"Whoever is talking nonsense will be killed without mercy!"

Then, a strong evil aura emitted.

It made everyone around him tremble.

At this time, Liu Bang couldn't help but shake his head.

Regarding this feather, there is a feeling that iron cannot become steel.

Not only is his martial arts skills poor, he also has a bad temper.

He also likes to use force to solve problems.

This made him very worried, after all, Dahan had only been established for a few years.

If it is really caused by Xiang Yu, it will be troublesome.

So, right now.

Liu Bang said calmly.

"Xiang Yu, lead your army back.

Leave the rest to me! "

After hearing the sound, Xiang Yu did not dare to neglect.

Even though he said it respectfully.

"The general will obey the order!"

Then, they retreated towards the rear.

And just after they left.

Liu Bang said slowly.

"Since you have chosen to stand against me.

Then be prepared to be destroyed.

kill! "

As the last word fell.

The dragon-slaying dagger in Liu Bang's hand instantly burst into unparalleled sharpness.

Below, the people from the aristocratic families tried to resist, but they were simply invincible.


After Liu Bang's blow, all the people of the Zhao family died on the spot.

At this time, Liu Bang had a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

From this battle, I gained a lot.

It’s not just about gaining merit points.

He also gained a large amount of faith points, which was enough for him to break through.

Thinking of this, Liu Bang walked towards the main hall.

And the moment he just entered the hall.

A vicious voice did come out at this moment.

"Han Emperor, today is your day of death!"

There was a strong murderous aura in his voice.

It was clearly a member of the Wang family.

At the same time, another head of the aristocratic family spoke.

"Han Emperor, I advise you to surrender and capture him, and you can spare a dog's life.

Otherwise, he will definitely die without a burial place! "

The voice was filled with ferocious meaning.

At this time, Liu Bang was still sitting on the dragon throne, with a strange look on his face.

Said slowly.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the strength!"

The voice sounded, making the two family heads stunned.

They actually heard a hint of smile in Liu Bang's voice.

How can we not be surprised?

Could it be that the other party has been frightened out of his wits?

And just when they were doubting.

Outside the main hall.

Xiang Yu and Huang Zhong walked in.

Just got into it.

Xiang Yu's eyes flashed and he shouted coldly.

"You two are looking for death!"

There was a cold murderous aura in his voice.

There were even flames gushing out from his eyes.

"Haha, Xiang Yu, don't be arrogant.

Now you are alone.

I want to see what you can do to fight us! "

At this time, the Wang family members seemed very excited.

Especially after learning that Xiang Yu is alone.

I felt even more happy.

And at this moment.


Thunder rumbled in the sky.

The entire void seemed to become extremely dark.

At this moment, Liu Bang narrowed his eyes.

He discovered that the elixir he had redeemed in the system space was ineffective at this time.

Although it still has some effect.

But it's too little.

As for those pill furnaces, they have no effect at all.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about that, just kill these guys first!"

Huang Zhong shouted.

But Liu Bang waved his hand.

What he needs now is not killing, but opportunity.

And those people from the Wang family.

After seeing Liu Bang's reaction, he became even more aggressive.

They thought Liu Bang was afraid.

Therefore, he roared again.

"My son, Emperor Han, suffer death!"

There was a ferocious tone in the voice.

Their speed was extremely fast, and they were rushing forward in an instant.

The body shape is like a sharp blade.

Wherever it passed, there was a loud cracking sound.

And at the same time.

But Liu Bang also moved. He took a step forward and bumped into the Wang family member.

The dragon-slaying dagger in his hand drew a brilliant light.


A clear voice came out.

The head of the Wang family flew up in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Bang punched out.

The vast fists raged across the world.


A young man from an aristocratic family who couldn't escape was smashed to the ground.

At this time, he was vomiting blood from his mouth.

The whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

And after seeing such a scene.

Everyone was shocked.

The heads of these aristocratic families are all strong men.

However, so many strong men besieged Liu Bang.

But he couldn't even block the opponent's move.

Moreover, every time Liu Bang attacks.

