In a short period of time, the Beihai Palace was destroyed.

The entire palace was filled with blood.

The screams and wails of the King of the North Sea could not be heard.

In the end, he was beheaded by Liu Zheng.

At this time, the entire sky was dyed red with blood.

And on the other side.

On top of a gorgeous carriage, Cao Ang had a smile on his face.

He didn't expect that.

This time the plan turned out to be so smooth.

Not only did he kill his father, but he also obtained the treasure of the King of North Sea.

"Haha, I really made a profit this time. This North Sea King's treasure house is probably more valuable than the things in our family's treasure pavilion.

As long as we get this treasure, we will definitely be able to put it to great use by our father after we go back.

Maybe he can even become the crown prince! "

Cao Ang said with excitement on his face.

This time, without the help of the Lord of the North Sea.

It was simply impossible for him to obtain the treasure of North Sea King.

"What His Highness said is correct. Today, the Beihai Royal City has been completely occupied by us.

Just, what should we do next! "

After hearing the sound, Cao Ang's personal guard said slowly.

As for Cao Ang, a sinister look flashed in his eyes at this moment.

Then, he said slowly.

“There will definitely be a lot of gold and silver treasures left in the Beihai Palace.

We might as well take them all away, and leave the rest to those alien races!

These people are extremely greedy.

I believe they will be happy to accept this gift. "

After the words fell, the sparkle in his eyes became more intense.

At this time, he understood in his heart.

My opportunity has come, and it is terrifying.

If you can grasp it, you will rise quickly.

And just when they were about to leave.

Liu Zheng's order was also passed on.

"Cao Zhengchun, you lead the imperial guards and enter the Beihai King's City from the east gate.

I want to see if this Lord of the North Sea really has three heads and six arms! "

"According to the order!"

Cao Zhengchun took the order and retreated.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty wanted to personally conquer Beihai, so how could he dare to neglect him at all?

Therefore, a moment later, the troops and horses were assembled and flew towards the North Sea King's City.

When arriving at Beihai King City.

Liu Zheng was standing on the chariot, overlooking the bottom.

I saw a dense crowd of soldiers surrounding the royal city.

Inside the Beihai Palace, shrill cries of killing could be heard.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Beihai is asking for help, please help me!"

Just arrived outside the Beihai Palace.

A cry for help sounded in Cao Zhengchun's ears.

It turned out that the leader of the Beihai Kingdom was in danger.

And just after his words fell.

The cold light in Liu Zheng's eyes flashed and he said calmly.

"According to my order, the King of Beihai colluded with foreigners and harmed his compatriots.

The King of Beihai was killed, and the Beihai Dynasty was renamed the Han Dynasty.

All the people of Beihai moved to the Han Dynasty.

All aliens will be killed without mercy! "


After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun respectfully agreed.

As he waved his palms, a boundless killing aura filled the air.

Then, he roared angrily.

"The Han army obeyed the order and destroyed the city!"

As soon as his voice fell, the soldiers around him rushed straight towards the Beihai Palace.

This huge city was built by the ancestors of Beihai back then.

The defense is amazing.

At this time, he was protected by the Lord of the North Sea.

However, the Han soldiers were too powerful.

They hit the city wall with every blow.

All of them made Beihai King City shake.

Such terrifying attack power made the soldiers guarding the city pale in horror.


Finally, it fell with a roar.

The North Sea Royal City was directly shattered.

Thick blood mist dispersed in the sky.

This fortified royal city was finally reduced to ruins.

"Report, report to Your Majesty.

The leader of Beihai Kingdom is dead, and most of the people of Beihai have been captured.

The Beihai Royal Court was breached! "

Cao Ang knelt on the ground and spoke respectfully.

There was a fanatical light in his eyes.

And right now.

The princess of the Beihai Dynasty also rushed to the ruins of the Beihai Kingdom.

After seeing the messy palace, everyone froze in place.

She didn't know how to describe her feelings.

The leader of Beihai Kingdom fell.

