Because, this person is the sixth-ranked master in Chaos Demon City, the Nether Ancestor.

The opponent's methods are extremely ruthless.

It is said that a pair of fleshy wings spread out and cover the sky and the sun.


Now, it actually appears here.

But at this moment, the Nether Ancestor spoke.

"Junior Han Emperor, you kill my disciple.

Today I must kill you to relieve my hatred! "

After the words fell, the whole person flew up.

A huge coercion emanates from the body.

This time, he was ready to fight.


Liu Zheng didn't hesitate at all.

The order was given directly.

In an instant, the two sides were fighting together.

Their speed is extremely fast.

Between one move and one move.

Almost always fatal attacks.

It makes people around you unable to get close at all.

Within a short period of time, sweat broke out on the forehead of the Nether Ancestor.

He knew in his heart that if he could not win, there would be only death.

Therefore, Liu Zheng must be killed even if he has to pay the price.

But no matter what, Liu Zheng's strength was too strong.

Every time he takes a shot, it shatters the space.

The ancestor of Netherworld couldn't resist it at all.


When Liu Zheng's knife struck out.

The Nether Ancestor's palm was cut off directly.

Blood spurted out.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

Want to pull away and retreat.

But it's too late.

Liu Zheng's arm swept across.


The head of the Nether Ancestor was smashed out in an instant.

And just when his body fell to the ground.

The army behind Liu Zheng rushed into the palace.

Wherever it goes, no one can stop it.

The screams kept ringing out.

In a short period of time, all the guards in Netherworld Palace were completely wiped out.

And right now.

Liu Zheng also stepped into the palace.

At this time, he had a ferocious look on his lips.

He spoke slowly.

"Whoever comes with me, I will give him a magic medicine!"

After hearing the sound, the warriors around them all showed greed in their eyes.

However, no one is still willing to come forward.


At this time, Liu Zheng actually let out a cold snort.

Then, his body flashed and flew towards the palace.

When he came to the depths of the hall.

The Nether Saint was tied to the torture rack.

Her face was full of panic.

At this time, tears rolled down, looking extremely poignant.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng's cold voice came out.

"My imperial concubine is also someone you can bully!"

The voice sounded, and the Netherworld Saint looked at Liu Zheng.

Although she knew that the other party was strong.

However, hope still arose in my heart.

Because Liu Zheng's appearance is really so handsome, like a god.

If a man saves me, he will definitely shed tears of gratitude.

Sure enough, when she was having random thoughts.

Liu Zheng said.

"Netherworld Saint, wait for a moment, it will be over soon!"

After saying that, his figure disappeared in an instant.

when it appears again.

He has arrived next to the Nether Saint.

Then, a flick of the fingers.


The blazing flames fell directly on the torture rack.

Donations of blood flowed continuously from the mouth and nose of the Nether Saint.

Her eyes were full of disbelief.

How can this be.

He would actually be defeated in an instant.

Can't even react.


And as her roar fell.

The body of the Nether Ancestor was directly burned to ashes.

Then, a huge amount of energy gathered from the torture rack.

Finally, it merged into Liu Zheng's body.

This scene shocked the Netherworld Saint.

What's happening here.

How could Liu Zheng's combat prowess be so incredible?

His own father is the third master of Chaos Demon City.

He was actually killed like this.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng spoke slowly.

"Take you away!"

The voice sounded.

The Nether Saint was stunned at this moment.

She couldn't believe it.

However, the next moment, Liu Zheng grabbed his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, the two disappeared from the same place.

At this time, the Netherworld Palace was completely reduced to ruins.

And the Nether Ancestor died in the palace.

Now he has been turned into a puppet.

Not only could it not hurt Liu Zheng at all.

Instead, he was controlled and became a slow-moving puppet.

Outside the Netherworld Palace.

The generals of the Han Dynasty have already occupied various fortresses.

Today's Netherworld Palace has been completely surrounded.

The army is heavily guarded.

But Xiang Yu, who was standing on the city wall, was looking down.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Now, he can finally take revenge.

