"hold head high!"

As a roar fell.

Liu Zheng slashed forward fiercely.

Wherever the sword light passed, the space was shattered inch by inch.

At this time, Master Tianpeng's eyes revealed a look of horror.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng would suddenly explode.


However, at this time, he had no time to escape.

He could only punch the sky with his fist.


In an instant, the void burst open.

This blow was enough to shatter the stars.

But no matter what, he met Liu Zheng.

Before he even got close.


The rain of swords in the sky has already fallen.

Master Tianpeng's arms exploded.

The whole person was in an extremely embarrassed state.

However, Liu Zheng did not stop attacking at this time.

He moved and kicked him on the head.

Master Tianpeng was kicked out in an instant.


And at this moment.

Another guard of Young Master Tianpeng rose into the sky, wanting to rescue him.

His body was huge and he was clad in golden armor.

Every head seems to have great power.


Then, Liu Zheng kicked out his right leg directly.


That day Peng Guard's head was shattered into pieces.

The body fell to the ground.

This shocked the people around him.

This is not a human race, it is simply a demon king.

"You deserve to die!"

Young Master Tianpeng roared angrily and stretched out his sharp claws.

Catch Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, sneered disdainfully at this moment.


He grabbed the other person's throat with one hand.

Then, in everyone's horrified eyes.

Said slowly.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Stand up and fight me!"

His voice was extremely cold.

As for Mr. Tianpeng, he was already confused at this time.

There was even a look of fear in his eyes.

Although he is arrogant, he also knows it.

There is a huge gap between his own strength and Liu Zheng.

Now the other party is pinching his neck.

It made his breathing a little difficult.

However, at this moment.

An arrow shot.

The speed is extremely fast.

It actually penetrated Liu Zheng's left shoulder in an instant.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, be careful!"

Xiang Yu shouted.

There was anger in his eyes.

And just after his voice fell.


A stone appeared in Liu Zheng's hand.

It was the Nine Provinces Holy Stone.

Under the urging of his magic power.

Smashed downwards.

In an instant.

Young Master Tianpeng and the strong man from the Tianpeng clan were smashed into the dust.

Then, a figure walked out.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Astonishingly, he is the young master of the Tianpeng clan.

The opponent's figure was extremely burly.

He held a war spear in his hand.

After seeing Liu Zheng, he said slowly.

"Human, do you know what you are doing?

If you dare to hurt Mr. Tianpeng.

You will definitely not end well! "

There was a hint of threat in the voice.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's lips showed a hint of disdain.

He said coldly.

"Why, I am still afraid of a mere Tianpeng.

Whoever I want to kill, no one can stop me! "

After the voice fell.

Master Tianpeng's figure swept forward in an instant.

Obviously, he was ready to escape.

But, just when he moved.


On that day, the young master of Peng's lineage drew out the sharp blade in his hand.

In an instant, Master Tianpeng was cut into two halves.

This scene was too fast.

It's shocking.

And in the eyes of that young master.

But he showed a look of madness.

At this time, he shouted to Liu Zheng.

"Han Emperor, I will kill you first today.

Destroying the human race! "

As he spoke, he rushed towards Liu Zheng.

He's extremely fast.

The sharp blade in his hand shone brightly.

Obviously, he is also a top talent.

However, now he met Liu Zheng.

The other party didn't care at all.

Let the sharp blade fall on his body.


Blood spattered and it was penetrated directly.

"you wanna die!"

After seeing such a scene, the young master of Tian Peng's lineage was almost furious.

And just after he finished speaking.

There was a flash of indifference in Liu Zheng's eyes.

His figure flashed and appeared next to Mr. Tianpeng in an instant.

At this time, the other party couldn't react at all.


Liu Zheng pointed out again.

His fingerprints were like lightning.

In an instant, it penetrated Master Tianpeng's eyebrows.

This time, he didn't hold back at all.

