For a time, Liu Zheng's reputation was increasing.

On the other side, Xingyue Sect Master, after seeing a large number of ferocious beasts die.

There was a fiery light in her eyes.

Because she understands that these are treasures.

At the same time, inside an ancient city.

An ancestor sits in charge.

At this time, his eyes were staring at a huge bead.

There was a look of surprise on his face at this time.

Said slowly.

"I didn't expect that there would be a sudden change in the world. This is a sign of great prosperity.

I just don’t know who will win in the end! "

After he finished speaking, the light in his eyes soared.

Then, he walked towards the outside of the palace gate.

Obviously I have to go and watch the ceremony in person.

At the same time, there were countless strong practitioners near the abyss of the entire star field.

At this time, they all gathered together.

Such an opportunity is so rare.

If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.


And just after everyone gathered together.

The bead let out bursts of roars.

In an instant, he transformed into a gigantic giant demon.

The whole body exudes a vast aura.

His palms waved out.

Endless strong wind filled the air.

Wherever you go.

A large number of ferocious beasts were swept out.

He fell to the ground on the spot.

The screams rang out, and even escape was impossible.


After seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

The terror of the evil spirit made them feel suffocated.

Then, the Fierce Demon Clan Leader shouted.

"Kill me!"

As the sound falls.

The troll charged forward.

His speed is extremely fast.

With every step he took, the void seemed to collapse.

Wherever it passes, any enemy will be torn apart in an instant.

Blood filled the sky.

Within a short period of time.

This makes the battlefield filled with the smell of blood.

At this time, Liu Zheng also frowned.

"System, summon!"

The sound sounded, and the wheel of fate spun.

All of a sudden.

Countless rays of light burst out from it.

Then, various weapons and armors fell into Liu Zheng's hands.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds.

There are as many as five thousand pieces.

Take out each piece.

It can almost intimidate one party.

At this moment, he was standing on the spot, the light in his eyes flashing.

Looking at the troll, there was a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth.


Then, the figure disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the fierce demons were fighting.

Didn't notice it at all.

Liu Zheng had already appeared beside him.

At this time, a punch came out.

The blazing fist light pierced the sky.

Wherever you go.

No one can stop it.


One punch shattered the opponent's head.

Then, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

shouted again.

"Sweep this place for me!"

After the words fell.

The Imperial Guards around him rushed towards the battlefield in an instant.

Wherever he passed, those ferocious demons were no match at all.

There can only be death in pieces.

Within a short period of time.

The evil demon clan was completely destroyed.

When Liu Zheng returned to the palace.

The mysterious old man has already left.

And just when he returned.

A group of people came forward.

The leader was a beautiful middle-aged woman.

After she appeared.

He said respectfully.

“Your Majesty, my lady invites you to have dinner with me.

Please be sure to enjoy it! "

The voice was extremely respectful.

A smile appeared in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Then, he spoke.

"In that case, let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he followed the woman and walked towards the side hall.

But at this time, Liu Zheng didn't know at all.

Just as he entered the side hall.

A young man walked out.

This young man looked at Liu Zheng walking away.

There was a look of malice in his eyes.

This person is clearly the young master of the Fierce Demon Clan.

Now, after being defeated, he was hiding in a valley to recover from his injuries.

After hearing the report.

How can I endure it?

Even though he was preparing to go to Xingchen Sect.

I want to get my place back.

But at this time, Liu Zheng didn't know this.

He had already entered the hall where the woman was.

When he first entered it.

The woman said with a smile.

"When the Emperor of Han came to his humble abode, the walls were filled with splendor.

I'll do it first as a courtesy! "

There was a hint of flattery in her voice.

And after hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Girl, you're welcome, but I'm not here today for a banquet.

I heard you have a special reward this time.

Don't know what it is.

I'm looking forward to it! "

Liu Zheng said slowly.

Although these people are nothing to me.

However, he is not willing to waste it.

After all, mosquito legs are also meat.

After hearing the sound, the woman's face was startled.

Obviously, he did not expect that Liu Zheng came here for the prize.

But he didn't dare to neglect it.

He said immediately.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment!"

After he finished speaking, he withdrew.

Immediately afterwards, he handed over the jade bottle in his hand.

Liu Zheng took it without hesitation.

After opening the lid, a rich aroma hits your nose.

It made him feel that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

However, he did not refuse and swallowed the pill directly.

In an instant, he felt infinite spiritual power flowing through his limbs.

Moreover, there is still a trace of energy flowing towards the dantian.

This is an elixir for tempering one's own bloodline, and it is very precious.

However, this is really nothing to him.

When the elixir is completely refined.

Around Liu Zheng, a golden halo of light flashed.

And right now.

Outside the main hall, there was a sound of footsteps.

There was a solemn look in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Then, he walked towards the outside of the hall.

I saw dozens of figures standing outside the main hall at this time.

The leader was clearly a middle-aged man.

But beside him were two maids. Liu Zheng had met these two people before.

He is a disciple of the top power in the mainland, Ice and Fire City.

It is said that this middle-aged man's father is the lord of Ice and Fire City.

Very powerful.

Therefore, he was sent here to participate in the opening of this mysterious treasure house.

And right now.

The middle-aged man's eyes were fixed on Liu Zheng.

There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Said slowly.

"Bold thief, you dare to kill my young master from Ice and Fire City.

Now, fight without restraint, otherwise you will be dead! "

There was a somber tone in the voice.

He knew in his heart that this newly promoted Han Emperor must be the murderer of his son.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"Oh, is it so!

If my guess is correct.

