Then, in front of the gate of the Heavenly Palace, a man in a black robe appeared in the field.

It was a demon god.

His strength was comparable to that of a quasi-saint of the seventh level.

Moreover, he held a black sickle and was extremely tall.

It was as if a demon god had descended.

It was frightening.

There were strange patterns on his forehead, which looked extremely terrifying. Just after he appeared, he actually walked straight to Liu Zheng's side.

"Your Majesty!"

His voice was full of respect.


Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he gave an order.

"From now on, you will follow me!"

This was a powerful and strong man, and Liu Zheng would certainly take him under his command.

After all, he now needed a strong man to help him deal with various things.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The demon god said respectfully.

Then, he stood behind Liu Zheng.

And at this moment.

On the other side, the Song Dynasty was finally established.

This time, Song Jiang and others did not neglect it at all.

They sent out elite soldiers and generals.

Especially Huang Rong, after practicing the "Sunflower Manual", her combat power was strong.

She made everyone extremely afraid.

She took the lead and rushed directly to the Song Dynasty.

On this day, the war was raging.

Song Jiang and Huang Rong and others.

They almost did not encounter any opponents and broke through the opponent's imperial city.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

No one dared to step forward to stop them, and could only watch from the side.

However, changes had taken place in the royal family of the Song Dynasty.

The prince of the Song Dynasty rose rapidly after Song Jiang left the Song Dynasty.

In a short time, he took a stable position.

At this time, looking at the general who had just surrendered, he said.

"Are you sure you can destroy those rebels!"

The voice was full of coldness.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. I have tens of thousands of cavalrymen who can fight on the battlefield.

Although this big man is powerful, I may not lose!"

This man was recruited by Liu Zheng.

In this chaotic world, he chose to rely on Liu Zheng.

And just when the two were chatting and laughing.

Huang Rong had already led the army to attack the city.

Behind her, there was a huge crossbow shooting non-stop.

Everywhere he passed, there was a mess.

And the general of the big man personally supervised the battle.

At this time, his face was full of ferocity.


The spear in his hand slashed out.

It directly pierced the chest of a soldier.

The blood was all over the heavenly palace.


Another arrow shot out, instantly piercing the chest of a general.

Then, he shouted angrily.

"Kill them all for me, leaving no one alive!"

At this time, he was completely crazy.

The army of the big man had been humiliated for too long outside the Great Han Imperial City.

If he couldn't find an opportunity to take revenge.

Everyone will feel aggrieved.

Therefore, this is why the prince of the Song Dynasty is eager to win.


And at this moment.

A roar sounded.

Then, a figure flew out.

He shouted at Huang Rong.

"Girl, let me see how you escape today!"

He is a veteran.

He is very powerful.

After hearing the voice, a trace of anger appeared on Huang Rong's pretty face.

However, at this moment.

The reinforcements of the Han Dynasty have arrived.

A general stood on the nine-dragon carriage and shouted.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor has ordered to kill the rebels!"

As soon as his voice fell.

He waved his arms.


A figure directly smashed the void and rushed towards Huang Rong.

"Humph, you don't know whether to live or die!"

After this person's voice fell.

Huang Rong went up to meet him.

Her eyes showed a cold light.

The palm print was slapped out.


With the sound of muffled sound.

The two were evenly matched and evenly matched.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the Song prince flashed with excitement.

And the general looked extremely ugly.

Then, he roared.

"Brothers, kill them!"

After hearing the order, the soldiers around him did not hesitate at all.

They rushed up directly.

But how could Huang Rong be afraid.

The hydrangea in her hand flew out.

Every time it was smashed, blood mist emerged.

A scream sounded at this time.

The general was instantly blown up on the spot.

Such a scene made the Song prince look horrified.

He never thought that the Han army would be so powerful.

Not only him, but also Liu Zheng was a little surprised.

Because this scene was beyond his expectations.

However, the battle situation at this time did not allow for much thinking.

He said slowly.

"Zhuge Liang, you are responsible for assisting Cao Zhengchun.

We must take down Song Jiang.

As for the other generals, leave them to Li Yuanba!"

After the voice fell.

