
The huge snake head hit Gongye Junjie hard.

The other party's figure was blown away instantly.


He fell to the ground with blood spitting out of his mouth, but he struggled to get up.

At this time, the fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

But Liu Zheng ignored it at this time.

His steps were slow, but majestic.


Then, he stepped on Gongye Junjie's head again.

The latter could not get up anymore.

"Han...;...;Han Emperor!"

He shouted with difficulty.

At this time, the horror in his eyes was beyond words.

"Gongye Junjie, do you know your crime!"

After hearing the voice, Gongye Junjie's body trembled and said.

"Han...Han Emperor, I...;...;I am right!"

After hearing the voice, the fierceness in Liu Zheng's eyes flashed.

The next moment, he said condescendingly.

"That's right, your father is an important official of the Han Dynasty and the ancestor of the Gongye family.

As a descendant, you don't want to serve the king.

Instead, you collude with foreign races.

Damn it!"

As he spoke, his palm slapped down directly.


Gongye Junjie was suppressed in an instant.

Then, Liu Zheng ordered lightly.

"Drag him down and behead him!"

After his command fell.

The generals around dared not neglect it at all.

They immediately escorted the other party away.

In a short time, they disappeared in the distance.

After seeing such a scene.

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, we still need to prepare for this battle.

Otherwise, I'm afraid we will suffer some losses!"

There was a hint of worry in his voice.

But Liu Zheng said coldly.

"Don't worry, we will win this battle!"

After his voice fell, he led a large army and walked out of the city.

This time, Liu Zheng had to attack Dongyi.

The Lord of Dongyi City was very arrogant this time.

If he was not afraid of the Han Emperor, he would even go to the Han Dynasty to provoke him in person.

How could Liu Zheng let such a person go?

Therefore, when he arrived outside Dongyi City.

He gave orders.

"All of you attack me.

Remember, don't hurt the people!"

In this battle, the Han Dynasty fought to conquer Dongyi.

All ordinary people are innocent.

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun nodded.

"Your Majesty, don't worry!"

After saying that, he took the lead in charging forward.

The rest of the army followed closely behind.

At this time, they were like a flood, sweeping out.

The world was shaking.

On the other side.

The guard in Dongyi City looked extremely ugly after hearing the news.

"Damn Liu Zheng, you are simply bullying too much!"

The voice of the Lord of Dongyi City was full of anger.

The deputy generals sitting on his left and right said flatteringly.

"Don't worry, Lord. We can send a large number of elite troops to defeat the Han emperor.

At that time, you can be proud of yourself!"

"Humph, what are you still standing there for? Quickly dispatch troops!"

The Lord of Dongyi City scolded.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also appeared on the battlefield.

In this battle, he did not want to defeat the enemy with brute force.

After all, that would be a waste of his soldiers, so when he was within 3,000 meters of Dongyi City, he stopped.

"Bowmen, prepare!"

His voice sounded, and tens of thousands of giant crossbows appeared around the formation.

These crossbows exuded a cold light.

Obviously, they were poisoned.

After seeing this situation, Cao Zhengchun frowned.

However, before he stepped forward to remind him.

Liu Zheng had already ordered.


As his command fell,

In an instant, a sky full of sharp arrows covered the city.


The sound of breaking through the air was heard in an instant.

However, the Lord of Dongyi City did not dare to be careless.

He waved his hand to signal his men to fight back.

In an instant, countless crossbow arrows and sharp blades collided in one place.

Fiery sparks were blooming.


Both sides suffered damage.

However, it was impossible to tell who was better.

"Keep shooting!"

Liu Zheng spoke again.

When his voice sounded, the defenders on the city wall did not dare to hesitate at all.

Sharp arrows shot down crazily.

At this time, the moat of Dongyi City.

It was already full of corpses.

Blood even gathered into a stream.


The Lord of Dongyi City roared.

His body turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards the city gate.

He wanted to seize the city gate.

As long as he occupied the city gate, he would be sure to win.

After seeing such a scene,

The generals of the Han Dynasty did not dare to neglect.

They followed Liu Zheng in unison.

At this time, each of them was extremely brave.

