Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 18 Guixu Gods and Demons! Three major camps!


In the chaos.

Boom boom! ! !

The area of ​​Guixu suddenly increased by hundreds of millions of miles. The God of Creation and the God of Destruction stood in Guixu, looking at the phantom that was about to solidify, and were on guard against each other.

They themselves could not return the other party to the Great Dao, so the third God and Demon born was the object of their struggle.

If they could pull the God and Demon of Guixu into their own camp, they could destroy the other party and let this damn disgusting and contradictory God and Demon return to the Great Dao!

As the area of ​​Guixu increased, the phantom also successfully solidified. A God and Demon with a height of ten thousand feet and a lion head and a human body appeared. There were strangely curved horns on his head, but it was also the God and Demon with the closest appearance to humans at present!

"My name is Guixu!!!"

As he spoke, he also announced his existence to the chaos!

"Are all these great Dao gods and demons so domineering? Do they have to shout to prove their existence..." Ye Xuan was extremely happy as he felt that he had successfully mastered the third great Dao in his body.

But while he was happy, he couldn't help but complain about these great Dao gods and demons.

After the birth of Guixu God and Demon, Creation God and Demon immediately invited him: "Guixu God and Demon, my name is Creation God and Demon, I am the first God and Demon born in the chaos, join my camp, and fight with me against the God and Demon named Destruction!!!"

Guixu God and Demon frowned, and his thoughts became clear, and then he shook his head slightly and declined: "Daoyou Creation, I don't want to cause more trouble."

Destruction God and Demon were delighted to hear this, just being beaten by the damned Creation God and Demon. Now seeing that Creation was defeated, he was overjoyed and said: "Daoyou, my name is Destruction God and Demon, which is contrary to the great way of Creation God and Demon. If you help me return Creation to the great way, you can go anywhere in the chaos!"

Although his name is Destruction, he also knows that he cannot kill the existence of the same great way God and Demon. Not only can he not kill other great way Gods and Demons, but other great way Gods and Demons can't kill him either.

The gods and demons of the Great Dao are immortal. At most, they will be seriously injured and return to the Great Dao. However, after countless years of gestation, they will come back sooner or later.

Unless this Great Dao is erased, the gods and demons of the Great Dao will not fall.

Therefore, the gods and demons of the Great Dao are only to destroy all gods and demons that are not the Great Dao, but not to destroy the gods and demons of the Great Dao. Of course, the gods and demons named Creation must return them to the Great Dao!

"Although the chaos is great, I don't want to venture into it. I just want to watch the vicissitudes of chaos in this piece of Guixu."

The gods and demons of Guixu also declined the proposal of the gods and demons of destruction. He knew that whoever he stood with at this time would win completely, and all the gods and demons of the Great Dao in the camp of Creation would also return to the Great Dao.

Therefore, he felt that since he was born between the gods and demons of creation and destruction, he should naturally stand on the side of the neutral party to prevent either camp from completely disappearing.

Although the God of Creation has no intention to dominate the chaos, the God of Destruction has the intention, and the God of Destruction is born to be its ally with the Dao that is similar to it, such as the God of Destruction, the God of Death, the God of Demon, etc.

The God of Creation naturally has a Dao that is similar to it, such as the God of Creation, the God of Life, the God of Immortality, etc.

The alliance and hostility between the two are formed because of the similar and contradictory Dao.

Only the God of the Dao like Him who has no hostility or similar Dao can abandon the struggle between the camps, and what He has to do is to balance the strength of both sides so that all Dao friends can be born.

This is the chaotic world, and it is also the traction of the Dao!

The God of Guixu believes that the Dao gave birth to Him in advance to avoid the situation where the strength of the camps of the God of Creation and the God of Destruction tilts, causing the destruction of the other camp.

Everyone is born from the Dao and is the son of the Dao, so why must they return to the Dao!

Adhering to this belief, the God of Guixu rejected the invitation of the God of Creation and the God of Destruction.

"Okay! Since you don't want to, I won't force you!"

After leaving a sentence, the Creation God and Demon disappeared. He knew that he could not destroy the Destruction God and Demon, so he went to the thirty-sixth-grade Chaos Creation Blue Lotus. He sat cross-legged, comprehended the Great Dao, and hoped that one day he could crush the Destruction God and Demon with the Great Dao and let him return to the Great Dao.

The Destruction God and Demon snorted coldly and disappeared.

He knew that there was the Creation Blue Lotus in the chaos. It was because of that treasure that he was slightly at a disadvantage in the Great Dao battle, so he also went to find his Great Dao treasure.

"This also represents the three major camps of Chaos. One side is the Hawk Faction headed by the Destruction God and Demon, who is mainly engaged in killing, and the other is the Dove Faction headed by the Creation God and Demon, who is mainly engaged in peace. As for the Guixu God and Demon, he should be the leader of the neutral faction. He should be able to be it..."

Ye Xuan looked at the three Great Dao Gods and Demons in front of him and murmured.

To be precise, the triangle is the most stable, and it is indeed good to be divided into three camps, which can also prevent any party from being destroyed due to temporary weakness.

In the chaos, it is better to maintain a stable development trend. After all, every great god and demon is crucial to Ye Xuan.

Rather than saying that the three camps are hawks, doves, and neutrals, it is better to say that the three camps have different great ideas. The creation of gods and demons is more inclined to the fact that only gods and demons like him who are full of goodwill should exist in the chaos, rather than the malicious gods and demons who destroy gods and demons.

The Gods and Demons of Destruction believe the opposite. He believes that there only need to be gods and demons that are similar to his path in the chaos, rather than gods and demons that are contrary to his path.

As for the gods and demons of Guixu, they feel that the contradiction and mutual regeneration of the great avenues are laws. The great avenue contains all things, and the chaos is so big that it can accommodate all the gods and demons, so he feels that no matter which side they are, they should exist.

Seeing silence again in the chaos, Ye Xuan's mind moved and his consciousness returned to reality.

"Bang, bang!"

There was a knock on the door. Ye Xuan walked over, unlocked the door, and opened it.

"It's you two, come in! What do you want from me?"

Inviting the two of them to come in and sit down, Ye Xuan asked.

The visitors were none other than Li Dong and Zhou Xingchao. They both looked happy and said at the same time: "The competition for qualifications for the Tongtian Ranking will begin in three days!!"

"Tongtian Ranking? Isn't that thing designated by the principal? Why is there a competition for qualifications?" Ye Xuan frowned and asked in confusion.

Li Dong looked at Zhou Xingchao, who quickly explained: "I heard that for the sake of fairness, the principal asked all our students to start a competition. Whoever is the strongest will get this qualification!"

"Both of us know our own strength and know that it is impossible to obtain this qualification, so we came to you immediately. Only you can compete with those people in the direct promotion class!"

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