"I obey your command!"

Zhuge Liang did not refuse after hearing the order.

After all, the most powerful existence in the Han Dynasty is still Cao Zhengchun.

Then, Liu Zheng said again.

"The Yue Family Army, step out!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared in the field.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Yue Pengju said respectfully.

He was a fierce general under Liu Zheng, and he was extremely loyal.

Now, when he received the order, he naturally attacked without hesitation.

And at the same time.


The general of the Song Dynasty could not resist at all after encountering Yue Pengju.

His head was smashed by a punch.

After seeing such a scene.

Song Jiang's eyes were about to burst.


A roar came out.

"Bold bandits, who dares to hurt my son!"

The prince of the Song family said angrily.

But he also understood that with his current strength, he could not save his son.

So, the next moment, he shouted angrily.


The voice sounded.

The generals of the Song Dynasty retreated one after another.

In this battle, he was defeated miserably.

The losses were heavy.

After seeing such a scene, Huang Rong's beautiful eyes revealed a gleam of brilliance.

"Brother, let's catch up and kill all the remnants of the Song Dynasty!"

The voice was full of bloodthirstiness.


Song Jiang agreed.

The Han army followed in a mighty manner.

At this time, Song Jiang's eyes showed a strong murderous aura.

His brother was killed.

This is a great shame.

"Kill the people of the Song Dynasty. Today I will slaughter all the people of the Song Dynasty!"

The voice was full of murderous aura.

He did too many things in the Song Dynasty.

At this time, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.


Bursts of roars came out.

The whole battlefield was filled with a murderous atmosphere.

Song Jiang's army was like locusts.

Running towards the distance.

They wanted to destroy the Song Dynasty.


And at this moment.

A meteor fell from the sky and hit the center of Song Jiang's army hard.

In an instant.

The army stopped moving.

Song Jiang was also knocked to the ground.

He looked up and found that the meteor had fallen from the sky.

He was horrified and shouted.


As soon as his voice fell, he jumped up.

He ran around.

The other generals didn't care about their lives at this time.

They rolled and crawled to one side.

However, they were a step slower.

Just when they left.

Those soldiers of the Song State had been smashed to pieces by the meteorite.

Blood splattered in the sky.

After seeing such a scene.

Song Jiang's eyes turned red.

He knew in his heart that the Han Dynasty was really finished this time.

If they didn't evacuate, they would be destroyed here.

He shouted immediately.

"The army retreats!"

The voice was extremely shrill, but there was no way.

The army was retreating rapidly.

Their figures looked extremely embarrassed.

And at this moment.

A cavalry appeared in front of them.

The leader was Lu Bu.

At this time, he looked at the fleeing army.

His face showed a ferocious look.

He roared.


After the voice fell.

The warhorse under his crotch turned into a giant beast in an instant.

The sharp claws grabbed out and tore the space apart.

The sharp cold light crisscrossed between heaven and earth.

Wherever it passed.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were killed on the spot in an instant.

After seeing such a scene.

Song Jiang was heartbroken.

He wanted to resist, but he was no match for Lu Bu.

In the end, he was captured alive.


Song Jingang knelt on the ground and cried out.

At this time, he had completely collapsed.

And at this time, Song Jiang's face did show a hint of bitterness.

He was unwilling to accept it. His ambitions and hegemony had just begun.

How could he fail?

But it was too late to say anything now.

The Song army was almost completely wiped out.

At this moment.

A cavalry team appeared outside the battlefield.

They clasped their fists towards Lu Bu.

"General Lu, His Majesty invites you to come to the palace to discuss important matters!"


After hearing the voice, Lu Bu nodded and entered the city.

And the guard followed closely behind.

Liu Zheng saw all this, with a smile in his eyes.

The opportunity he was waiting for finally appeared.

At this time, Lu Bu had just entered the palace.

He was introduced to Liu Zheng.

He spoke respectfully.

"I, Lu Bu, greet your majesty!"

"Stand up, you have made a contribution this time, and I am ready to reward you!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

Then, he continued.

"Do you want to be a marquis!"

After the voice fell, Lu Bu was stunned.