And at this moment.

Above the city, a commander shouted respectfully.

"Reporting to the king, the brothers who went to Netherworld Palace to explore are back.

It is said that the treasure house in the Netherworld Palace has not been opened.

You also need to search in person! "

The sound sounded, and Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

Nether Palace is the foundation of Nether Ancestor.

Now that he has not found anything, how can he not be angry.

However, I think of my brother who is suffering now.

He could only grit his teeth and say.

"Well, please step back first, I will be here in a moment!"

Then, they walked towards the palace.

At this time, he didn't care about much.

Whether it was the treasure left by the Nether Ancestor or the elixir given by Liu Zheng.

This time it is inevitable.

And just after he came to the hall and sat down.

The guard below knelt down on the ground.

Said respectfully.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, everything is normal in the palace.

His Majesty's palace was also searched several times.

Nothing was found! "

After hearing the sound.

Xiang Yu nodded and motioned for the other party to get down.

But there was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Could it be that this treasure was really hidden by his father?

At this time, at the entrance of the main hall, two figures appeared quietly.

They were tall and tall, and all wore black armor.

Holding the sword in hand, they are in uniform order.

It was the Shadow Knights under the Night Demon Emperor.

At first, they chased Xiang Yu to no avail, so they retreated.

Now, back again.

However, this time their target was the widow of the Netherworld Palace Master.

Although this woman is overwhelmed.

However, the appearance is gorgeous.

Especially a pair of red and phoenix eyes, exuding a charm.

If you can get the other party.

It must be an excellent plaything.


But at this moment, the voice of the Shadow Demon suddenly sounded.

After his words fell.

The dagger in his hand stabbed out directly.

The speed is extremely fast.

Wherever it passed, there was a strong wind.

The palace maid of Netherworld Palace was unable to escape and was directly nailed to the wall.

Blood spilled.

Her eyes were wide open, as if she wanted to beg for mercy.

But it was too late.

The threat of death made her eyes look desperate.

After seeing such a scene.

The Shadow Lord said with a sneer.

"Huh, trying to steal women from me is really boring!"

As he spoke, he was preparing to collect the body.

However, at this moment, footsteps could be heard outside the hall.

Then, Xiang Yu's angry voice sounded.

"You are looking for death!"

There was endless violence in his voice.

The Shadow Demon couldn't help but be surprised.

He didn't understand that he had just breached the palace.

Why did the other party appear in the outside world?

However, what followed was a hint of insinuation.

"Now that you're here, stay here forever!"

After the words fell, the figure flew out.

At the same time, the generals of the other team also charged towards the main hall.


However, as soon as he approached the main hall, he punched and collided with the opponent.

Suddenly, bursts of thunder burst out in the air.

Then, the figure of the Shadow Demon Lord retreated towards the rear.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

"Haha, today I will cut you into pieces!"

At this time, the Shadow Demon Lord made a ferocious sound.

Then, the figure swept up.


The short sword in his hand shone with a cold light.

Chopping down hard.

Extremely fast.

But, he hasn't gotten close yet.

Beside Liu Zheng, Cao Zhengchun was standing in front of him.

With one palm shot, vast mana surged.

It turned out to be a forceful force to force the opponent back.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although his strength is not strong.

But the defense is perverted enough.

This shadow demon wants to defeat himself.

I'm afraid it won't be easy.

Sure enough, the Shadow Demon Lord's expression turned ugly at this time.

And just when he was about to charge again.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"The Shadow Demon Lord.

I know who you are! "

"Oh, you know me!"

The Shadow Demon Lord said coldly.

However, he was guessing about Liu Zheng's identity.

"Of course I know him. In the past, the leader of your shadow clan also visited my big man.

However, there was no chance to talk to him.

Today, I will use you to pay homage to the late emperor.

You shadow demons should be grateful to me.

After all, your father is not the only brother I have.

There were still many enemies back then! "

After the voice fell, he waved and shouted.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor orders you to kill everyone in front of you.

Leave no one behind! "

Cao Zhengchun's voice was extremely cold.

