Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 12 A first-level evil spirit? Destroy it with one word!

After the Creator God exposed himself, he could clearly guide the development of the creatures in the Kingdom of God. This undoubtedly had a huge advantage in the early stage and could quickly develop his own Kingdom of God.

But this also had a flaw, that is, it would destroy the autonomy of the creatures. This kind of cultivation method would definitely cause the creatures in the Kingdom of God to become dependent on the Creator God, which was not conducive to future development.

Therefore, Ye Xuan chose to let them develop independently, and he could only guide them in secret at most, so as not to let this world go to the legendary prehistoric destruction.

Sitting on the chaos of three thousand avenues, after opening up the prehistoric world, it should not fall as the legend in the previous world, and he would certainly prevent this from happening, but he would not appear openly, but guide the prehistoric creatures, constantly open up new realms, and let them practice step by step.

The creatures should not be consumed in internal fighting, resulting in the death and injury of the cultivators with high cultivation in the world.

There are countless worlds in this world, and there are also wars in the Kingdom of God. The creatures in the prehistoric world should focus on that, rather than internal consumption.

Therefore, Ye Xuan was unwilling to expose his existence without any benefit. His implication was also very clear, that is, to ask for benefits.

"Forget it, just consider it as a subsidy for you. You stinky boy, even I dare to blackmail you. As long as you quickly kill those evil spirits, I will give you five extra divine sources!"

Zhang Yuanwu was helpless. Facing Ye Xuan's request for benefits, if it weren't for the other party's extraordinary talent, how could he care about him? Just treat the world as a tie and throw the reward to the other party.

"Okay, thank you, principal! In order not to let your hard work go to waste, I decided to take a huge risk to guide the gods and demons!"

When he heard that there was a benefit to be taken, Ye Xuan stood up straight, saluted, and said with righteousness.

Zhang Yuanwu: "..."

Ye Xuan's mind moved slightly.


A message came from the Creation Green Lotus, which roughly meant that he hated the invasion of those evil spirits.


The Creation God and Demon, who had been comprehending the Dao contained in the Creation Green Lotus, opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

If the Dao is not pleased, I will destroy it!

Although the original evil spirits had an evil aura, they were too weak in the eyes of the Chaos God and Demon!

This weakness did not come from the weakness of strength, but from the weakness of realm and origin!

Chaos God and Demon are the incarnation of the Dao. In a sense, they are the manifestation of the Dao itself in the world!

The Dao is immortal, and the gods and demons are immortal!

Although those evil spirits have the power that can rival the Creation God, they seem so weak and helpless when facing the Dao God and Demon.

Yes, helpless.

Let alone facing the Chaos God and Demon, they now have no ability to move in the chaos!

Chaos is full of chaotic rules, space is not visible, and time is not transformed.

And creatures of their level cannot touch the laws of space at all, and cannot walk in the chaos at all.

Although the Creation God and Demon had no interest in them, since the Creation Dao expressed displeasure, as the Creation God and Demon, it would naturally destroy them for it.

In front of the hundreds of evil spirits, a figure appeared.

It was an extremely tall body. These evil spirits were like ants in front of him and could be crushed to death at any time.

"Is this the evil spirit? How could such a weak creature be born in the chaos?!" The Creation God and Demon looked at the evil spirits under his feet and said curiously.

Although he had no interest in this kind of creature, he was somewhat interested in how they were born.

The first-level evil spirit was furious and said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Creation! How could you be born in the chaos?!" After the Creation God and Demon heard the words of the evil spirit, although the language was different, as the incarnation of the Dao, he could naturally understand the words of all the creatures in the heavens.

However, it was a pity that the first-level evil spirit could not understand his Dao language at all. Not only could he not understand it, he simply could not hear it!

The class difference between the two is too great. Although they are both first-level creatures, their actual levels are very different. The evil spirit can't even hear what the Creator God and Demon said.

"Forget it, I will grant you destruction!"

The Creator God and Demon were still in a hurry to go back to comprehend the Great Dao, whispering.


The chaos in front of him shook instantly, and a powerful force came out from the Creator God and Demon, annihilating everything in front of him.

The hundreds of evil spirits disappeared with this sound, and even the body of the first-level late evil spirit began to disintegrate until it disappeared.

Outside the chaos, in the observation room.

"How is this possible?!"

Su Xue exclaimed.

One sentence!

Just one sentence!

The creature with the strength of the first-level initial stage did not move anything, but just said one sentence, and all the evil spirits actually fell! ! !

In this situation, even if Zhang Yuanwu had lived for thousands of years, he had never seen this scene before!

He has taught more than a million students, but he has never seen a creature like the creature in the world created by Ye Xuan who can kill the evil spirit of the same level with just one word!

No! That is not the same level!

That evil spirit is even more powerful than the gods of the kingdom of God! The late stage of the first level fought against the early stage of the first level, and was killed by just one sentence!

In addition to the shock in the observation room.

Li Dong and Zhou Xingchao, who were standing next to Ye Xuan on the playground, couldn't help but stare at Ye Xuan with dry mouths.

Not only them, all the students who were watching the big screen at this time felt dry mouth!

The strength of evil spirits is also divided according to the strength of the God of Creation.

And the strength of the God of Creation is actually calculated according to the sum of the strength of all creatures in the kingdom of God!

In other words, even if they are in the same realm, the God of Creation can crush the world of creatures in the kingdom of God, because all the things that the creatures in the kingdom of God know, the God of Creation will also learn!

This means that the strength of a first-level evil spirit is actually far greater than that of a first-level creature in the kingdom of God, even if they are in the same realm.

Of course, even the God of Creation will have strong and weak points, which is also because of the difference in strength between the God of Creation and the kingdom of God.

And the first-level evil spirit that Zhou Xingchao encountered was just a weak one, and it was directly GG under the siege of the three messengers.

The first-level evil spirit that Li Dong encountered was an ordinary one. Not only was his cultivation level in the middle stage, but it was also equivalent to the middle-level combat power of the first-level Creation God. Fortunately, the Human Emperor could gather the power of faith and reach the late stage of the first stage in one fell swoop. With the blessing of the power of the entire world, he was able to kill the first-level evil spirit alive.

Even so, the first-level evil spirit was constantly resurrected. If the evil spirit encountered Zhou Xingchao's world, I'm afraid Zhou Xingchao would not be able to laugh now...

But none of the evil spirits they encountered were stronger than Ye Xuan's evil spirit!

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