Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 156 The forum went haywire, everyone is Shui Yan

Fu Qi: And, look at his school! Do you feel extremely shocked and incredible? !

The five major colleges are in the star field. Are they the universities dreamed of by billions...billions of students? The results of it? This great god studied in five colleges at the same time!

That's right, you are studying in five major colleges at the same time! I would like to call him the strongest! ! !

From today on, in the name of Ye Shen on behalf of Ye Xuan, it starts with me!

This comment by Fu Qi has the most likes and the most replies, because it is the first comment that reveals all the information that Ye Xuan can know. Like the previous ones, they just praise Ye Xuan for his talent. How powerful, how powerful it is was not mentioned.

Under this comment, the two most liked comments are:

Shui Bang: Reply to Fu Qi: I fought with him in the first Kingdom of God war. At that time, he was still the third-level Creation God. In his Kingdom of God, he only sent one creature and he slaughtered all my Fire Kingdom. Destroy! It was a three-legged golden crow. I don't know if it was the strongest three-legged golden crow in the legend, but it was already very strong.

Oh, by the way, my ranking did not enter the national rankings because I was too weak. I was only ranked 23,872 in the Chinese Star Territory.

This is a reply posted by Shuibang. It is the most upvoted one under Fuqi’s comments because it tells the story of the battle with Ye Xuan. Many people like to read this kind of story. Below her reply There are still countless replies.

The second article is:

Meng Yi: Well, Shuibang is talking about the first scene, so let me talk about the second scene not long ago. Yes, it was me who met Ye Xuan. I was unlucky and lucky. I was unlucky to have met him, and lucky to be able to see such a powerful existence with my own eyes.

Let's get back to the subject. In the second round, he was still a third-level creation god and had not made a breakthrough. This time, my kingdom encountered eight divine dragons. Well, I even laughed at that time that they were eight little dragons. Loach', it turned out that these eight divine dragons almost wiped out my kingdom. If I hadn't surrendered a little early...

In fact, eight divine dragons were not really used, because even my strongest ones together could not withstand the blow of one of the divine dragons... The other seven divine dragons were all just for show...

Well, I am a little better than Shuibang, but it is very limited. I am ranked 13,500th in the Chinese Star Territory.

This is Meng Yi's comment, which is more than Shuibang's, but it also expresses the same meaning, that is to say, Ye Xuan is very strong, and he was not at the fourth level when he fought him.

This means that Ye Xuan only broke through to the fourth level after the second round, and the second round happened not long ago, about half an hour or so...

Immediately, this reply exploded.

Words about Ye Xuan's awesomeness also came from various sources, and Ye Shen's name resounded throughout the forum.

After all, this is a ruthless person who has reached the tenth place in the national rankings just after entering the fourth level. It is only a matter of time before he reaches the top.

"Hey, it turns out that I just reached the tenth place in the national rankings..." Ye Xuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that no one in the fourth level could be his opponent anymore, but he didn't expect that there were nine people in this list who were better than him. Be strong.

He originally thought that the breakthrough would reach the top of the list, so he didn't look at it, but now he looks at it like this.

"It's true that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world!"

Ye Xuan said with emotion.

Shui Yan and Liu Yong looked at each other, full of questions.

This damn guy was ranked 10th when he first reached level 4. He had beaten many level 4 creation gods! You don't seem satisfied with this?

Is it normal to have to be ranked first at once? !

Also, why are there people outside the world and heaven outside the world? It should be the rest of the people who should say this, right? !

"Cow!" Liu Yong didn't know what to say, but he only said one word, and at the same time extended his thumbs with both hands and said with admiration.

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it..." Shuiyan comforted himself.

Although he told himself time and time again that he should get used to it, he was always shocked by Ye Xuan every time.

There is no way, he is too strong, I have never seen such a strong person!

Even though he was clearly prepared in his heart, he still couldn't escape being shocked in the end.

"Just get used to it..." Ye Xuan also smiled and said.

"This universe is very big, big enough to give birth to many geniuses. Only in this way, you will not be as lonely as snow on the way to the top!" Ye Xuan said with emotion.

An ancestral star is too small, so small that it is nothing in front of the three thousand stars, let alone the entire universe!

There is no doubt that the nine students in front of Ye Xuan are all invincible beings at the fourth level, and it is even possible that the one at the front can compete with the fifth-level creation god.

Although it is said that there is a world in the first level, there are still many geniuses who can transcend the level and kill the enemy. Just like Ye Xuan, those nine beings are all invincible characters in the fourth level.

They are all at the fourth level, and everyone's strength is different. The stronger the person is at the same level, the greater his potential, the greater his combat power, and the higher his future cultivation level is likely to be.

"Yeah, it's a pity that I don't have the ability to climb the peak!" Shuiyan sighed with emotion.

When he was in high school, he always thought he was a genius, thinking that the highest talent in the world was just better than him, just like Gao Long and Zhang Bin. Until he saw that there were many people in the world who were ranked higher and stronger than him, he still thought he was the best.

Until Ye Xuan came out, he knew that the best talent should be like Ye Xuan. Even if he was not the best, he was definitely a genius.

Then, when he entered the university, he finally stepped into the Da Zhou College among the five major colleges with his hard work. Only then did he really know that he was nothing.

He opened the national ranking as he wished, and when he saw that he was ranked in the early 30 million, he was shocked. He knew that he could be ranked there not because his strength was really ranked in the top 30 million among the national universities.

But because there were only 10,000 places in each star field! Adding the places in the Zuxing and the Creation Continent, he was ranked last.

If Fang Kai were ranked higher than everyone else, he didn't know where he would be pushed to.

He was the one who was blessed by the ancestral star in the mouth of the Three Thousand Star Regions.

Only when a person stands higher can he feel his own insignificance and admit his own mediocrity.

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