Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 106 The Great Dao, the Battle between Immortals and Demons

No innate saint can refuse the realm of Hunyuan, including the ancestors of Yin and Yang.

After feeling Hongjun's aura, Patriarch Yin Yang frowned, not knowing what to do.

"I can't be left too far and go into seclusion. If I don't enter the realm of Hunyuan, I won't be born!"

The west side of the Kunlun Mountains.

"Is this the realm of Hunyuan?" Queen Mother Xi murmured to herself.

She clearly had the aura of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal on her body, but just like the ancestors of Yin and Yang, she failed to realize the true meaning of the Hunyuan.

Although she learned about the power of the Hunyuan Realm from Hongjun, only then could she truly realize the profoundness of the Hunyuan Realm.

Kunlun Mountains to the east.

A man with a body and a snake's tail looked at the woman with a body and a snake's tail and said, "Nu Wa, this is a person with great supernatural powers. From now on, you and I should step into this realm!"

"Yeah!" Nuwa nodded, looked at her brother Fuxi and said.

One of them is the pole of yang, the other is the pole of yin.

Yin and Yang are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and all things are endless. Therefore, the two of them were born together. Just by staying together, their cultivation level will rise rapidly. Whenever their souls merge, it will be of great benefit to their cultivation level.

Although the two of them don't know what realm this is, they also know that this realm must be far away, and they can't help but yearn for it in their hearts.

Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

"We are transformed by the Father God Yuanshen, and we should be Pangu Zongzong, so we should enter this realm!" Yuanshi said with his eyes focused.

What Yuanshi manifested was a middle-aged appearance, not angry but powerful, and his strength was the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian.

"These innate saints just stepped into this realm one step ahead of us. If we are given time, we may not be able to catch up with them!" These were the words left by Tongtian.

Tongtian looks like a young man, with the most free and easy personality. His sharp eyebrows and starry eyes can be seen at a glance, and his heroic spirit is obvious at a glance. His determination to make progress is extremely sharp.

"As it is!" the Supreme Being said with a smile.

The Supreme One has an old appearance, is amiable, and has the charm of Taoism and kindness, which makes people feel friendly in their hearts.

The Three Pure Ones are all prosperous, the one is damaged and the other is damaged. Their cultivation levels are all at the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian, and the difference is insignificant.

above the sun.

"Second brother, little sister, the three clans have come to an end. We should comply with the destiny, establish the supreme heaven, control the four seas and the wilderness, and enter this supreme realm." Emperor Jun's eyes were filled with blazing fire. , I was extremely happy.

"Brother, if you have this intention, I will do my best to help you!"

Taiyi is surrounded by the Chaos Bell, and his eyes show infinite dominance. Standing here alone makes people intimidated and dare not approach.

"Young sister should do the same." Xihe beamed, obviously supporting Emperor Jun's wishes.

Although Xihe's cultivation level is the lowest, he still has the perfect cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian at this time.

It's just that because the accompanying treasure is only a measly Sun Essence Chakra, and the way he has cultivated is not good at conquering, his combat power is the lowest among the three.

Tai has been the supreme overlord since he was born. He is surrounded by tyranny, controls the majesty of the sun, and is accompanied by the innate treasure Chaos Bell. His combat power is the most tyrannical, and he is the most powerful among the three.

Di Jun has the highest level of cultivation. Although he is not as good at conquering as Taiyi, his combat power cannot be underestimated. With the two innate spiritual treasures of Hetu and Luoshu accompanying him, he is extremely powerful.

In Pangu Palace.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches do not have access to the soul and focus on the physical body, and their danger warning is not as sacred as other innate ones, there are many great ways, and all of them can be realized.

At this time, all the twelve ancestral witches also sensed the breaths coming from Hongjun and Luo Hu.

"We, twelve brothers and sisters, must behave like this in the future!" Di Jiang said, his eyes showing endless fighting intent.

The other eleven ancestral witches all nodded. They were transformed by the blood of Father God. They should fight against all living creatures in the world, suppress the world with their supreme divine power, and protect the world left by Father God.

At this time, countless innate saints transformed by Pangu are waiting for the end of this battle to enter the wilderness and start their own legends.

At this time, in the wild west, because Hongjun took the lead and headed towards Luohu, the battlefield of this battle was in the west, but it was not very far away from Buzhou Mountain in the Kunlun Mountains, the center of the world.

A ray of black energy descended from the black energy that spread across the sky, fell in mid-air, and turned into a black-clothed Taoist.

The black-clothed Taoist appeared in surprise, and the black energy in the sky suddenly surged towards him crazily.

"Luo Hu!" Hongjun said in one breath, breaking away from this destined enemy, and light flashed out from his eyes.


Luo Hu looked at the sanctimonious Hongjun in front of him jokingly. Thinking of his various behaviors, he immediately laughed out loud and said: "In the past, before the war between the three clans of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin, I used to fish in troubled waters, sow discord, and stir up trouble among the three clans. , I found that there is a person who behaves differently to me, and it must be you! "

Hongjun's expression changed, and he thought to himself that what he had done was finally discovered.

"Haha, so what?"

"Hahahaha, why are you so generous today?" Luo Huo looked at Hongjun jokingly. Hongjun was the most sanctimonious and hypocritical. He pretended to be a gentleman every day in front of the prehistoric innate god, which had long made Luo Hui unhappy. .

"Because only one of you and me can survive today, and I have great faith in my own strength, so what if I admit it? Anyway, this place has been blocked by me for a long time. The words that come out of my mouth will enter your mouth No one else knows about it." Hongjun looked at Luo Hu with a smile and said what he was thinking openly.

"Hmph! I have also cultivated my true self in the endless wilderness and entered the realm of supreme primordial chaos. How dare I say such arrogant words?!" Luohou waved his sleeves and said coldly.

"It is useless to talk more. We will know after a fight!" Hongjun was unwilling to waste his words. Thinking that the primordial Dao fruit was within reach, he felt impatient.

Although the innate saints were all transformed by the thoughts of the gods and demons of the Great Dao combined with the things in the wilderness, there was no difference between them.

However, in fact, there were differences in cultivation. For example, Hongjun and Luohou were top-level innate saints. They walked ahead of the other innate saints step by step, one step faster and one step faster. If there were no accidents, they would sooner or later be ahead of the other innate saints forever.

However, the Great Dao was supreme and fair. Let these innate saints be born first, and let the innate saints transformed by Pangu be born later. Naturally, the innate saints of later generations would give them a chance to catch up with the former.

And this opportunity is the current battle between immortals and demons.

"The Hunyuan should be free and carefree. Today's battle will give birth to such a Hunyuan!" Infinite desires appeared in Luohou's heart, and his body turned into endless black gas. In the place filled with black gas, all living beings were invaded by desire and fell into the devil's way.

In the void.

"The good devil's way was played like this by this guy, just like the later Buddhism, bewitching people's hearts, so lowly, how can such a person be called the devil's ancestor!" Ye Xuan looked at this scene and shook his head.

The reason why the devil's name in the later generations is so unpleasant is probably because of the bad example set by the devil's ancestor Luohou in front of him.

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