Your so-called young master probably wants to kill me.

Why did it become my fault instead?

Your education level really worries me! "

Liu Zheng's disdainful voice came out.

But the city lord of Ice and Fire City was angered.

He slapped it with one palm.

Vast coercion bloomed.

Shrouded towards Liu Zheng.

"Han Emperor, suffer death!"

The sound sounded, and the whole world seemed to be blocked.

But Liu Zheng was still happy and unafraid.

At this time, a finger pointed out.

His cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

The training of these days is no longer what it used to be.


There was a banging sound.

The city lord of Ice and Fire City was knocked out in an instant.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

His eyes were full of horror.

At this time, he couldn't even escape.

Liu Zheng is too strong, he is no match for him.

And at the same time.

On the other side, the girl and other guests also came over.

Look at the scene happening in front of you.

Everyone gasped.

Never expected it.

The city lord of Ice and Fire City was actually defeated.

At this time, they couldn't say much.

We can only wait and see how things develop.

However, Liu Zheng ignored it at this time.

Said slowly.

"Now you tell me, how many Chaos Pills is this treasure worth?"

The corners of his mouth curved.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"Han Emperor spare my life!"

After hearing the sound, the city lord no longer hesitated.

He fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

At this time, he hated his son.

If the other party hadn't provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

Nor would he end up in such a situation.

And right now.

Liu Zheng did not stop.

He shouted coldly at the door.

"Send these two away!"

There was a strong chilling air in the voice.

The Lord of Ice and Fire City, no matter what he was like in the past.

Now he has touched Liu Zheng's reverse scale.

Naturally, he won’t hold back.

After the words fell.

The two disciples from Ice and Fire City did not dare to hesitate.

They dragged the Lord of Ice and Fire City towards the outside of the hall.

Although these people in Ice and Fire City are also somewhat arrogant.

But after seeing his city lord defeated.

But he didn't dare to be arrogant at all.

After a while.

Everyone just disappeared in place.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng was also preparing to go deeper into the hall.

However, right now.

A figure stood in front of him.

But no one else.

It was the woman Liu Zheng saved before.

At this time, there was a hint of anxiety on her pretty face.

Said to Liu Zheng.

"Your Majesty, please leave quickly.

They are people from Xuanwu City who like to kill innocent people indiscriminately and are extremely cruel.

If you let him know you are here.

I'm afraid I'll encounter a vicious attack. "

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng frowned.

Originally, he was planning to find Xuanwu City.

Now that we met it by chance, how could we give up?

Dang even spoke.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go take a look first.

If there is no danger.

It's not too late to leave.

After all, it's fate that I saved you!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

Tears fell from the woman's eyes again.

These days.

She has suffered enough grievances.

Now she finally has a chance to vent.

How can she hold it back.

"Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty!"

The voice trembled, looking pitiful.

"Haha, the lady of our Ice and Fire City.

Not everyone can marry her.

Don't worry, I will help you drive the Han emperor away!"

Just as the woman's voice fell.

An arrogant voice came out.

Then, a young man stepped into the palace.

At this time, his face was full of arrogance.

When he saw Liu Zheng.

The disdain in his eyes became stronger.

"You are worthy of marrying my lady of Ice and Fire City.

Get out of here!"

There was a hint of murderous intent in his voice.

"Who are you! "

Liu Zheng asked indifferently.

"I am a direct descendant of Binghuo City.

You not only tarnished the reputation of the young lady.

You also injured my guards.

If you don't explain clearly today.

You will definitely die without a burial place!"

The young man said viciously.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to go against me!"

Liu Zheng said.

The brilliance in his eyes became more and more blazing.

And just after his voice fell.

The space around him was stagnant.

The man of Binghuo City felt difficulty breathing.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said.

"I am a direct descendant.

You dare not touch me!"

After the voice fell, the air around him relaxed again.

This direct descendant showed a touch of relief in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"I never need to explain to the waste, because you are not qualified at all! "

The voice was full of murderous intent.

Just after the words fell.

The palm was swung directly.

Instantly, a dazzling palm print cut through the void.

It landed directly on the body of the direct descendant.

The opponent's chest collapsed in an instant.

After a scream.

It turned into a blood mist.

Anyone who saw such a scene would be shocked.

Especially the woman from Ice and Fire City, who was even more frightened.

Such a scene was too bloody.

However, Liu Zheng had no intention of stopping.

Took a step forward.

Directly grabbed the other party.

A cold voice came out.

"If you want to die, just resist.

I will fulfill your wish!"

There was unparalleled pressure in his voice.

The woman from Ice and Fire City did not even dare to move.


And at this moment.

A loud noise came from Liu Zheng's ears.

This sound came from the Temple of Gods and Demons.

Moreover, the entire Heavenly Palace seemed to be shaking.

"Ang! "

A roar sounded.

Then, all the soldiers ran away.

After seeing this situation.

The woman didn't care about her own safety.

She rushed directly into the crowd.


Then, in the shocked eyes of the crowd, the fleeing troops actually broke through the barrier of the Heavenly Palace.

They appeared on the square.

Each of them exuded a powerful aura.

The armor on their bodies was all red.

It was as if it was cast from magma.

The long spear in his hand flashed a dazzling light.

"Who is this person, actually attacking the Heavenly Palace!"

"Run away!"

Just when those heavenly soldiers and generals were frightened by the sudden appearance of the enemy.

The people were completely panicked.

They fled everywhere.

The whole city was like the end of the world.

However, just when those heavenly soldiers and generals had just entered the city.

A vast energy burst out in an instant.

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