Because he knew very well that these geniuses of the demon clan would never let him go.

Sure enough, after Mr. Tianpeng screamed.

The whole person fell to the ground.

The breath is extremely weak.

At this time, the guard of Young Master Tianpeng.

But he was already frozen in place.

He never imagined that Liu Zheng would be so violent.

Young Master Tianpeng can be said to be the most outstanding disciple of the Tianpeng clan.

But he didn't expect that he would die due to the skill of this human race.

And right now.

There was a burst of exclamations from all around.

"Master Tianpeng was killed!"

This is the crowd of people watching.

There was horror in their eyes.

After all, where is Master Tianpeng's name?

You can compete with the great elder.

He was actually killed by a human race.

And he is also a human race with the seventh level of saint.

"Kill the human race, my Tianpeng clan will not spare you!"

And while everyone was talking about it.

On top of the distant mountain peaks.

A huge figure emerged.

Astonishingly, he is the great elder of the Tianpeng clan.

His face was extremely gloomy.

He never thought that his son would fall to the human race.

This is absolutely a shame for the Tianpeng clan.

And just after his voice fell.

The father of Young Master Tianpeng on the side spoke respectfully.

"Great Elder, you must avenge the young master.

The Han Emperor was too arrogant.

It must be killed.

Otherwise, how can I explain it to my Tianpeng clan?

These ants dare to provoke us! "

This is Young Master Tianpeng’s father.

He has a high status in the Tianpeng clan.

This time something happened to Mr. Tianpeng, and all the pressure was focused on him.

That's why.

And after hearing the sound.

There was a glint in the great elder's eyes.

"What a good Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Since he dares to kill the genius of my Tianpeng clan, he must pay the price.

I will take his life myself! "

The voice was filled with murderous intent.

"Thank you, Great Elder!"

After hearing the sound, Mr. Peng's father said excitedly that day.

Then, he retreated.

At this time, he only hoped that the Great Elder could defeat Liu Zheng.

But the great elder did not stop.

He turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance.

Disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, Emperor Han, you have caused trouble. The Tianpeng clan is not easy to mess with.

This is the legendary beast race.

You are dead! "

There was a hint of gloating in the voice of the Sky Eagle Clan Leader.

At this time, Liu Zheng really ignored him.

He just stared at Mr. Tianpeng on the ground and said coldly.

"get out!"

After the voice fell, he kicked it away.

Making the other party extremely embarrassed.

This time, if Mr. Tianpeng doesn’t show up.

The target of these people will be him.

If so, he would be in danger.

And right now.

There was a loud sound in the sky.

"Han Emperor, are you bullying my Tianpeng clan?

Don't come with me yet! "

After the words fell, dozens of figures rushed downwards.

It was the great elder who was leading the masters from all races.

They come with force.

Liu Zheng was happy and fearless and said calmly.

"Who are you, dare to be so arrogant in front of me.

I really don’t know whether to live or die! "

After the words fell, he clapped his hands.


The void shattered.

The terrifying energy instantly hit the great elder's body.

It made the other party's face change drastically.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng would suddenly take action.

It's not just him.

Even the strong men of the Tianpeng clan were a little confused.

After all, they had only met Liu Zheng once on weekdays.

Where do we know each other?

However, at this moment, another voice came out.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor is worthy of being the Human Emperor.

Nowadays, even in another world, he is still brave and diligent.

My Tianpeng clan is convinced! "

As the sound falls.

A young man in white clothes appeared on the scene.

His eyes exuded a bright golden light.

The wings behind him spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

Astonishingly, he was the eldest son of the Peng clan that day.

And after hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng's face showed a smile.

"Haha, it turns out to be you.

Unexpectedly, we met again.

Why, do you also want to help your brother get revenge? "

The voice sounded playfully.

"Hmph, although Mr. Tianpeng is my elder brother, he has been protecting me since I was a child.

Now that he is being killed, will I stand by and watch?