Especially Lu Bu.

He was wearing heavy armor.

A machete was wielded.

Almost no one could stop it.

On the other side, Xiang Yu's long halberd was even more powerful.

This time, Liu Zheng was determined to win.

So, the army marched out in a mighty force, and no one could stop it.

After a moment, the city gate finally broke open at this time.

The Dongyi soldiers in the city retreated into the city under Liu Zheng's order.

Then, they began to search the city to see if there were any valuable supplies in the city.

Liu Zheng and others were watching from the highest building in the city.

They were waiting.

Waiting for the Dongyi City Lord to fall into the trap.

Sure enough, after half an hour.

The city lord led several masters.

They walked towards the city lord's mansion.

At this time, a ferocious look appeared on his face.

Liu Zheng must be killed today, otherwise, this Dongyi City will really have no value to exist.


However, just when he came to the door of the city lord's mansion.

The sound of breaking through the air was heard in an instant.

It turned out that Liu Zheng was waiting for the city lord to enter the encirclement.

These sharp arrows were prepared for them.

In just a moment, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were shot dead on the spot.

After seeing such a scene.

The City Lord's eyes showed fear.

But Liu Zheng's mouth showed a smile.

Then, a cold voice sounded.

"City Lord, I'm here to invite you to a banquet, I hope you don't refuse!"

As the voice fell.

A powerful team appeared above Dongyi City.

These people were wearing golden armor and were extremely majestic.

They were the Imperial Guards.

They were the Han guards, with unparalleled strength.

Especially the leader Cao Zhengchun, who had reached the realm of a saint.

At the beginning, even the Yellow Turban Warriors could be easily killed.

Now, with Liu Zheng's order.

It made the City Lord of Dongyi feel suffocated.

I don't know what Liu Zheng wants to do.

At this time, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

The face of the City Lord of Dongyi was extremely gloomy.

Although he wanted to refuse.

However, facing the iron cavalry of this big man, he had no idea of ​​resisting at all.

Therefore, he could only grit his teeth and say.

"Okay, I'll go!"

After the voice fell, he walked out of the living room.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't agree, he would be in great trouble.

As for his sons, he couldn't care much.

If they could survive, it would be better than all dying.

Thinking of this, he became more determined.

However, just when he came to the outside of the living room.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the Lord of Dongyi City kneel down to thank the grace, and then tie his legs.

Send him to the palace.

Those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

After hearing the voice, the pupils of the Lord of Dongyi City shrank.

Then, he said without hesitation.

"You dare!"


However, before his voice fell.

A flash of lightning passed through Cao Zhengchun's palm.

The next moment, he fell directly to the ground.

Then, Cao Zhengchun's cold voice came out again.

"Drag him away!"


As soon as the voice fell, several imperial guards grabbed the Dongyi City Lord and pulled him away.

At this time, the other party struggled and screamed, with horror in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the big man dared to commit murder in the city.

And at this moment, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Other maids also ran out, with panic in their eyes.

After all, who dares to make trouble in their own family in normal times.

However, at this time, they can't care so much.

After seeing such a scene.

Cao Zhengchun's cold voice came out at this time.

"Don't worry, what happened today was requested by the big man.

You can hide in the room and don't disturb.

Just don't step out of the courtyard!"

There was a hint of indifference in his voice.

After hearing the voice, these maids breathed a sigh of relief.

Since they have the support of the big man, they naturally don't need to be afraid.

However, just when they were about to go back to the house to rest.


A loud noise came from the city lord's mansion.

Then, Cao Zhengchun's figure flew out.


He kicked a young lady.

The other party had never experienced such a thing.

The whole person was stunned.

Obviously, he didn't react.

However, Cao Zhengchun did not have the slightest mercy.

His eyes were as vicious as a poisonous snake.

Then, he shouted coldly.

"Get out, if you dare to come out and disturb me again, I will kill you!"

After hearing the voice, the young lady was frightened.

She didn't dare to stay and fled far away.

They were also servants of the city lord's mansion.

Compared with the young lady, they were just ordinary maids.

If they were killed, if no one rescued them, they would definitely die.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun ignored the other girls and turned to walk deep into the city lord's mansion.

