Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 19: Battle for Tongtian Qualification!

"Yes, especially that Qin Ji. I heard that he has a lot of resources from his teacher, Director Chai Yongyan, and now his strength seems to be close to that of a mid-level creation god!" Li Dong said with great envy from the side.

He and Zhou Xingchao had just gathered their divine power, and they didn't know how long it would take to ignite the divine fire and officially become the first-level creation gods. They felt that there was little hope for this kind of competition among all classes in their senior year.

However, they all know Ye Xuan's strength. The creatures born from the rules in the Kingdom of God are too shocking. If Ye Xuan goes to run for the election, there is a high probability that he will win the championship. And by then, if Ye Xuan He really soared into the sky and entered the five major colleges.

Not to mention what benefits they can get from following it, at least they can brag about it when they mention it to others in the future.

"Qin Ji? I know that kid. He and I were in the same class. You don't know how arrogant he was during the assessment, haha!" Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing when he mentioned Qin Ji.

Thinking back to the time of the examination, Qin Ji, who was so famous in the examination room, smiled contemptuously at himself after walking out of the examination room.

"There seems to be such a saying..." Li Dong smacked his lips a few times. He remembered the saying circulated in the school, saying that there were two real geniuses in a class, one went straight to the third year of high school, and the other was a pioneer. Out of the wasteland.

How to say that rumor that is not even a limerick...

He was a genius in eleven and two years of high school, and he was Qin Ji in the third year of high school;

Both theory and practice are at the top of the list, creating the name Ye Xuan in the waste world.

"What do you mean by saying that the poem is not a poem or a ballad? I don't know which person with a substandard education level created it. That is really embarrassing. But I don't blame him, after all, we are learning to create the Kingdom of God. , those who can’t become Gods of Creation will naturally go to ordinary universities to get it into their heads, and by then they will surely be able to create something better!”

Ye Xuan also thought of that poem and complained while laughing.

"Haha! Don't forget it then! It's just above the playground. Don't be late like the first time in class again!" Zhou Xingchao laughed and warned.

Then the two of them went back to their own rooms. The relationship between the two of them was undoubtedly closer to Ye Xuan, but this was normal. Although the three of them were both transfer students, there was a significant gap in their talents.

However, Ye Xuan feels good about this kind of classmates who will inform them in advance if something happens.

Three days later.

On the playground.

There were not many students entering the playground this time, only a handful of them. Qin Ji was naturally the favorite to win, and Ye Xuan, the dark horse player who emerged halfway, was also the favorite.

In addition to these two people, there are three other students in the direct promotion class, namely Xiao Yan from the fighting spirit world, Si Kangbo from the vampire world, and Jiang Tian from the zombie world.

The world potential of the three of them is relatively low, and the upper limit is much lower than that of Qin Ji's Immortal Kingdom. However, precisely because the world potential is low and their talents are relatively good, they have been Directly create extraordinary creatures and enter the direct promotion class in one fell swoop.

In fact, Qin Ji is the one who really meets the requirements for direct promotion. Therefore, at the meeting, only Director Chai Yongyan strived for the Tongtian Ranking for his students, because the other three were actually unlikely to enter provincial universities. .

In addition to these people, there are a few people from the genius class, Yao Hai, who had previously provoked Ye Xuan, and two others.

Just in time, eight people were gathered to participate, and Zhang Yuanwu's figure appeared high in the sky again on the playground.

"The qualification battle is very simple. In order to prevent the Kingdom of God between you from being destroyed, we adopt a personal battle! Don't say anything unfair, the weak are not qualified to talk about fairness!"

"Now, there are four groups of duels. The first group is Qin Ji vs. Dai Ke, the second group is Xiao Yan vs. Zou Tai, the third group is Si Kangbo vs. Yao Hai, and the fourth group is Ye Xuan vs. Liu Feng! The duels are divided into batches. , Let’s start with the first group Qin Ji!”

Zhang Yuanwu divided them into four groups based on their strength, and divided the four strongest people. As for the rest, he corresponded to them at will. Anyway, those people came here just for a formality.

And everyone had no temper. After all, it was a great gift that the principal did not choose to make an appointment directly. At least it gave them a chance to compete.

"bring it on!"

Qin Ji looked at Dai Ke with an arrogant look and said directly, as if he didn't take him into consideration at all.

And he did have that kind of strength. On his forehead, a touch of divine fire appeared out of thin air, and a wisp of immortal aura emerged from his body, shocking everyone in the world.

The aura belonging to the world of immortality spread, filling his whole body with a sense of ethereal worldliness, just like a banished immortal.

Looking at Qin Ji, who was like an immortal coming into the world, Dai Ke was shocked, and then he sighed helplessly and said: "I give up..."

His world is a world without immortals, a low-level world of immortal cultivation. Facing the world of immortality, which is obviously his superior world, he can only sigh helplessly and admit defeat.

Only those who know his world can understand this. As for others, they look at the playground with confused expressions.

"The first group, Qin Jisheng!"

As the principal's voice came out, everyone knew who won this round.

"What's going on? Is there a shady story? Why didn't we fight? Qin Ji won?" A student said angrily outside the playground.

"Fuck! There must be a shady story! You can't just play like this just because Qin Ji has a good talent, right?!"

Another student also said indignantly.

"You guys know nothing. Qin Ji's is the Immortal Kingdom, while Dai Ke's is the Immortal Kingdom. Although the strength of the two kingdoms is not much different, the rules and regulations are very different. Qin Ji is equivalent to Dai Ke's The upper world, so Dai Ke felt that there was no chance of victory, understand? "explained someone who knew the inside story.

"Oh, if you say that, doesn't that mean Daiko is cowardly? Damn!"

In the playground, Dai Ke flew out of the playground, and everyone disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Qin Ji walked to the side of the playground and gave up the center position. When he passed by Ye Xuan, he suddenly stopped and said lightly: "Don't think that just because you are so lucky, you can compare with me. , did you see it, this is my strength!”

"I admit that the creature born from the rules in your kingdom of God is very strong, but you only have one of that creature, and it is not a war with the kingdom of God now! This is a personal war! I have already ignited the divine fire and stepped into the first level. The Realm of the Creation God! And you are just a waste who has not yet ignited the divine fire!"

"The gap between you and me is like the difference between clouds and mud. One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. Those left behind by me can only see my back!!!"

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