Immediately afterwards, the golden-winged roc flapped its wings.

His figure flew out.

The wings spread out as if covering the sky.


Countless raindrops fell on the body.

His body suddenly became blurry.


At the same time, strands of blood flowed down the hair.

Obviously, his injuries were serious.

And at the same time.

The eyes of the people in Donghuang showed excitement.

"Haha, the golden-winged roc really can't resist it.

Brothers, charge! "

There was a shout.

Then, countless soldiers rushed forward.

There was bloodlust in their eyes.


However, just when those powerful men from the Eastern Wilderness rushed forward.

The golden-winged roc spit out a mouthful of blood.


As the sound falls.

The armor on his chest was directly penetrated.

The blood on his body kept pouring out at this moment.

And right now.


Xiang Yu shouted angrily.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand swept across.


The blazing sword directly knocked the opponent away.

But the head of the golden-winged roc fell to the ground.

At this time, the opponent has lost the power to resist.

After seeing such a scene.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"What kind of skill is this? Why is it so weird!"

“It’s too powerful, even though the golden-winged roc is a master of the fifth level of chaos realm.

But he was still killed instantly.

Are the people of Donghuang actually so strong? "

“This is not the end yet, this is just the beginning.

Next, they will attack across the board! "

Just when there was a lot of discussion around.

The strong men of the Eastern Wilderness have already launched a charge.

This time, they can be said to be full of confidence.

After all, even the Golden-winged Dapeng was defeated.

Where are the opponents for the remaining guys?


The mighty weapons collided together.

There was a deafening roar.

But in the eyes of those ancient people, there was a hint of madness in their eyes.

Their bodies became extremely ferocious at this time.

Like a ferocious beast.

"Bang bang!"

The shadow of the fist and the weapon kept colliding together.

It caused the surrounding space to make a shattering sound.

In the end, those ancient people actually gained the upper hand.

Their figures flashed.


One of the ancient powerful men actually broke the arm of the golden-winged roc forcefully.


Seeing such a scene, everyone gasped.

But the strong man from Donghuang was completely frightened.

Their figures receded.

Don't dare to hesitate at all.

Because at this time, they were no match for the ancient army.


But just as they turned around to leave.

Liu Zheng's figure has indeed flown out.

A brilliant golden light bloomed on his body.

Palm extended.

Capture the golden-winged roc.

At this time, the opponent no longer had the majesty he had just now.

He felt the breath of death.


However, when the grappling hand fell.

The golden-winged roc had a ferocious look on its mouth.

Then, the entire body turned into a mountain peak at this moment.

Suppressed towards Liu Zheng.


However, Liu Zheng ignored all this.

Point it out.


The mountain formed by the golden-winged roc exploded in an instant.

Then, the chain in Liu Zheng's hand flew out in an instant.

It instantly wrapped around the neck of the golden-winged roc.

Then, he threw it directly to the ground.


Those ancient people thrust out the spears in their hands.

In an instant, it penetrated the other party's body.


A shrill scream sounded.

Countless holes appeared on the body of the golden-winged roc at this time.

However, it did not die immediately.

"You dare to kill me!"

His eyes were wide open.

It seems a bit unbelievable.

At this time, he really couldn't understand what was going on.

Logically speaking.

Donghuang's strength should be very weak.

How could it be so powerful.

But now, it's too late.

His body was pierced.

Then, he was thrown directly to death on the spot.


The eyes of the strong man in the East Wasteland were filled with murderous intent at this time.

Their bravery is unparalleled.

Especially after seeing the methods of people from the Eastern Region.

It made them tremble with fear.

However, at this moment.

In the distance, there were bursts of shouts.

Then, dense footsteps sounded in the sky.

"hold head high!"

As bursts of dragon roars sounded.

I saw a giant dragon flying over.

Behind him were endless dragon and elephant cavalry.

“Who are these people.

How could they be so terrifying! "

Someone said in shock.

At this time, everyone in the field had a look of fear on their faces.

They are afraid that these people will kill themselves and others.

And at the same time.

"hold head high!"

Another roar sounded.

Then, an extremely huge bird appeared in the void.

His body hovered between heaven and earth.

Claws thrust out, carrying destructive energy.

Everyone around him was startled.

This is a phoenix, and a purebred phoenix.

The aura it exudes is enough to frighten anyone.


Finally, there was a violent roar.

A huge eggshell shattered.

Then, a powerful aura filled the air.


Then, a giant bird leaped up.

The moment his wings spread out.

The world seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds.

Their eyes are extremely sharp.

It was the Fire Crow, and he was also the king of the Fire Crow clan.

Lord of the Fire Crows.


Then, a raging flame emitted from his body.

The scorching temperature almost burned the heaven and earth.

"Bang bang!"

In the battlefield, the bodies of those powerful men from the Eastern Wilderness.

It was ignited in an instant.

They howled.

But he didn't dare to neglect it.

At this time, retreat quickly to the rear.

This time, they suffered heavy losses.

However, the Fire Crow Ancestor did not pursue him.

He looked at the battlefield and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, we have done our best.

Today, I want to avenge my father! "

After the words fell.

The body disappeared in an instant.

On the other side, a gleam flashed in the eyes of the Han general.

Obviously, they did not take the reinforcements from the Fire Crow Clan seriously.

"Let's go, kill these people from the Eastern Wilderness first!"

Xiang Yu said.

After hearing the voice, everyone else nodded respectfully.

Their figures rushed forward.

But at this time, those strong men in the Eastern Wilderness were almost unable to hold on any longer.

They didn't expect it.

The strength of prehistoric people will be so strong.

However, at this moment.

"Bang bang!"