But after a moment, he shook his head and said.

"I am willing to follow your majesty!"

Although Lu Bu's voice was low.

But Liu Zheng still felt a sense of warmth.

He said with a smile.

"Don't worry, your contributions will become greater and greater in the future!"

He stood up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, an old man rushed in from outside the door.

After seeing Liu Zheng, he spoke directly.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, can you save this little old man's life?"

The person who came was none other than Liu Bowen, the man who informed Liu Zheng.

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng frowned slightly.

Then, he said slowly.

"Liu Aiqing, why is this!"

"Hey! Emperor Han, that thief Song Jiang took advantage of the little old man to leave Bianliang.

Send experts to intercept and kill.

If it hadn't been for your timely assistance, I might have died in that guy's hands.

This is my reward! "

As he spoke, he handed over a storage ring.

Liu Zheng did not refuse, took it into his arms and said.

"In that case, then you will follow the lonely king from now on.

Don't worry about safety.

In addition, during this period, I will help you improve your cultivation.

As for your merits, I will reward you accordingly! "

After Liu Zheng's voice fell, Liu Bowen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you follow Liu Zheng.

Then you have the hope of ensuring your survival.

Then he said respectfully.

"Thank you Emperor Han for your generous gift!"


Liu Zheng nodded.

Then, he waved his hand again to signal the other party to step back.

And at the same time.

In the East Factory, Song Jiang's face was extremely cold.

"The Emperor of Han actually dared to kill tens of thousands of elite members of my Song family.

Sooner or later this account will have to be settled! "

The voice sounded like a ghost.

Just, right now.

A eunuch walked in hurriedly.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Master Song Yu has been captured!"

"hold head high!"

After hearing the sound, Song Jiang had a look of shock on his face.

How could his son be captured? Could it be that the Han Dynasty took action?

However, the next moment I heard the eunuch say again.

"His Majesty summoned me and said that he had an important task for you.

Please enter the palace immediately! "

There was panic in his voice.

"Hmph, I, Song Jiang, a noble Han minister, how can I be under his control!"

Song Jiang shouted coldly.

But there was no choice but to lead people to Chaoyang Palace.

Because he knew very well that if he disobeyed the imperial edict, death would be the only thing waiting for him.

And just when he stepped into the hall.

Liu Zheng was sitting on the dragon throne.

After seeing the person coming, he asked.

"How is Song Yu doing now? Was he ever stable?"

There was a hint of relationship in the voice.

"Don't worry, Emperor Han. Mr. Yu is not injured. He is still young and will grow into a pillar of the Han Dynasty in the future. This time, it was my negligence that caused him to have an accident. Please forgive me, Emperor Han!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he spoke.

"Well, you did a good job, I'll remember this for now.

The strength of the Song family is considered to be the top among the entire Southern Barbarians.

You must be careful in the future and never go on a business trip.

Otherwise, there will be no place for me to show my face! "

After hearing the sound, Song Jiang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he spoke.

"Thank you Emperor Han for your understanding!"

"Haha, I still have government affairs to deal with.

You should retreat first! "

Liu Zheng said.

And just after his words fell.

Song Jiang said respectfully.

"Yes, Emperor Han!"

Then, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

But, he just walked out of the hall.

That's the way to pass the order.

"Assemble three hundred cavalry to escort Mr. Yu back to the capital!"

After hearing the sound, the generals below did not dare to neglect.

He quickly began to mobilize the army.

These soldiers were all drawn by Song Yu from various states.


There are even a lot of ordinary warriors in the divine king realm.

Not to mention Song Jiang.

After these iron cavalry set off.

Song Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he was really afraid that Song Jiang would blame him.

After all, he sneaked out to play.

And just when he was thinking about how to make up for it.

Inside Cao Cao's military camp.

"Your Majesty, this is the message from Liu Zheng!"

Cao Chun held a jade slip in his hand and spoke.

"Open it!"

After hearing the sound, Cao Cao said slowly.

And just after his words fell.

The jade talisman shattered.

Reveal the message inside.

However, this made Cao Cao's pupils shrink.

Because it is written clearly above.

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