From then on, the land of Beihai was ruled by the Han Dynasty.

But she didn't even have a chance to escape.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Then, he spoke to Cao Ang.

"Your Majesty, I have a favor to ask of you.

I hope your majesty can spare the lives of my parents, and I am willing to marry Beihai King City! "

There was a hint of pleading on her cheeks.

Although I know that this request of mine is difficult to be accepted.

But now, it is the only chance.

After hearing the sound, Cao Ang did not speak.

Instead, he looked at Liu Zheng beside him.

At this time, the other party's face was calm.

It seemed that this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"You make the decision, but you have to remember and don't forget who you are in the future.

The daughter of the Lord of Beihai, it is indeed not simple.

But you must understand that this is the territory of the Han Dynasty.

If you want to survive, you must surrender to the big man! "

Liu Zheng's voice sounded.

After hearing the sound, the woman's face turned pale.

Obviously, she also heard the threat in Liu Zheng's words.

If you don't surrender, you will definitely die.

Therefore, I can only nod in agreement.

Just, right now.

There was a smile on Liu Zheng's lips.

He said slowly again.

"I don't care what your background is, now that you are here.

Just stay in Dahan.

In the future, work for the big man! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking me in!"

After hearing the voice, the woman thanked her.

In any case, she finally saved her parents' lives.

And right now.

The leader of Beihai Kingdom also walked out.

At this time, his body was covered with scars.

There was resentment in his eyes.

When he saw the body of King Beihai placed in front of him.


A mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

Then, he roared angrily.

"Han Emperor, you must die a happy death!"

"Hmph, I won today, you lost, you should pay the price!

Someone, drag him down and behead him in public! "

Liu Zheng shouted coldly.

The Lord of Beihai was startled.

Finally, he left with his escort.

He understood that the other party would never let him go easily.

Because, he once caused a devastating blow to the big man.

Now, he has to atone for this.

Then, amidst endless wailing, he was pulled to the execution ground.

At this time, Liu Zheng was sitting on Long Chu.

Heading towards the outside of Beihai King City.

This is a huge square.

At this time, a large number of people have gathered.

These people are all from Beihai.

They looked at the executioner's gleaming steel knife.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

Especially after seeing Liu Zheng appear in the square.

He couldn't help but tremble.

And the moment Liu Zheng just stepped into the field.

He said coldly.

"Kill me and leave no one alive.

All people from Beihai will be killed! "

A cold voice sounded.

"According to the order!"

Cao Ang did not dare to neglect and flew out.

The halberd in his hand drew a dazzling meteor.

All those who resisted were cut in half.

In a short period of time, almost all the people in Beihai were slaughtered.

And just when Liu Zheng returned to the imperial city.

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty also stood outside the palace to greet him.

They lowered their heads respectfully.

After all, this is the first time since His Majesty ascended the throne that he has personally conquered a king.

Sure enough, he looked domineering.

Right now.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"My dear friends, no courtesy!"

His voice sounded as he prepared to enter the hall.

But, at this moment.


Cao Ang fell to the ground, sweat rolling on his forehead.

"The general is useless, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

His voice was full of panic.

And after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng frowned slightly, wondering what happened.

It was actually Cao Ang who was so afraid.

"Say it!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

At the same time, there was a glint in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, we encountered obstacles in arresting the female relatives of Beihai Kingdom.

As a result, an old woman blew herself up in her pubic area.

The general has no choice but to retreat! "

After hearing the sound, murderous intent filled Liu Zheng's eyes instantly.

He said coldly.

"What a female family member of Beihai Kingdom, how dare you resist the army!

Tell me which family she is from! "

"Your Majesty, she is the princess of Beihai Kingdom!"

Cao Ang said tremblingly.

At this time, he was really scared.

Unexpectedly, his kind intentions actually angered Liu Zheng.

"Oh, princess!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a hint of amusement.

Then, a cold voice came out.

"Send the order and bring me the princess of Beihai Kingdom.

Remember, it must be complete! "


As the order is given.