They all contain the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

It made them extremely shocked.

However, at this moment.

An elder of the Wang family came out.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

He shouted coldly.

"Everyone, Emperor Han must die today.

Otherwise, my family’s face will be lost, and the Song Dynasty will perish! "

After saying that, he took the lead and charged forward.

"hold head high!"

Behind him, a giant beast appeared.

It turned out to be a unicorn.

At the same time, others also took action at this time.

These are people from aristocratic families.

Some of them control sects, and some control a city.

The strength can be described as extremely powerful.

Now that they are united in one place, they are naturally extremely powerful.


A golden arrow drew a bright light between the sky and the earth.

Exuding terrifying fluctuations.

Wherever it passes, the space will even be shattered.

When Xiang Yu saw this, his eyes couldn't help but flash with light.

The painted halberd in his hand suddenly swept across.


The space turned into pitch black in an instant.


And after seeing such a scene.

The strong man from the Wang family snorted coldly.

The body flew directly into the sky.

In his hands.

A sharp sword bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

Then, it was chopped down.


The blazing sword light fell towards Xiang Yu in an instant.

After seeing such a scene.

Xiang Yu didn't hesitate and rushed forward.

At this time, the muscles all over his body were tangled.

The painted halberd in his hand danced, creating waves of waves.


A violent collision was heard in an instant.

The elder of the Wang family felt pain in his arm.

The look of horror in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Because he found out.

He had a head-on fight with Xiang Yu, but he didn't gain the slightest advantage.

And at this moment.


Behind Liu Bang, thunder exploded.

A huge purgatory suppressed everyone directly.

The purgatory dharma that was originally in the vast world.

At this time, it was completely condensed.

The moment the Dharma appeared.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Because they feel suffocated.

"Damn it!"

The members of the Wang family cursed, with a look of fear in their eyes.

He did not expect that Liu Bang's strength would increase in such a short period of time.

But at this moment, the dharma image swept away in all directions.

Wave after wave of pressure spread out.

It made the bodies of those people from aristocratic families tremble.

At the same time, Xiang Yu also tore the head of the Wang family apart.

The other party's death screams sounded at this moment.


Liu Bang, on the other hand, killed the last member of the Wang family in an instant.

Look at the scene in the field.

Those people from aristocratic families all took a few steps back.

There was a look of horror on his face.

They never thought that this battle would be so miserable.

He and others are actually no match for these people.

Liu Bang did not stop after beheading these people.

Directly facing Cao Zhengchun beside him, he gave instructions.

"Cao Zhengchun, summon the Jin Yiwei to seal this place.

Who dares to get even half a step closer.

Kill without mercy! "

At this time, Liu Bang's body was covered with blood mist.

But his voice was unusually cold.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order, Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, he retreated.

A moment later, when those people from aristocratic families wanted to escape.

Jinyiwei finally arrived.

Densely packed sergeants.

Standing there, holding a weapon in his hand.

The armor on their bodies flashed with cold light.

It makes those people from aristocratic families extremely timid.

"Your Majesty, the general will live up to his command!"

Cao Zhengchun said.

Liu Bang, on the other hand, had a smile on his face.

Then, he said slowly.

"If that's the case, it's time for me to leave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bang's figure disappeared from where he was.

And those people from aristocratic families had despair in their eyes.

After Liu Bang left.

They must die.

"Haha, Emperor Han, you are so cruel, you actually want to kill everyone!"

The elder of the Wang family roared angrily.

However, at this moment, Cao Zhengchun said coldly.

"Do you think His Majesty the Han Emperor will really let you go?

It's simply wishful thinking.

follow me! "

After the words fell, he pointed his finger.

In an instant, these people's meridians were sealed.

Then he was escorted to prison.

After doing all this, he looked into the distance.

At this time, outside the palace, it was already a mess.

Although the Han army continued to block it.

But it was still irresistible.

Because at this time, the Great Qin Ruins were completely covered.

The battle was too brutal.

Especially Xiang Yu, his pupils were red.

Every ax fell.