In his eyes, the lives of these people were like ants.

They were not worthy of his attention at all.

At this time, deep in the city lord's mansion, in a magnificent palace.

Liu Zheng sat in the first seat.

He exuded a fierce aura.

And below, stood a group of civil and military officials.

Except Lu Bu, Zhuge Liang and Zhang Liang.

There is also a man wearing a purple brocade robe.

There was a faint smile on his face.

But it gives people a sense of calm and self-power.

It was Xun Yu, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Zheng.

Because today, he is the one who dominates everything.

Then, he said respectfully.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The voice sounded extremely respectful.

"Get flat!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the counselors spoke one after another.

Then, the place fell silent.

At this time, Liu Zheng's eyes were narrowed.

Looking at the various counselors below, he asked slowly.

"What do you think the Lord of Dongyi City should do?"

His voice was filled with murderous intent.

"Your Majesty, this person deserves to die!

To actually cause trouble in Dongyi City is a crime worthy of death! "

Cao Zhengchun said.

Lu Bu on the other side frowned.

He couldn't bear it, after all, these people were trained hard by Emperor Han.

If they all died in Dongyi City.

But something is wrong.

But he knew Liu Zheng's temper very well.

What I like most is cutting the grass and roots.

So, after Cao Zhengchun's voice fell.

He also nodded and said.

"General Cao's words make sense!"

There seemed to be regret in his voice.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with these people in Dongyi City?"

Zhuge Liang's voice sounded.

"Kill him!

Their collusion with the Dongyi City Lord is naturally unforgivable.

Moreover, my army will arrive soon.

The city of Dongyi City Lord will also be captured, and then the lives of these people will still be difficult to protect! "

Liu Zheng said slowly.

He knew in his heart that no one could stop the big Han's soldiers.

So, before the battle is about to begin.

Naturally, I have to harvest a batch of leeks.

So as not to affect the overall situation at a critical moment.

Then, he spoke.

"Cao Zhengchun, pass on my order.

Let Li Yuanba lead the army and occupy Dongyi City.

At the same time, scouts were dispatched to monitor.

As long as the city lord dares to make the slightest move, he will be killed without mercy! "

"I will obey your orders!"

After hearing the sound, Cao Zhengchun stepped back respectfully.

There was a twinkle in his eye.

This time, if successful, the Han Dynasty will completely control Dongyi City.

And just after Cao Zhengchun left.

The system prompt sounded in Liu Zheng's mind instantly.

"Ding, the system task is completed and I got two summoning cards.

The host please pay attention to check! "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's mouth finally showed a smile.

This mission is not too difficult.

Although there is no reward, the harvest is very rich.

Two summoning cards are enough for him to use for a long time.

And while he was thinking.

"Your Majesty, what should I do with this Dongyi City Lord!"

As soon as Liu Zheng sat down, Huang Zhong spoke.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"How dare you, the Lord of Dongyi City is my big man's prisoner, how can you make the decision!"

Cao Zhengchun said coldly.

Then, he retreated.

And Huang Zhong didn't argue.

He just stood still with his head lowered, but the anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

However, right now.

Outside the big man's door, there was a rush of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Zhengchun said with excitement.

"Your Majesty, the traitors in the city have been captured!

Now, on the way to the City Lord’s Mansion! "

There was a flattering tone in his voice.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, waved his hand to signal him to retreat.

A moment later, shouts of killing came from outside the hall.

Then, a general wearing armor knelt down in front of Liu Zheng.

He spoke respectfully.

"I will see your majesty at the end of my life, and I am willing to do your best for your majesty!"

This person is none other than Gao Shun, the powerful Han general recruited by Cao Zhengchun.

When Liu Zheng was rising in the Han Dynasty.

Cao Zhengchun found this person.

I want to take refuge, but I don’t know where to go to serve.

Now, under Cao Zhengchun's instigation, coupled with the strong suppression of the other party.

This made Gao Shun completely surrender.

Now, it has been trained by Cao Zhengchun into a sharp blade.

At this time, his whole body was emitting a brilliant golden light, adding a bit of majesty.

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