Emperor Han, I advise you to surrender and be captured.

If your father takes action, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it! "

Young Master Tianpeng’s eldest brother said.

At this time, a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

"Really? Then let me try to see what strength you have!"

As he spoke, Liu Zheng slowly raised his palm.

Suddenly, thunder surged.

It's like the end of the world.

Then, punch out.

"hold head high!"

A thunder dragon leaped out.

He hit Mr. Peng's eldest brother that day.

The other party wanted to avoid it, but it was already too late.

Hit instantly.

His chest collapsed.

The whole person was reduced to ashes in an instant.

This scene is shocking.


At the same time, an angry roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a huge thunder leopard flew between the sky and the earth.

The body was constantly twisting.

His eyes were red, as if he was about to eat someone.


As it approaches.

Liu Zheng waved his hand.

The Thunder Leopard exploded.

Blood mist filled the world.

At this time, everyone felt suffocated.

They didn't understand why a strong man of the ninth level of the Holy King was so vulnerable in front of the Han Emperor.

This simply exceeded everyone's expectations.

And after seeing all this.

Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

The realm of these people is not low.

If it is swallowed, it will be enough for the system to complete its task.

However, he is not ready to take action now.

Instead, prepare to continue watching the show.

"Han Emperor, you are seeking death!"

Elder Tianpeng was almost crazy.

His two sons were both beheaded.

How can this be tolerated.

And just after his words fell.

The other powerful men around Elder Tianpeng also rushed towards Liu Zheng.

They are all top beings from all races.

Every combat power is very powerful.

Especially the leader of the Tianpeng clan.

A claw flew across the sky, seemingly scratching the sky into pieces.


The sharp sword in Liu Zheng's hand cut through the void.

When it condenses again.

That day, Patriarch Peng's right arm was broken.

The blood was like a waterfall, falling below the ring.

But at this moment, he ignored his injury.

Attack and kill again.

This time, it was even faster.

There is even a faint mysterious rhythm.

Obviously, he practiced some kind of skill.

"Han Emperor, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will consider letting you go!"

The voice of the Tianpeng clan leader came out.

"Haha, you guys are really ridiculous.

You think that just because you are a mere Tianpeng tribe elder, you want to keep me.

It's too ridiculous! "

Liu Zheng's voice sounded, causing everyone's eyes to show horror.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng shouted again.

"Destroy it!"

The words fell.

A huge city appeared in the field.

The surrounding space was trembling.

"Bang bang!"

Then, dull voices sounded.

Those strong men from Tianpeng tribe.

One by one flew out.

There was horror on their faces.

He never thought that the big man could be so powerful.

"Damn it, kill me, leave no one behind!"

Elder Tianpeng shouted.

After hearing the sound, the strong men of all races were not afraid.

Charge forward.

Their figures flashed at extremely fast speeds.


But, right now.

Liu Zheng, who was standing on the dragon chair, finally moved.

He took one step forward.

The whole person's body roared.

Then, a golden-armored giant stood behind Liu Zheng.

He held a giant hammer in his hand.

Sweeping around.

Wherever the blazing hammer passed, the masters of all races could not resist it.


The disciples of the Tianpeng clan were instantly crushed at this moment.

Screams sounded.

But this scene is not over.

Liu Zheng flicked his fingers.


A stream of light streaked across the sky.

Then, the ancient ferocious beast was summoned.


With bursts of roars.

One after another, the ferocious beasts charged towards the disciples of the Tianpeng clan.

In a short period of time, everyone outside the Tianpeng clan was dyed red with blood.

The Tianpeng clan was retreating steadily under the attack of the Han army.

There was a look of despair on their faces.

And after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng said coldly.

"If you don't want to surrender, then die!"

The voice was filled with murderous intent.

The people of all races around were startled.


Then, a dazzling brilliance bloomed in the sky.

The leader of the Tianpeng clan was directly killed on the spot.

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