Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 286 Human race wants a gift, Taiyi Sect Golden Crow

After all, the human race is actually under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, just like the dragon race and the witch race, which are nominally planned to be under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

It's just that they have great autonomy, and the Heavenly Court has not really taken them as subordinate institutions.

So it has always been on the surface, but in fact, it is all self-governing by each race.

After all, the power of the Emperor of Heaven is to govern the four seas, eight wildernesses, nine heavens and ten earths. No matter where it is, it is ruled by the Heavenly Court.

"Your Majesty, you need to prepare a generous gift when you go to the Heavenly Court to express the feelings of the entire human race. The Emperor of Heaven has been very kind to us humans in the past, but we have never had the opportunity to express it. Now that the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven have given birth to ten sons, it is the time for us to express our feelings."

One of the first batch of human races came out and said.

When the human race was first born, it was really surrounded by enemies. Although they were frightened by the Holy Mother and dared not move, in fact, the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven were still standing behind them.

Moreover, if there was no protection from the Emperor of Heaven, the human race would not have survived until the birth, and Nuwa would have been stopped or even killed by many sacred beings.

The Three Pure Ones and Fuxi at that time were powerless. If it were not for the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, it would be difficult to suppress the sacred beings in the heavens.

At that time, the Emperor of Heaven was trying to protect Nuwa and to make her achieve the Dao, so he suppressed the sky alone against all odds, and Donghuang Taiyi was standing by to intimidate him.

At that time, the newly born human race knew that the human race did owe the heavenly court a cause and effect, at least a big cause and effect to the Emperor of Heaven.

So in these years, the human race rarely had friction with the demon race, and if there was anything, they would turn a big thing into a small thing, and try not to conflict with them.

This is the human race, a human race that knows how to repay kindness and revenge.

Born as a human being, you should be a human being, how can you do such a thing of repaying kindness with hatred.

Now that the Emperor of Heaven has given birth to a son, and invited many great masters and representatives of forces to celebrate in Heaven, the human race will naturally not refuse, and they must prepare a generous gift, so as to live up to the Emperor of Heaven's support for the human race and not lose the face of the Holy Mother.

"It should be so, but the human race is so poor that it is difficult to even produce innate spiritual treasures. What gift can be considered a heavy gift?"

Suiren nodded, then frowned and asked.

All the civil and military officials in the court frowned. Yes, the human race was born too late after all, and it was difficult to obtain innate spiritual treasures. Although the innate spiritual treasures had erupted before, for some reason, the human race only obtained dozens of them.

What's more, the power of Heaven is so huge that Emperor Jun may not be able to appreciate the innate spiritual treasures. How could there be no innate spiritual treasures suitable for the ten princes in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Your Majesty, gifts do not have to be expensive. It is enough to express the intentions of our human race. I suggest giving a gift that is useful to the ten princes of the heavenly court, which can better show the intentions of the human race."

The Master of Humanity Cang Jie said with a smile. As one of the only two people in the Hunyuan realm of the human race, Cang Jie's words are naturally extremely important. He is the existence of the human race second only to the Emperor Suiren, and his position is still above more than 300 kings.

Those who do not enter the Hunyuan Dao Fruit are all ants.

Even these more than 300 kings are just existences that can be easily destroyed in front of Cang Jie at this time. It is reasonable for their status to be higher than them.

"Your Majesty, the words of the Master of Humanity are very reasonable, and I second it!"

"Me too!"

Afterwards, many ministers expressed their opinions, and the more than 300 kings here also agreed.

There is no way. The human race is too poor. If they have enough treasures of heaven and earth, they will be the most generous. But unfortunately, they don't have so many treasures, not even for the human race itself.

I don't know how many kings don't even have a treasure of innate spiritual treasure, let alone whether it is in line with their own path...

"The ten princes are born in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou, extremely powerful. There are so many treasures in the heavenly court. What do they lack?" Suiren frowned and asked.

Just as he said, although the ten princes were just born, they are already the peak of strength except for the most powerful group of creatures who have achieved Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Moreover, they are born rich in the world. There are countless rare treasures in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven. How can the heavenly court be so powerful without the treasures of these ten young masters?

So, for a while, Suiren didn't know what gift to give.

This gift is not to please the Emperor of Heaven in order to be lenient to the human race. This gift is to express the human race's gratitude for the help of the Emperor of Heaven in the past. Although they don't really want to use this small gift to settle this cause and effect, it is also their intention.

The starting point is completely different. Although the human race is born weak, they have a rebellious and untamed blood in their bones.

They will not be willing to submit to any living being. They will only be grateful for the favor, but will never submit. These are two different things.

For a while, the human race fell into a discussion about the gift.


At the same time, the witch clan is also the same. The witch clan does not understand the soul, does not control the spiritual treasure, and relies on a flesh body to rush around. It is difficult to find a living being that can fight with them at the same level in the prehistoric world.

Therefore, the Wu Clan has always rarely searched for innate spiritual treasures, so there are not many treasures in the Wu Clan's treasure house, but some heavenly materials and earthly treasures are beneficial to the Wu Clan's practice. Even if they are found, they are mostly used by them. Devouring and cultivating have gone away, and few are left.

