"Yeah, I got it. Keep paying attention!"

After hearing the sound, the Dark Emperor pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and told the general to retreat.

However, he was relieved.

After all, An Yu is a brother. If he really attacks him, then he really doesn't know what to do.

And An Yu's whereabouts were finally exposed.

Ji Hao led the army towards the Dark Star City in a mighty manner.

The situation in the entire Northern Wilderness became increasingly tense.

Especially the Dark Moon Dynasty, their fighting spirit is boiling.

The city lord of Dark Moon King City, with the help of Ji Hao, reached the eighth level of sainthood.

Plus, Darkmoon City’s various backgrounds.

Now, he has the strength to fight against the opponent.

However, even so, there is still a winner between the two sides.

After all, Ji Hao's strength is too strong.

They are just ordinary soldiers.

Although you can also fight with the help of Noble Phantasm, it is still inferior to Ji Hao.

Therefore, the battle between the two sides gradually declined in Darkmoon City.

However, even so, the Dark Night King's Court is still extremely determined.

Moreover, as time went by, the Dark Night Palace gained an advantage.

They continue to encroach on the land of the Dark Star Dynasty.

At this time, the Dark Night City Lord was very excited.

Because, he got a piece of news from Ji Hao's mouth.

The other party will take action to help you.

Therefore, many brave men were recruited in the city.

Prepare for Anyu's invasion.

At this time, the other party also felt the danger.

His figure shuttled through the void.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

"Hmph, little thief Ji Hao, since you dare to chase me, I will kill you in this northern wilderness today!"

Mr. Anyu said fiercely.

At this time, he already believed that the Dark Star Dynasty was within his grasp.

If Ji Hao knew better, he would kneel down in front of him and apologize.

Perhaps he could be spared the death penalty.

"Haha, who gave you the courage to act so recklessly in the Northern Wilderness!"

Just after Mr. Anyu finished speaking.

A burst of laughter came out.

Immediately afterwards, the sky filled with yellow sand rushed towards Master Anyu.

This made him shine with a fiery light in his eyes.

Because, there is a huge murderous intention hidden in this sand and dust.

He is clearly a master.

After seeing such a scene, Mr. Anyu could not care about chasing Ji Hao.

He greeted him directly.

The two collided in an instant.


A violent roar sounded.

Master Anyu's body was smashed and flew out.

He never expected that the opponent's strength would be so terrifying.

However, An Yu at this time was unwilling to give up.

His figure soared into the sky.

Kill towards the Dark Emperor.

However, his speed is fast.

However, how could he be the opponent of the Dark Emperor?

The opponent's punch had just come out.

It was just avoided by that dark cloud.

But now, on the other side.


There were roars.

I saw the Lord of Dark Moon City, his whole body covered with black scales.

A thick blood mist emitted from the horn above his head.

At this time, he was fighting with the general of the Dark Star Dynasty.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Next to the Dark Moon City Lord, stood a Valkyrie.

The same ferocious look.

Black flames rose from her body.

Burning in the void.


The two fought together again.

This general from the Dark Emperor Dynasty was clearly outmatched.

Just in the blink of an eye.

Then he retreated in defeat.

But the corner of the Valkyrie's mouth showed a ferocious smile.

Holding a long knife, he slashed at the opponent.

The blazing blade cut through the sky.

The general's expression couldn't help but change.

Want to resist.

However, the Valkyrie was too fast and had no time to react.


The blade fell and immediately left a scar on the opponent's chest.

Blood flowed freely, and screams could not help but come out.


And just as the Valkyrie was slashing towards the Dark Emperor's general.

The other party had already turned around and ran away.

How could he not know at this time?

He is no match for the Valkyrie of the Dark Emperor Dynasty.

If the battle continues, there will definitely be a risk of death.

Therefore, I made a decisive decision to leave.

But, just after he escaped.

Behind the opponent, dozens of figures emerged.

They all went towards Young Master Anyu with cold faces.

The other party was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect Ji Hao to be so insidious.

Not only did they send experts to ambush him, they also intercepted him midway.


Before he could react.

A long sword pierced his abdomen.

A look of shock and anger appeared on his face.


And at this moment.

The Valkyrie's palm also hit his shoulder.

In an instant, the opponent's body was blown away.


Young Master An Yu roared angrily.

This was the most serious injury he had received since he became an adult.

Now, he was in front of everyone and lost face. How could he bear it?

"Come and die!"

At this time, Young Master An Yu was completely crazy.

He attacked all around frantically.

He wanted to find Ji Hao and take revenge.

However, this made the Lord of Dark City even more disdainful.


However, he did not notice that an elite in the dark world had quietly approached behind him.

The sharp blade in his hand was shining with a sharp cold light.

When he was only a few feet away from the Dark Emperor, he suddenly stabbed out.

The other party's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

However, it was too late to stop it at this time.


The sharp blade pierced through the Dark Emperor's body in an instant.

Almost his entire body was shattered.

However, the Lord of Dark City did not care.

He swung his weapon and slashed at the opponent.

At this moment, there was even a mad look in his eyes.

He knew that this battle was related to his life and death.

If he lost, the entire dark world would not be able to be saved.

However, just when the Lord of the Dark World took action.


An old man appeared in the field.

He pointed out with one finger.

In an instant, the opponent was bounced out.


The Lord of the Dark Emperor Dynasty fell straight to the ground.


After seeing such a scene, the strong men of all races around couldn't help but take a breath.

The cultivation of this old man was not lower than that of the Lord of the Dark Night.

Even better.