Several huge chariots appeared in an instant.

Such a formation is much more noble than that of an ordinary prince.

There was even a hint of tenderness deep in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Because this car was a gift given to him by his mother back then.

It's just a pity that the other party didn't have time to see him when he was dying.

The fragrance disappeared and the jade died.

At this time, Princess Beihai was sitting in the chariot.

Looking at the familiar street.

His face was pale and he felt extremely remorseful.

If I had known this earlier.

After learning about Liu Zheng's ascension to the throne, she should not have come to attend.

Now, it fell into Liu Zheng's hands.

"Haha, we meet again!"

And right now.

Liu Zheng's voice came out suddenly.

Then, Princess Beihai felt that the carriage stopped moving.

Then, the curtain lifted.

Liu Zheng walked out of the carriage.

At this time, he was wearing a luxurious crown.

Behind him were the generals of the Han Dynasty.

Looking at the other party, there was a solemn look in his eyes.

Liu Zheng is a hero.

He likes killing and is good at strategy.

The previous performance was perfect.

However, he did not expect that he would now become the opponent's enemy.

Princess Beihai's eyes showed sadness.

And Liu Zheng did speak without hesitation.

“Take her away.

Remember, be sure to stay safe, otherwise I’ll ask you questions! "

There was a hint of coldness in the voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order, Cao Ang said respectfully.

Then, go straight forward.

Stretch out your big rough hands.

We must capture the princess.

See such a scene.

The other party's tears couldn't help but fall down.

However, he still struggled and shouted.

"Be bold, I am the princess of Beihai.

Who dares to touch me! "

It's just that she is at this moment.

It is simply difficult to resist.

Cao Ang's face showed a ferocious look.

The palm fell directly.


A fragile slap came out.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of the princess's mouth.

He obviously suffered a lot of damage.

And after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"You guys go down first!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cao Ang did not dare to hesitate and spoke directly.

Just after he left.

Liu Zheng slowly walked up to the princess.

The smile is brilliant.

Then, he said slowly.

"Beihai Imperial Master, your daughter is in my hands.

Now, can you talk to me about cooperation? "

After hearing the sound.

Beihai Imperial Master's eyes revealed a look of horror.

How is this going.

He had only been in seclusion for three days, how could something happen to King Bei Hai?

If so.

The entire Beihai Kingdom is doomed.

And while he was thinking.

Liu Zheng spoke again: "Beihai Imperial Master, my patience is very limited.

If my request cannot be met, the princess of Beihai will die here today.

My patience is very limited! "

Liu Zheng's voice was filled with murderous intent.

Although the Beihai Imperial Master is powerful, he also knows it.

The people in the Beihai Palace at this time must be in trouble.

So, in the end, I chose to compromise.

After all, she is just a daughter.

As long as the continuation of the North Sea Kingdom can be guaranteed.

The price is worth it.

Think of this.

He said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, you said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree!"

There was a touch of flattery in his voice.

But the corner of Liu Zheng's mouth revealed a smile.

"very good.

Then I will get straight to the point.

I want the entire Beihai Kingdom to be used by you.

And what you need to do is to help me seize the throne.

I believe you can do it! "

Liu Zheng said calmly.

But just after he finished speaking.

Beihai Imperial Master was shocked.

He didn't expect that.

This great Han emperor could open his mouth like a lion.

However, since the other party is willing to help him seize power.

Beihai Imperial Master's face showed excitement.

Then, he said respectfully.

"As you command, my king!"

After hearing the voice, a cold light flashed in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Then, they walked towards the distance.

At this time, the other party couldn't wait any longer.

I want to take control of Beihai Country quickly.

And just after he left.

Cao Ang and others escorted the Beihai Princess away.

However, at this time, Princess Beihai couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

After all, he was betrayed by his father.

However, thinking about these now is of no use.

It’s better to survive first.

On the other side, Liu Zheng had already entered the Imperial Garden.

Now, there are countless beauties in his harem.

All kinds of peerless beauties appeared in front of me.

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