will be heavy casualties. Even Hongjun can't have the confidence to completely preserve himself, not to mention the innate saints who are already a mess.

Those innate saints came here to force the dragons to retreat, not to fight to the death with the dragons.

In the void.

"Hehe! All the divine sources I have stored are finally useful!" Ye Xuan laughed and looked at Hongjun who was puzzled below.

Who said that those who committed murder can't have merits? !

What Ye Xuan wants is an existence that can promote the development of the prehistoric world, not rewarding good and punishing evil. Besides, what is good? What is evil?

Good and evil are inherently opposite, not to mention that Ye Xuan, a high-ranking creator god, would not discuss these things.

Those who promote the development of the prehistoric world should be rewarded, and those who destroy the development of the prehistoric world should be destroyed.

It's that simple.

It seems that after the prehistoric world suffered such a catastrophe, all things withered, and there was not a single creature left among all the races, but in fact it greatly promoted the upper limit of these creatures' progress.

Just like Zulong and Hongjun at this time, they have already touched the true meaning of the Hunyuan realm. Those who know the true meaning of Hunyuan will never forget Hunyuan for the rest of their lives.

As Ye Xuan poured the divine source into it, the prehistoric world expanded again, and the originally extremely broad world became higher and wider again.

The expansion continued, and the creatures in the prehistoric world also felt the changes in the prehistoric world.

Although the divine source is very good, it cannot be poured into the creatures like a sudden enlightenment. If so, Ye Xuan would be invincible soon if he directly piled all the resources on a creature.

The essence of the divine source can only improve the foundation of the world. When the foundation of the world reaches a certain level, it can improve the upper limit of the world and make the creatures in the world stronger.

The reason why Hongjun and other innate saints became stronger after this battle was not entirely due to the merit golden light, but mainly due to their own foundation.

The merit golden light cannot increase the upper limit of the creatures, but can only quickly fill the upper limit of the creatures.

Just like Hongjun, the cultivation level that Hongjun can achieve is the current realm, and the golden light of merit saved Hongjun from countless years of hard practice, allowing him to reach this realm instantly.

The same is true for Zulong. After a great battle, his upper limit and foundation were improved, so he also touched the true meaning of Hunyuan in an instant.

In the prehistoric world.

The innate saints scattered.

Zulong looked at the tens of thousands of Daluo surrounding the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and the four dragon kings who followed him into the new world.

"I saw Hunyuan in the infinite. The so-called Hunyuan is the eternal and free person in all time and space. You should be quiet in your body, improve your cultivation, surpass Daluo as soon as possible, reach the true realm, and see Hunyuan. In this way, my dragon clan can stand proudly in the prehistoric world."

Zulong said, his voice was like thunder, roaring out.

"Hunyuan?!" Zhulong asked puzzled.

Zhulong holds a natural barrier in his mouth, and his strength is terrifying. In the Longhan Calamity, he fought against Shiqi alone and killed him. His strength can be called the first dragon under Zulong.

But at this time, Zhulong did not know what Hunyuan was.

"Yes, only when you reach Hunyuan can you be a real strong man. All the previous struggles are just passing clouds. Only Hunyuan is eternal! We should not cause trouble again, concentrate on cultivation, and step into Hunyuan to get through!" Zulong nodded, and his eyes swept over the endless dragon clan, making them feel frightened and dare not disobey Zulong's words.

"I will obey your majesty's order!!!"

The four dragon kings took the lead, tens of thousands of Daluo dragons bowed, and the endless dragon soldiers bowed their heads and worshiped together.

Afterwards, Bingyi felt the powerful force in his body and asked in confusion: "Your Majesty, I feel that my strength is far beyond the Daluo Perfection in the past, but I don't know how far away from the Hunyuan realm that Your Majesty said. What should this realm be called?"

"Well... Although this realm is still not Hunyuan, its strength is far beyond Daluo Perfection and is very close to the Hunyuan realm. It is better to call it Hunyuan Jinxian, and the real Hunyuan realm will be called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to distinguish it." Zulong's eyes flashed, and a name appeared in his mind, and he immediately said it.

"Hunyuan Jinxian..." Bingyi muttered to himself. He felt that he could beat ten of his previous selves!

Such a huge gap is really hard to call him Daluo Jinxian.


In Zixiao Palace.

"Damn it! Heaven is unfair!!!"

Ancestor Hongjun roared in Zixiao Palace. Everything was going as he thought, but at the end, the dragon clan actually got merit.

In this case, if the dragon race dominates the prehistoric world again, how should they stop it?

"Forget it, first condense the true self in the endless prehistoric world, and then try to carry the Hunyuan Dao Fruit!" Ancestor Hongjun sighed suddenly, and then sat cross-legged.

On his body, the infinite rhyme of Taoism was manifested, sometimes flowing, sometimes stagnant.

In addition, Zulong also began to comprehend the realm of Hunyuan in seclusion.

This battle made Zulong know that without Hunyuan, everything is false. No matter how talented or how well he cultivated, he would eventually die.

Haven't you seen how rampant the Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang were in the past? They occupied one third of the prehistoric world, but they could not escape the fall in the end.

Mount Xumi.

A black-clothed man quietly absorbed the golden light of merit and broke through to the perfect realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Hongjun, Hongjun! I know that in this prehistoric world, not only one person knows the true meaning of Hunyuan!" Luohou's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. Since he promoted the war between the three tribes, he has been hiding and calculating everything in secret.

Luohou discovered that in this prehistoric world, in addition to him, there was someone else who promoted the war between the three tribes. After countless speculations, he finally determined that the person was Hongjun.

"I can sense how to enter the Hunyuan realm, I believe you already know it now!" Luo Hou's eyes showed a hint of fighting spirit.

In the endless prehistoric world, there is only one Dao fruit, and only by carrying that Dao fruit can one enter the Hunyuan realm.

And if Hongjun carries the Hunyuan Dao fruit first, even if he enters the Hunyuan realm afterwards, he will still be defeated when facing Hongjun who has the Hunyuan Dao fruit.

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