The two strong men stood in front of everyone.

There was a fierce murderous intent on their bodies.

Then, a cold voice came out.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor has decreed that those who surrender will not be killed!"

There was a cold flavor in the voice.

"Haha, we took refuge in Honghuang, why do you want to kill us!"

Someone was shouting angrily.

There was a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

But it didn't work.

The next moment, the attack of the Han soldiers reached them.

In a short period of time, all the masters from the Eastern Wilderness were slaughtered.

Blood stained the entire sky red.

This scene was too cruel.

At the same time, the vast army was getting closer and closer.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, please run away quickly.

Those people are terrible.

If you don't run, you will be beaten to death! "

A general from Donghuang shouted loudly at this time.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"Don't worry!"

Then, he continued.

"All generals, line up!"

As the order is given.

The generals from all walks of life stood in the ranks of the big men.

"hold head high!"

At this time, they were wearing armor.

Holding a weapon in hand, it stood like an iron tower.

There was a fierce light in his eyes.


Liu Zheng shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the figure charged out.

At this moment, a vast aura surged from his body.

A punch was thrown out, as if it could break the sky.

Wherever he passed, there were boundless ripples in the sky.

At the same time, other generals followed closely behind.


A crisp sound sounded.

Those powerful men from ancient times didn't even have a chance to resist.

It was completely torn apart.

This scene is too terrifying.

Although there are many powerful people in the Eastern Wasteland.

But under the siege of the Han Army, there was no ability to resist at all.

In a short period of time, all the powerful men from the Eastern Region fell on the spot.

At this point, the entire Eastern Wasteland is completely finished.

When Liu Zheng returned to the imperial city.

The battle at this time is still going on.

The generals of the Han Dynasty were fighting hard.

"hold head high!"

In Huangsha Ridge, the Lord of Huangsha was fighting with the ancient general.

The armor on his body bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

Every attack is shocking.


However, the powerful man from ancient times is not inferior by any means.

He looked up to the sky and roared.

Behind him, a golden crow fluttered its wings.

The wings flapped and swept out like a strong wind.

At this moment, the Lord of Yellow Sand finally felt the danger.

The figure retreated backwards very quickly.

He knew that if he didn't retreat, he would definitely die here today.

But, just when his figure moved.

The man opposite him would not give him this chance.


The spear swept out.

It actually penetrated the chest of the Lord of Yellow Sand in an instant.

Such a scene was too shocking.

At this time, the Lord of Yellow Sand had an incredible light in his eyes.

He was one of the three overlords of the East Wilderness.

Now, he was killed by the enemy.

However, reality did not allow him to think about it.

Because, under the attack of the Fire Crow Elder.

He soon turned into a pool of pus.


At this time, even Liu Zheng, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but take a breath.

Honghuang was more powerful than he imagined.

Especially those saint-level beings, they were so powerful that it was frightening.


Not only that.

After the battle was over.

The whole earth was shaking.

Millions of Honghuang troops flew towards the city.

After seeing all this.

Liu Zheng's face changed.

These people all exuded a strong evil spirit.

Obviously, they also won the war.

But, what I don't understand is why these people suddenly joined the Honghuang Continent.

And just when he was puzzled,

"Han Emperor, dare you fight me!"

The leading man in the prehistoric army shouted.

The voice was filled with ferocious murderous intent.

"I am the great Han Emperor, why should I fear you!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Okay, in that case, we will fight!"

The leading man said.

Then, he took a step forward.

Instantly leaped to the top of the city wall.

He was very fast, and in a flash he came to Liu Zheng's side.


Just as he was about to take action.

A sharp sword shot out from the city wall.

Cut towards the leading man.

The blazing sword light cut through the void.

It made the surrounding space tremble.


The man snorted coldly.

The body flashed and dodged the opponent's attack.

Then, the body burst out in an instant.


A palm slapped on the city gate.

With a series of crackling sounds.

The gate made of giant trees was overturned to the ground.

And in Liu Zheng's eyes, endless cold light burst out at this time.

At this moment, his eyes showed a solemn look.

The strong man on the opposite side was really too strong.

His cultivation was not weak, but compared with the opponent, there was indeed a big gap.

"Haha, Emperor Han, you are just like this. Today, I will let you die without a burial place!"

Looking at Liu Zheng in the field, the man said again.

There was a grim meaning in his voice.

The faces of the surrounding Donghuang army were even uglier at this time.

After all, Liu Zheng was the hope for the rise of their East Land.

If he really died here.

What should they do.

But at this moment.


Liu Zheng moved.

I saw the other party's steps moving.

His body turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.

At the moment of approaching the opponent.

A punch came up.

This blow was unmatched and carried a breath of destruction.

The fist roared.

The man smiled.

Then, he reached out and grabbed.

This claw was extremely sharp and contained terrifying magical powers.


The two collided with each other.

Liu Zheng's body retreated a few steps in an instant.

Blood seeped through his clothes.

However, the man did not show any joy on his face.

Because, in the previous fight.

Liu Zheng actually blocked his fatal blow.


Then, the two collided with each other again.

And this time, Liu Zheng's body was covered with a layer of black armor in an instant.

There was a golden light flashing on it.


The long sword in his hand slashed horizontally again.

The blazing sword light slashed towards the opponent.

The man showed disdain in his eyes.


A touch of bronze luster appeared on his arm.

He actually blocked Liu Zheng's attack.

However, Liu Zheng was extremely excited at this time.

These masters of the ancient times are all good at refining weapons.

The weapons in their hands are even more amazing, no wonder they are so powerful.

Thinking of this, he became even more ferocious.

His figure flashed.

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