Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 143: Changes in the Great Desolation, Watching the Heavenly Palace

Ye Xuan did not adjust the progress of the prehistoric world too fast. After a week, only ten thousand years had passed in the prehistoric world.

As the foundation of the prehistoric world became deeper and deeper, even if his cultivation was constantly getting stronger, the prehistoric world was too powerful now, so it was impossible for him to maintain the time flow rate of one yuan per day.

Even if it was ten thousand years per day, he could clearly feel the crazy loss of divine power in his body.

And this does not mean that Ye Xuan could not achieve a higher time flow rate with the improvement of the kingdom of God, but because Ye Xuan's strength did not keep up with the speed of the prehistoric world's foundation improvement. If he broke through to the fourth-level creation god, he would naturally be able to adjust to the level of one yuan per day.

In the prehistoric world.

"Ten thousand years have passed, please enter the heaven to witness the birth of the heaven!"

The words of Emperor Jun spread to most of the prehistoric world, and countless creatures heard this voice, plus all the creatures had heard the birth of ten thousand years in the heaven before.

During this week, there were many more people who had achieved the state of Hunyuan in the prehistoric world.

Nuwa and Yinyang Patriarchs in Kunlun Mountains also broke through to the state of Hunyuan True Self, Xihe on the Sun also successfully broke through, and Changxi and Wangshu on the Moon also broke through.

There were also Patriarchs Yangmei, Shichen, and Wuxing who were born in ancient times and also broke through to the state of Hunyuan True Self.

There was also Patriarch Tianji in the west who also broke through to the state of Hunyuan.

Even the twelve witch ancestors in Pangu Hall had three people who had entered the state of Hunyuan True Self, namely the eldest Emperor Jiang, the second Zhu Jiuyin, and the twelfth Houtu.

Each of these innate saints who achieved the state of Hunyuan was truly gifted. It took a great step to move from Daluo Jinxian to the state of Hunyuan, and they successfully stepped into it.

Of course, strictly speaking, the existence of Hunyuan Zhenwo is only half a step into Hunyuan, not the real Hunyuan, but it is still much stronger than Daluo Jinxian.

There are more and more people in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, and the blockade of Hunyuan realm is also broken. Now in the prehistoric world, everyone knows the idea of ​​Hunyuan, but it does not mean that they have really realized the true meaning of Hunyuan.

They just know that there is a realm of Hunyuan above Daluo Jinxian, that's all.

But just this point is enough. How the prehistoric spirits praised Hongjun in the past, how they despised him now.

The name of Daozu, even those guests in Zixiao Palace, has not been mentioned again.

However, the endless creatures did not dare to really scold Hongjun by name, and only dared to replace the immortal ancestor with Hongjun. By scolding the immortal ancestor, the immortal sect has also fallen into an existence despised by everyone.

Those quasi-saints who cut themselves with a knife in the past fled to the boundless starry sky to seek the help of the Taoist of Stars, but after receiving the negative answer from the Taoist of Stars, they lost hope and lived a life of drunkenness and dreaming all day long.

And of Hongjun's original six disciples, except Yuanshi, the other five still recognized Hongjun as their teacher. There was no other way for them to go. Since the way of Hunyuan was hopeless, they had to find a fruit position that was safe and sound for countless calamities.

So, they all endured humiliation and chose to be under Hongjun's seat.

Having said that, in fact, none of the five disciples were loyal to Hongjun, but Hongjun didn't care what they thought, they were just a group of abandoned children.

Among them, Jieyin and Zhunti were Hongjun's disciples on the surface, but they actually wanted to become saints quickly, and then go back to the West until the time came. Maybe they would have the opportunity to enter Hunyuan again in the future.

Hongyun was completely uninterested in the Great Dao. Since the Great Dao was hopeless, he would no longer do foolish things, but walk in the boundless wilderness and the endless heavens.

He preached the great principles in the wilderness and the heavens under the guise of saints.

As for Kunpeng and Minghe, they were completely bewitched by Luohou and became Luohou's second and third disciples. On the surface, they were the most respectful to Hongjun, but in fact they were waiting for an opportunity to severely damage the Immortal Sect. When the Immortal Sect weakened, that would be the day when the Demon Sect rose.

At that time, Luohou would also return completely and grant them the method to step into the Hunyuan Dao.

They didn't know who the eldest brother was. Luohou didn't say, and they didn't dare to ask.

Above the wilderness, in the void.

"Is this the present prehistoric world? Luo Hou is still the same as always, never giving up, jumping up and down, it's rare that Hongjun's mentality didn't collapse, these two people are really worthy of the name of Immortal Ancestor and Demon Ancestor." Ye Xuan was above the prehistoric world, looking down at everything, the road of destiny appeared, and he understood everything in an instant.


Pangu Temple.

"Father God, should we go to give gifts to the demon clan?!" Di Jiang asked in a deep voice.

After all, the Heavenly Court is in the world. If we don't give them gifts for such a spectacular scene, I'm afraid other creatures will say that the witch clan can't tolerate the demon clan.

In fact, in recent years, the witch clan has expanded very rapidly with the emergence of the ancestor witch in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo.

It can be said that most of the prehistoric land has been successfully incorporated into the territory of the demon clan. Of course, there are also many powerful holy places, and the witch clan naturally did not run over without asking for favors.

And the prehistoric tribes who did not want to join the witch clan, which was completely different from themselves, also joined the demon clan one after another.

The demon clan's base camp had long been moved from the sun to the heaven. Now, the thirty-six heavens accommodated countless demons.

The witch clan almost dominated the prehistoric land, while the demon clan completely controlled the heaven. In addition, Emperor Jun and the Taoist of Stars had a close relationship, so the boundless starry sky was also a place for the demon clan to stay.

Even many star spirits joined the demon clan in the heaven.

Emperor Jun realized an extremely powerful formation from the important place of the heaven. This formation was called the Zhoutian Star Formation, which was extremely powerful and echoed the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation of the witch clan.

That was the formation passed on to the witch clan by Pangu's obsession. It could summon Pangu's true body to fight. It was the first formation in the prehistoric world, and even the Zhuxian Sword Formation could not compare to it.

"Go ahead!" Pangu Zhinian spoke slowly, his eyes seemed to have crossed the endless river of time, and he was extremely wise, as if he had seen through everything.

"I think so too! If other races see it, they will think that the witch race is afraid of the demon race!" Zhu Rong, who always had a hot temper, said hurriedly after seeing that his father agreed.

Pangu Zhinian did not speak before, but he did not dare to say anything, for fear that his elder brother Dijiang would scold him again.

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