Moreover, they all knew this old man, who was the ancestor of the Dark World.

The Dark Night Old Demon.

He usually stayed at home.

Now, he actually arrived in the Dark World in person, which surprised everyone.

At this moment, the other party slowly spoke.

"From today on, the Dark Realm will be under the command of the Lord of Dark Night City. You all must obey his orders.

If anyone disobeys, he will be killed without mercy!"

As his voice fell, everyone present bowed to the ground.

"Yes, ancestor!"

A respectful voice sounded, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

The Dark Emperor of the Dark Emperor Dynasty had been killed countless times by the Lord of Dark Realm.

This is a well-known fact.

As for the others, let alone, the other party can be said to be a god-like existence in their hearts.

At this time, the other party has given the order.

Naturally, they dare not refute it at all.

And just after the respectful voices of the strong men of various races fell.


A dragon roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the old demon of Dark Night, with the crutch in his hand, struck down fiercely.

In an instant, a pitch-black giant python.

Appeared in the original place, it bared its fangs and claws.

It spit out a thick snake tongue from its mouth and rolled up the young master An Yu into its belly.

This poor guy, just after breaking through, encountered such a terrifying opponent, it was really unjust to die.

At this time, Ji Hao did not know what was happening in the outside world.

At this time, he was sitting in the palace, preparing to refine his Dantian.

This time, Ji Hao got too many benefits after swallowing the Dark Moon Dynasty.

Especially in terms of elixirs, there were hundreds of them.

This time, it was enough for him to refine his Dantian.

Therefore, he started practicing overnight.

While he was practicing.

In the depths of the ancient forest.

At this time, it was already in chaos.

This is a group of wolves, chasing a team.

Although their number is not large.

But the strength is indeed very strong.

The leader is a strong man, who is at the eighth level of the saint.

The hair on his body stood up like steel needles, and his body was agile, like a cheetah.

While walking, he exuded a fierce breath.

This person was the third prince of the Dark Moon Dynasty.

At this moment, he had an anxious look in his eyes.

"Damn, these wolves are too difficult to deal with!"

He shouted angrily.

At this moment, there were more than 20 soldiers standing beside him.

They were all guards who had followed him for a long time.

Now, in order to save himself, most of them have died.

Such a loss made his eyes burst.

At this moment, a crisp voice came out.

But he was relieved. Those wolves seemed to have given up chasing and disappeared on the spot.

However, just when he was about to leave.

A ghostly figure blocked his way.

At this moment, it looked extremely ferocious.

"Do you still want to chase? I advise you to forget it!"

Looking at the ghostly figure.

The third prince said lightly.

"Hehe, how can you bear to give up so many delicacies.

Today, no one wants to leave!"

After hearing the voice, the ghostly figure laughed strangely.

The next moment, he actually pounced directly.

In his hand, a cold white light flashed.

"Get out of here!"

After seeing this scene, the third prince roared and chopped down the opponent with the axe in his hand.


The air was torn apart, making a harsh sound.

However, what shocked everyone was that.

When the sharp axe collided with the ghost, it could no longer move forward.


Then, it fell with a roar.

The sharp axe shattered, and the figure of the third prince was directly knocked out.


At the same time, the ghost roared.

Then, he rushed towards the opponent.

The scales on his arms were shining with metallic luster, looking extremely ferocious.

The pupils of the third prince shrank.

This was the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered.


Another palm was slapped out, and this time, the third prince was defeated after all.

The whole body flew backwards, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't do it at all.

Seeing that the ghost was rushing to kill again.

With a look of determination in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and shouted.


After the voice fell, he rushed towards the other party.

However, although he fought hard, he was too different from this ghost, and he was blown up in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers around were completely panicked.

They wanted to beg for mercy.

"Haha, I said, no one can escape.


The old demon of the dark night said sinisterly.

The next moment, those wolf clan masters rushed towards those soldiers.

The bloody scenes kept appearing, and no one could resist.

And at this moment, in Ji Hao's room, a vast momentum suddenly rose.

Then, he opened his eyes and showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

In his body, the vast energy circulated around and spread to the surroundings.


Almost instantly, Ji Hao's cultivation level was raised to the fifth level of Daojun.

If it weren't for the chaos of the laws of heaven and earth in this dark night world, I'm afraid he would have broken through to a higher realm.

And the third prince at this time.

He was also panting.

He showed a look of relief on his face. If it weren't for his alertness, he would have been killed now.


But just when he raised his head.

A sharp sword light cut across his neck.


The severe pain made him gasp in a breath of cold air instantly.

Then, his eyes widened.

He never thought that he would die here.


The last trace of life passed away, and the body of the third prince fell to the ground.


The old demon of the dark night who had done all this said disdainfully.

He was a powerful man of the seventh level of saints. How could a mere member of the royal family compete with him.

Then, he was ready to take people away.

But, just when he was about to fly up.

In his mind, a voice came out:

"Wait a minute!"

This voice was extremely cold and carried a murderous intent.

The Dark Night Demon couldn't help but tremble all over.

Then he spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty!"

However, Ji Hao ignored him at this time and continued to speak.

"Search every inch of land in this city for me, no matter what it is, don't let it go!"

As soon as his voice fell, he disappeared on the spot.

The Dark Night Demon was terrified, but he didn't dare to neglect it.

He ordered the people below to start searching the city.

As for Ji Hao, he had already stepped into the air.

Since he wanted to settle here, he naturally needed to collect resources.

This is the edge of the Dark Forest, which is extremely rich in resources.

Not only are there countless treasures.

Even the monsters are extremely fierce.

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