"Ah~ I think I was ranked 99th when I first entered?" Ye Xuan scratched his head and said uncertainly.

Of course he remembered it, but he did it just to show off.

Outside the principal's office.

"Ninety-ninth! Did you hear that!!! He was ranked 99th when he first entered! What can you do to him!!! Give up! You should have given up when he defeated you with one sentence!!!" Chai Yongyan shouted madly.

He had put in a lot of thought, and it was him who contacted Lintian No. 9 Middle School. If this kid had been immersed in Ye Xuan's shadow, his life would have been wasted.

Only by walking out or simply not caring about Ye Xuan and not thinking about this matter, he would go further.

Only when he didn't care about the fact that Ye Xuan was better than him, could he go further.

As Chai Yongyan roared, Qin Ji's eyes gradually regained clarity. He nodded and said in a weak tone: "Yes, I am not at the same level as him, why bother to torture myself..."

In the principal's room.

The two people in the room heard the sound outside, but no one cared.

"You kid, you are good. You came to me just to show off to an old man like me?" Zhang Yuanwu looked at Ye Xuan who was standing, threw away the brush, sat down and pointed at the chair to signal Ye Xuan to sit down.

"You kid, you should run to the radio station and tell the whole school that you are 99th in the provincial list. At that time, all the girls in the school will definitely go crazy for you!"


Speaking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

On the one hand, he laughed at what he said, and on the other hand, he was also because his school finally cultivated a genius, and he didn't have to worry about relegation in the future.

Although he always believed in Ye Xuan's talent, he couldn't help but be very happy when he heard that he was 99th in the first entry.

Who knows, Ye Xuan did shake his head slowly, expressionless, and said lightly: "No, no, no, principal, you are wrong, if I go to the radio station, it won't be the 99th place."

"After all, what you just asked is the ranking of the first time entering the Tongtian list..."

"Oh?" Zhang Yuanwu was surprised when he heard this. Could it be that in such a short time, after a night, he has moved forward again?

Qin Ji, who had just relaxed and was about to leave the room, could not help but stagnate and stop when he heard this.

Looking at the surprised expression of the principal in front of him, Ye Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, that's it! I slept for a night, and my ranking is actually 320th..."

Zhang Yuanwu frowned slightly, and said in disbelief: "What?"

Is this Tongtian list so low?

He was once a member of the Tongtian list, but it seems that no one can drop from the top 100 to more than 300 overnight, right?

"It's okay, just relax. The Tongtian Ranking is like this, it's unpredictable. It's already very good that you can enter the top 1,000 of the provincial ranking..." He was afraid that Ye Xuan's mentality could not accept it for a while, so he began to comfort him.

But then he thought, it's not right, this kid seems to be normal, could it be...

At this moment, Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and said: "Principal, I'm talking about the 320th place in the Zuxing list. As for the provincial list, well, I accidentally got to the third place after sleeping..."


Zhang Yuanwu just realized that something was wrong, and in a blink of an eye, his heart suddenly jumped, and the whole person jumped out of the chair.

How is it possible! ? !

This person's talent is so high? !

Damn it! ! ! The destiny is in my Lintian No. 1 Middle School!

If it takes a while, won't it be the first in Zuxing? !

After this term, Lintian No. 1 Middle School will surely be prosperous, and Lintian City will also leap from a county-level city to a prefecture-level city! ! !

This is the benefit of being a genius! !

The entire Lintian City will see a surge in educational resources because of Ye Xuan's existence, and even administrative units that have not changed for many years will be raised!

Outside the principal's office.

Qin Ji nodded silently, and then walked out slowly.

Hearing the answer he wanted in his heart was enough.

When he heard that the ranking was over 300, he knew that this was the ranking of Zuxing. He knew Ye Xuan too well.

That was definitely a super king, and the key was that he was stupid enough to let him slap his face. Now think about it, it's all because of being young and ignorant.

After seeing this, Chai Yongyan nodded secretly. It's good to be able to recognize the gap. It's not too late to see through it now.

Zhang Yuanwu in the principal's office was surprised for a long time, and Ye Xuan also liked to see his expression.

"Ye Xuan!!! You...you don't know what to say to me! Haha, very good! It's worthy of being the person I, Zhang Yuanwu, have chosen!"

Zhang Yuanwu, who recovered, came over and patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder, quite appreciative.

"Well, Old Zhang, I'm so good, but you know, I'm really short of resources..." Ye Xuan raised his mouth slightly and started to extort money.

There's no way, he doesn't want this, but now he has no way to obtain the divine source, and can only rely on the divine sources funded by the province every week to improve his combat power.

And even if he uses those divine sources to open the Shura battlefield, it's useless, because he is too inefficient to kill monsters in it alone.

The explosion rate of those monsters is very low at first glance, otherwise how can only ten divine sources be deducted after entering the battlefield!

He doesn't know if he can earn back the entrance fee alone...

"Is that so? That can't be helped. The Divine Source Liquid I gave you last time is already my monthly salary, so I can't help you this month."

Zhang Yuanwu shrugged his shoulders. If he had any extra Divine Source, he would have given it to Ye Xuan.

After all, he knew what Divine Source meant to a genius.

"But I will report your matter to the mayor and see if I can apply for some city subsidies to support you. After all, your future is limitless, and our city should also support you!"

Zhang Yuanwu nodded seriously and considered.

As the principal of Lintian No. 1 Middle School, he actually has great power. Before this school fell out, he was the most powerful person in this city besides the mayor.

The principal in this world has much more power than the principal in Ye Xuan's previous life. In a city, if there is a university, the principal of that university may not have as much power as the mayor, but his strength is basically greater than that of the mayor.

The deans of the five colleges are even more so. In Zuxing, the deans of the five colleges have much more power and strength than Zuxing.

"Thank you, President!!!"

Ye Xuan immediately stood up and bowed. This is the principal! Give him whatever he needs!!

"You're welcome. In addition to the city, I will also contact Raozhou City above us and blackmail him!" Zhang Yuanwu looked at Ye Xuan with a smile. Although he looked a bit cunning, Ye Xuan felt that he was amiable.

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