Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 35: To create a treasure, the invasion of five divine thoughts!

Although Ye Xuan has mastered the corresponding Dao with the birth of Dao gods and demons, his depth is not very deep.

Because the Dao mastered by these gods and demons is the Dao he has obtained.

And if you want to improve your understanding of the Dao, the best way is to glimpse a trace of the true meaning of the Dao in the collision between contradictory Daos!

So as to feel the Dao! Understand the Dao!

Chaos gods and demons are the incarnation of the Dao, or the wisdom of the Dao, and they themselves represent a part of the Dao.

The Dao is unconscious, but they are conscious.

When they collide with each other, it is a kind of discussion of their own Dao.

Whether it is those Chaos gods and demons, or Ye Xuan who is now comprehending in the endless void.

Their understanding of the Dao they control is rising rapidly.

This is why the Dao gods and demons can't hold back and keep fighting.

Especially the God of War, it is even more so, fighting itself is his Dao!

Therefore, for the struggle between Dao gods and demons, Ye Xuan is happy to see it happen, unless there are casualties, otherwise he will not intervene.

These gods and demons have not yet completed their missions, and they cannot fall. If they fall, it will hinder his plan. Although it is not a big problem, it will be difficult if too many of them fall.

"Fight! Keep fighting!"

Ye Xuan looked at the scene below and cast his eyes to the other side.

The God of War put one hand behind his back and beat the God of Immortality with the other hand, and kept muttering.

"Why can't you stand the beating?! I have let you use one hand, why are you so useless?!"

The gorilla, who was ten thousand feet tall, put one hand behind his back and complained madly to the God of Immortality who could only barely support himself in front of him.

"Daoyou is the God of War, and I practice the Immortal Dao. How can I fight with you?"

The God of Immortality cried out in pain. Why didn't the damn Demon God of the Demon Dao show up? He was forced to be beaten by this gorilla.

Fortunately, the gorilla saw that he couldn't hold on any longer, so he stood up with one hand behind his back, otherwise he would have knelt down long ago. Apart from anything else, this damn gorilla still had some martial virtue.

"It's too unsatisfying, you should quickly ask others to help you, otherwise I will be serious!!!"

The God of War played for a while and found that it was not so good, and suddenly got angry and said angrily.

The God of Immortal was so scared that he trembled all over, and a lot of immortal energy was dissipated from his body. At this time, he didn't look like an immortal at all.

"Which Taoist friend can come to help me?!!"

"Don't panic, Taoist friend, I'm here to help you!!"

A voice came, it was the Star God of Demon. To be precise, he was a lower level than the God of Light, but he had characteristics that the God of Light didn't have.

As he approached, the God of Thunder, who was responsible for the hostility to him, also began to approach.

"Don't panic, fellow Daoist, I'm here to help you!!"

On the other side, another god and demon began to appear. It was the Soul God and Demon, and the Huangquan God and Demon who was fighting with him also moved closer.

In an instant, the duel turned into a three-on-three melee.

Once the melee started, the Immortal God and Demon felt that his own pressure was relieved a lot, but most of the pressure was borne by the Star God and Demon.

"Haha! Fellow Daoist Xingchen is still good! I'm here!!!"

As soon as the War God and Demon fought with the Star God and Demon, he could feel the depth and breadth of the other party's avenue. Although his combat power was not as good as his, he didn't have to worry about breaking the opponent.

The reason why he joined the disordered camp was because he wanted to provoke a fight.

He was warlike by nature but not bloodthirsty. In the disordered camp full of all kinds of negative emotions, it was easiest to provoke a war.

If he went to the orderly camp, most of those gods and demons would not take the initiative to provoke a war.

The disordered camp is different. The leader is the Destroyer God and Demon who wants to destroy everything, as well as the Death God and Demon, the Desolation God and Demon, the Killing God and Demon, and a series of warmongers.

Therefore, whenever there is a chance, when He senses that someone is dissatisfied and wants to fight the Ordered Camp, He will jump out to instigate.

But His purpose is not to really kill the gods and demons in the Ordered Camp, otherwise He would have had the opportunity to slowly kill the Immortal God and Demon, but He did not do so.

Instead, one hand fought with it, and after getting tired of it, he pretended to be furious and wanted to kill the Immortal God and Demon to attract the Star God and Demon who could serve as his meat bag.

The power of the stars is great. Although there are no stars in the chaos, it does not hinder the depth and breadth of this avenue!

Therefore, the Star God and Demon became the best opponent of the War God and Demon.

The Immortal God and Demon fought with the Thunder God and Demon, and the Soul God and Demon and the Yellow Spring God and Demon continued to fight.

Although it was still a one-on-one fight, in fact, there would be constant switching of positions between the two sides, so it could be considered a melee.

Above the chaos, in the void.

“In the chaos, the three thousand gods and demons, we cannot let their fighting affect the birth of the next batch of gods and demons. Let the three thousand gods and demons be born first, and then let them fight wantonly!”

Ye Xuan looked at the three thousand avenues below that were entangled and collided with each other due to the long-term war, which seriously affected the birth of other gods and demons.

This would also hinder his plan for the development of the world. Now is the outbreak period of the birth of chaotic gods and demons in the world, and they cannot be disturbed.

After fighting for so long, it’s time to stop.

"What method should be used to make them start to calm down!" Ye Xuan muttered. If he wanted to stop the two camps without exposing himself, he really had to think of a way, and he couldn't just do it recklessly.

In the chaos, in addition to the three thousand gods and demons, there should also be a Chaos Supreme Treasure!

That's right!

Chaos Supreme Treasure!

The reason why they fought was precisely because the existence of the Chaos Supreme Treasure made the Creation Gods and Demons in the Order Camp realize the Great Dao further, thus arousing the resentment of the Destruction Gods and Demons.

In other words, the Destruction Gods and Demons in the Disorder Camp should also be equipped with a Chaos Supreme Treasure.

"However, the Creation Blue Lotus still has great use for me, so the Creation Gods and Demons cannot refine it, so I can't let the Destruction Gods and Demons refine their treasures, otherwise it will affect the balance even more!"

Ye Xuan muttered, and immediately thought about whose treasure should be created.

"If the Destroyer God and Demon take this treasure and go crazy, that's it..."

As for creating a treasure, it is carried by the Great Dao and determined by the Great Dao. He just pulled it out, just like the Green Lotus of Creation.

"But there is no divine source. What the hell is going on? I have to wait until tomorrow..."

Just when Ye Xuan decided to bring out the Chaos Treasure, a sudden change occurred.


Five divine thoughts suddenly broke into Ye Xuan's world and appeared above the Chaos World, in the void.


Ye Xuan instantly noticed the invasion of divine thoughts and looked in that direction with horror.

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