At this time, the Wu clan was also very worried about what gifts to give.

Different from the prehistoric times in other time and space, although there are occasional small frictions between the forces in the prehistoric era today, they are still very harmonious on the whole. There is no conflict between these major forces, let alone any possible conflagration. It's a life-or-death situation.

Therefore, when something big happens to one force, other forces will usually go to congratulate them. If they want to hold a celebration party, everyone will be happy to attend.

Just like when the underworld was established in the past, the Emperor of Heaven even went to the place of reincarnation in person to congratulate it.

The leaders of these big forces all know each other, and they all know that conflicts cannot arise easily, otherwise it will cause great harm to both parties and will only give others an advantage.

However, the Dragon Clan, which is also a powerful force, does not have this kind of trouble. The Dragon Clan has been prosperous since ancient times and is rich all over the world. It is unknown how many heavenly materials, earthly treasures and some treasures and spiritual treasures have been plundered.

For the birth of the ten sons of the Emperor of Heaven, they had long prepared the gifts to be given. These gifts were all rare treasures in the world, and some of them had even disappeared in the ancient times.

It can be said that the only thing in the world that can rival the Heavenly Emperor's treasury is the Dragon Emperor's treasury.

Maybe the Dragon King's treasure house is even stronger...

In heaven.

After the birth of his tenth son, Emperor Jun took Xihe back to heaven to nourish him, while the tenth son stayed on the great sun to practice.

As for Taiyi, he is responsible for teaching the ten disciples how to practice.

"Although you were born in the realm of the Hunyuan True Self, you have no cultivation realm and no corresponding combat power. If you are attacked by an enemy in the wilderness, you may not be able to escape. Therefore, I will teach you today. You practice the way of war."

Although Tai's expression was as indifferent as usual, his tone was inevitably gentle at this time, and he was not as cold and ruthless as before.

Not far from him was Mrs. Yuan Mu. After the birth of the Tenth Son, the Zhoutian Star Formation above the sun also withdrew, and the ray of true power was also released. Yuan Mu The lady naturally followed in.

"Ah? Uncle, aren't we the princes of Heaven? Our father is the Emperor of the Prehistoric Heaven, our mother is the Queen of the Prehistoric Heaven, and uncle, you are the Eastern Emperor who is the leader of all emperors. Will anyone in this world dare to attack us? ?”

The seventh among the ten princes asked curiously. He was really confused at the moment.

With their background, would anyone dare to attack them?

"Yes, yes, seventh brother is right. Who dares to risk his life?" The eighth prince also nodded and said with a proud face.

Although these Golden Crows were born with high levels of cultivation and early wisdom, they were still just born at this time, and their minds were still that of children, extremely innocent.

After Taiyi heard the words, his face was as frosty as he looked at Lao Qi and Lao Ba with a cold face. They were obviously Taiyi transformed by the sun. At this time, his eyes seemed to be able to freeze the sun, they were extremely cold and icy.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little cold..."

Lao Qi murmured curiously. For a moment, his little head was puzzled. They were transformed by the sun and were three-legged golden crows. How could they feel the cold...

At this time, Lao Ba's face changed with fright, and his body was trembling a little. He quickly poked Lao Qi beside him and signaled to stop talking.

After the boss felt it from the side, he quickly spoke out to smooth things over and said: "Uncle, the seventh and eighth laos are still young and don't understand this matter. I hope you won't blame me."

"Hmph! When my brother and I were first born in the past, although our cultivation was not as good as yours now, our minds were already mature. We endured countless hardships in the ancient times to build such a legacy. Even if we both attained the incomparable He didn't dare to slack off at all when he reached the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Now that you are born with everything, you need to be vigilant at all times. Although your brother is the emperor of heaven, but just like that, there are countless gods in the world who are watching all this secretly.

There are three Buddhas of Buddhism in the west of the ancient world. They are eyeing the heaven and have enmity with us. There is an immortal ancestor outside the ancient world, and they are eager to destroy us.

In the secret, there are countless saints watching over the heaven, paying attention to the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

As the Eastern Emperor, even though I am the leader of all emperors and the honor of all emperors, I never really think that I am invincible and that no living being dares to attack, let alone you. "

Taiyi snorted coldly and said to these newly born nephews in a cold voice.

Although it was a sermon, it was indeed the fact.

"But now that the Heavenly Court is so powerful, why not take the opportunity to eliminate the Buddhist sect and wipe out the immortal sect?" Lao San on the side suddenly asked, with a fierce light in his eyes, obviously very cruel.

Taiyi's eyes lit up when he heard this, the coldness in his eyes softened a little, and he felt a little more affection in his heart. He said domineeringly: "If it were according to my wishes, if anyone dared not to surrender to the heaven, I would have led him personally. The army wiped out everything and swept the whole nine days!

But my brother is extremely broad-minded, and I am not as good as me. As the Emperor of Heaven, he should tolerate everything. As long as all creatures and spirits do not offend the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven and dare not openly offend the heaven, my brother can treat everyone equally. "

Having said this, he also said with great admiration.