Then, a large number of imperial guards rushed towards the field.


Sharp arrows flew across the sky, instantly covering those members of the Shadow Demon Clan.

Screams rang out, and the general of the Shadow Demon Tribe fell.

Such a scene made the Shadow Demon almost burst into tears.

He didn't expect that Liu Zheng actually knew his true identity.

However, he did not dare to neglect it.

Therefore, the figure burst out in an instant.

His palms were extended.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding world gathered in an instant.

Then, a spear condensed.


As a roar fell.

The sharp spear was thrown towards Liu Zheng.

The speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, it reached Liu Zheng's chest.

And right now.

Liu Zheng still showed no fear at all.

There was even excitement in his eyes.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth and said.


A thunderbolt struck from the void.

The Shadow Demon Lord completely collapsed at this moment.

He couldn't figure out when Liu Zheng's cultivation reached the ninth level of the God Emperor.

What's even more shocking is that this thunderbolt can even resist its own attack.


While he was thinking about it, the loud noise did fall.

The figure of the Shadow Demon Lord was directly reduced to ashes.

How could he possibly think of it at this time?

After Liu Zheng destroyed the Shadow Demon Clan, he also destroyed the Demon Cloud Holy Court.

Such deeds are impossible in any world.

However, Liu Zheng now doesn't know this at all.

After he finished dealing with the people of the Shadow Demon Clan.

But it didn't stop.

Instead, he continued to give instructions.

"Cao Zhengchun, take people to Shadow City and be sure to eliminate the roots!"

His voice rang out.

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect.

He retreated directly.

Then, the generals of the Han Dynasty followed behind him.

Head towards the Shadow City.

At this time, Liu Zheng knew in his heart that he needed to establish his authority.

Otherwise, after this battle is over.

I am afraid that some forces will forget their existence.

And at this moment.

On the other side, in the Shadow City, there was also trouble.

Dozens of strong men from the Shadow Demon Clan.

There were several women in their hands.

The women's clothes are messy.

There was a look of pain on his face.

Obviously, he was tortured.

Moreover, there are many masters of the Shadow Demon Clan.

"Dark Protector!"

When I see these women.

On the top of the city of Shadow City, someone shouted.

After hearing the sound.

The Dark Lord standing in the center couldn't help but frown.

Then, a cold voice sounded instantly.

"Send those women down to me, I want to see which one takes advantage of the leopard's courage.

How dare you provoke me, the Shadow Demon Clan.

You are seeking death! "

There was a strong bloodlust in the Dark Lord's voice.

"As you command!"

After hearing the sound, the soldiers around him did not dare to hesitate.

He led the crowd directly down the city.

The Dark Lord's eyes revealed a cruel light.

He wants everyone to know that provoking the Shadow Demon Clan is seeking death.

It's not just about catching the captured women.

More importantly.

He wanted the leaders of all the tribes in the entire Western Region to kneel before him.

If this is the case, then this battle is worth his efforts.

And just when he entered the city.

Cao Zhengchun, who was walking towards him, had a playful look on his face.

At this time, he spoke.

"Hey, isn't this the Dark Lord?

long time no see!

I didn’t expect to meet here again today! "

As he spoke, a bright smile appeared on Cao Zhengchun's face.

However, just after his words fell.

The Dark Lord said coldly.

"It turns out to be Eunuch Cao, what a coincidence, I was looking for you.

I heard that you are thriving in the Eastern Wasteland.

I specially invite you to be a guest at the City Lord’s Mansion! "

The voice was low, with a hint of sinisterness.

At this time, he wished he could crush Cao Zhengchun into ashes.

However, there is no way.

The guards around the opponent.

Every strength is not weak.

He was not sure of victory at all.

But Cao Zhengchun said with a smile after hearing the sound.

"Haha, if that's the case, our family would rather be respectful than obey!"

Then, he gave instructions to the people beside him.

“Throw all the prisoners over the wall.

Then go to the city lord’s mansion for a banquet! "

The voice was filled with amusement.

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