A life will be harvested.

At this time, he is the devil.

However, at this time.

In the distance, a huge energy burst out unexpectedly.


A sound broke through the air.

The next moment, Xiang Yu's arm was pierced.

Blood flowed down.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

An ordinary expert would not be able to bear such an injury.

However, the skills Xiang Yu practiced were extremely domineering.

But it didn't affect much.


He looked up to the sky and roared.

The whole person turned into a giant.

The battle ax in his hand was raised.

Smash it forward.


There was a roar.

The assassin's head was actually smashed open in an instant.

Such a scene made everyone present take a breath of air.

Then, the head of the Wang family shouted.

"Quickly retreat!"

Now they know that they have hit a brick wall today.

Not only did Liu Bang not be killed, but he suffered heavy losses.

How could this not frighten him.

"It's so easy to run away!"

But, just as they were preparing to leave.

Xiang Yu's voice sounded instantly.


Then, he stepped on it.

This time, the Wang family couldn't escape at all.

He was immediately stepped on.

The whole person's face looked extremely ugly.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, please spare my life, I am willing to surrender!"

At this time, the head of the Wang family could no longer care about face.

As long as you are alive, anything can be negotiated.


But Xiang Yu said coldly.

As he finished speaking, he waved the battle ax in his hand and struck the opponent's head down.

He wanted to destroy the entire Wang family and avenge the dead people.


The blazing ax blade seemed to cut through the void.

In the blink of an eye, it landed on the head of the head of the Wang family.

Then, it suddenly shattered.

On the other side, the young master of the Wang family was also captured by Cao Zhengchun.

"take away!"

At this time, he was already frightened.

Only after Cao Zhengchun reminded him did he wake up.

However, it is too late now.

Because when he saw his father being beheaded by Xiang Yu, he knew that the end was over.

He couldn't help but let out a wail.


Then, he was dragged away.

At the same time, Liu Bang also returned to the imperial city of the Han Dynasty.

His brows furrowed slightly.

This time, I was a little reckless.

However, there is no way.

Because, for a big man.

This Wang family is like a time bomb.

If you keep it, you will get into trouble sooner or later.

Moreover, he still needs to improve his strength.

Therefore, these aristocratic families must be resolved first.

As for the remaining small aristocratic families, there is no need to worry.

As long as he stabilizes the big man, those small families can't make any waves.

After all, these aristocratic families are powerful.

However, it cannot compete with itself.

So over time.

Liu Bang sat in court and began to slowly recover.

At the same time, the imperial guards were dispatched to guard the four sides.

However, during this period of time, those small aristocratic families were hiding in the dark.

Indeed, he started to get restless.

After all, with such a big piece of fat in front of them, how could they give up.

Soon, a stream of rumors spread around.

It is said that Liu Bang's Han Dynasty was rich and prosperous, and there were all kinds of elixirs available.

If you can take down the big man.

It will make your family more prosperous.

Such news makes those small aristocratic families unable to calm down.

Therefore, they took action one after another and attacked the big man.

However, Liu Bang did not only have Xiang Yu in his hands.

He also controls the Great Qin Rui Shi, Huang Zhong and others.

This time, no one can shake it even a bit.

Moreover, the army of Qin Dynasty was still continuously reinforcing the Han Dynasty.

As a result, major aristocratic families cannot seek any benefits at all.

But they had no intention of stopping.

After all, it would be best for them if the Han Dynasty were destroyed.

On this day, the top of a majestic mountain peak.

Several young men were standing at this time.

The person who took the lead was obviously Gongye Changgong.

Beside him were two young men.

One of them is 67% similar to him.

It was his younger brother, Gongye Junjie.

At this time, there was a glint in his eyes.

Said slowly.

"Brother, it is said that the big man can no longer hold on.

When will we send out troops to capture the Han Dynasty? "

There was a strong sense of excitement in his voice.

This time, the two brothers came here to compete for the territory of the Han Dynasty.

After hearing the sound, Gongye Changgong's eyes flashed with a gloomy light.

Said slowly.

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