Di Jun was also the only being that he admired. According to his temperament, it was impossible to do this. Not to mention being hostile to Heaven, even if there was any possibility of hostility, he simply wiped it out.

This is Taiyi, the ruthless supreme being, the ruthless ruler of the great sun, almost the exact opposite of the Emperor of Heaven.

When all the Golden Crows heard this, they all looked at Taiyi with expressions of admiration on their faces. The reason was simply that Taiyi was too domineering at this moment.

His domineering power was undoubtedly demonstrated, making all the Golden Crows admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

The eldest and the tenth admire Di Jun even more in their hearts, because they know that it is relatively easy to be like their uncle. They only need to achieve an invincible posture and establish an invincible Taoist heart, and then they can be like Taiyi. He is extremely tyrannical, dominating the whole world, and does not put any living beings or forces in his eyes.

As long as the eldest brother Di Jun did not stop him, Taiyi could personally lead the army to pacify the entire prehistoric period and completely bring the entire prehistoric period under the rule of heaven.

In addition to Taiyi's own super strength, of course there is also the extremely powerful force in heaven.

However, as the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun didn't think so. On the contrary, he often stopped Taiyi.

Otherwise, there will be so many missing creatures, so many sacred things, and so many interesting stories in this world.

"Uncle, we understand. From now on, we will definitely practice like uncle and practice warfare more diligently!"

The boss was the most sensible, so he spoke.

The rest of the Golden Crows also imitated their boss and said that they wanted to learn how to fight from Taiyi.

"From now on, I will definitely be like my uncle, so powerful that all the creatures in the world will fear me, be afraid of me, and be afraid of me!"

The third child clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

All the brothers looked at it one after another. Even Mrs. Yuanmu, who had been looking at the ten little golden crows curiously, looked at this golden crow with some surprise.

She could see that this little Golden Crow was different from other Golden Crows. This Little Golden Crow did have a domineering aura like Taiyi, and also had some talents in fighting.

As the saying goes, one is the beginning, two is strong, three is prosperous, and four begins to gradually decline, which is in line with the principle of prosperity and decline, and nine is the extreme, decline and prosperity, nine is either the weakest, or the strongest, and ten In order to achieve perfection, he can achieve the strongest status in the future.

Therefore, among the ten Golden Crows, the first achievement should be that the third prince is the most powerful, and in the later stage, either the ninth prince is at the peak or the weakest, depending on his personal destiny.

Although Lao Shi was the last to achieve success, on the contrary, he was the most powerful among the ten.

Of course, this period of time may be very long, but there is no doubt that among the ten princes in front of him, the third one has the highest talent.


When Taiyi heard this, he gave a rare smile and praised him.

What Mrs. Yuan Mu can see, he can naturally see too.

Then he continued: "Next, you guys should be careful, understand carefully, and don't be playful!"

After saying that, without waiting for the response from the Golden Crows, a rhyme came out.

That is the Tao Yun of the Avenue of War. There are not many beings in charge of the Avenue of War in the ancient world, and Taiyi is the pinnacle existence among them. Even the four monkeys in the world are not as good as him.

The Four Monkeys of Chaos are the four divine monkeys that were transformed into the remnants of the war gods and demons in the chaos of the past. Now three of them have been born, but there is still one that has not been born for a long time.

The three monkeys who were born are all highly cultivated beings. Although they have fallen into the realm of Hunyuan, they have also achieved the only true self.

The Taoist rhyme of the Avenue of War manifested, and a figure of a supreme being manifested, manifesting various fighting techniques in it, fighting each other, and interacting with each other to use magical powers.

There may be the art of fighting each other with supernatural powers, or there may be the art of physical combat.

And those Golden Crows also fell into it, and one by one fell into the practice of battle formation, and understood the ways of fighting.

Taiyi smiled slightly, waved to these nephews, and shielded them, on the one hand to prevent anyone from disturbing them, and on the other hand to prevent them from disturbing him.

The reason why he was quite indifferent to those Golden Crows before was to form a stern image in their hearts. No matter how much he loved these ten nephews in his heart, he could not show it too much.

After all, it will only make them more proud and more arrogant.

Taiyi had long seen these ten little golden crows in endless time and space. Because they were neglected in discipline and were pampered by the Emperor and Queen of Heaven, they became lawless and finally caused great trouble.

Although it was another time and space, Taiyi had also seen the shadow of arrogance among these golden crows before.

It is never ignorance and weakness that destroys a party's power, but arrogance.

When he said that he wanted them to master the combat power of the same realm as themselves, most of the Golden Crows looked indifferent, while Lao Qi and Lao Ba were directly full of disdain. It was not disdain for Taiyi, but Disdain for all sentient beings.

They firmly believed that with the existence of their father and uncle, there could be no living beings that would dare to harm them, so the two Golden Crows were extremely arrogant.

However, with some preaching in front of Taiyi's death gaze, the two Golden Crows also knew their mistakes and corrected them at least. This is also the benefit of education first.

When a creature is just born, it is easier to shape its three views. Any bad signs that appear at this stage can be corrected.

But if you wait until the other party's mind becomes more and more mature, it will be even more difficult to correct it.

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