Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 63 The Alliance of Three Thousand Great Dao Gods and Demons!

"What happened to you at the extreme of time and space?"

The God of Creation agreed after hearing this, then moved away from the God of Demon, returned to his own camp, and asked.

At this time, although all the gods and demons present were amazed at the connections of the God of Demon, they could not care about it at this moment, and all looked at Him, waiting for His answer.

"The three of us encountered great terror at the extreme of time and space!"

The God of Demon paused and looked at the reactions of the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him intently, He couldn't help but grin.

"Haha, your expressions are so funny!!"

The face of the God of Destruction was iron-black, his veins bulged, and his hands were slightly clenched.

Most of the other gods and demons were similar, especially the God of Killing. His eyes full of murderous intent had already locked the God of Demon.

He had already made up his mind that no matter what the God of Demon said, he must tear Him into pieces as soon as he finished speaking!

The God of Death shared the same idea with him...

The God of Demons spoke up when he saw the God of Destruction about to go berserk, changing his previous smile and saying seriously: "The great terror is that as soon as the three of us entered the extreme of time and space, we saw a flash of axe light, and the three thousand gods and demons of the future were all dead!!!"

"Even Chaos was split open!!!"

"Nonsense!!!" The God of Destruction snorted coldly, and a powerful breath burst out.

In this world, no one who can kill him has appeared yet!

He didn't think the words of the God of Demons were true!

This kid was famous for playing with the gods and demons of the Great Dao, and he didn't think it was strange even if he lied for this.

"Destruction, stay calm, what he said is possible!"

The God of Creation said in a deep voice.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and the shadow of the egg lingered in his mind.

Hearing the Creation God and Demon say this, the Destruction God and Demon frowned, and then said: "Are you talking about that egg?"

He also reacted. If what the Demon God and Demon said was true, then only the egg that was nurtured by the Three Thousand Great Daos could have such power!

"What egg? Is it nurtured by the Creation Green Lotus?" The Demon God and Demon was stunned for a moment and asked.

The reason why he thought these two things were related was that the Creation Green Lotus had been rooted in the chaos since its birth and had never moved at all, but now it suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

In addition, the Creation Green Lotus was manifested by the Creation Great Dao. Strictly speaking, the birth of all of them was due to this green lotus.

So, if this green lotus disappeared, it might have something to do with that powerful giant.

So, he couldn't wait to rush to the front of these gods and demons.

After all, in the future, He also returned to the Great Dao...

The extreme of time and space cannot be traveled without the combined efforts of the Gods and Demons of Time and Space, because the future time is just a different time node in the parallel space.

Only with the help of the Gods and Demons of Space can we come to the real future of this time and space!

This is why the two Gods and Demons always hang out together.

"How do you know?!" The God and Demon of Creation frowned slightly. Did this kid really not think of a way to steal my blue lotus? !

The God and Demon of Demons understood the situation instantly and immediately replied: "Guess! After all, to give birth to such a powerful existence, I can't think of any other possibility except for the creation of the Blue Lotus! Otherwise, how could I connect these two things together!"

This explanation made the face of the God and Demon of Creation much better. He slowly said: "Yes, look!"

Then he used the power of creation to evolve a blue lotus.

Just like it was shown to the gods and demons of the disordered camp at that time, it was played again.

"These two things must be related. The creature bred in the egg will destroy us in the future! Now that the Azure Lotus has disappeared, if we can't find it and don't destroy it, then what will happen to us..." The Demon God said quickly, but he didn't finish his words.

But everyone knew what he was going to say.

"In this case, we should temporarily put aside the struggle for the Great Dao and unite everything. First, go find Guixu and explain it clearly, and then go find the Time God and the Space God. If they can't find the Azure Lotus, I'm afraid we can't find it either!"

The Destruction God and the Demon worked out the plan in a few words.

"Isn't that egg bred by the Three Thousand Great Daos? We will gather the Three Thousand Great Dao Gods and Demons and kill the egg together!!!" The Creation God and the Demon also said.

"That's great!"

All the gods and demons had no objection. In the case of crisis, the struggle for the Great Dao can also be slowed down.

After all, the so-called Great Dao dispute has been going on for so many years. Although the two sides are still at odds with each other, they have become accustomed to each other's existence over the years.

In addition, the constant fighting between them has also promoted some feelings.

Especially the God of War, he has a good relationship with almost all the gods and demons.

However, the Great Dao is contradictory, and the gods and demons of the contradictory Great Dao still hate each other very much. It can only be said that they are barely accustomed to living with each other in chaos.

Above the chaos, in the void.

"I didn't expect that the one who finally united the three camps and the lonely gods and demons would be the God of Demon!!!" Ye Xuan looked at this scene and was a little surprised.

Then he let it go, after all, there was the pressure of Pangu opening the sky.

No one would want to return to the avenue to sleep, because who knows when they will wake up next time.

"But it's a pity, if you can find me, then what kind of creator god am I!"

Ye Xuan's mouth corners raised, and he cast his eyes on the new world beside him.

A green lotus was taking root in a small piece of chaos, swaying constantly.

It was after he broke through to the second-level creator god that he poured the remaining three thousand avenues into the new world, and then mobilized some of the unused divine source liquid to the new world.

Finally, some chaotic aura in the chaos was moved to the new world.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan realized that they wanted to harm Pangu Egg, so he moved Pangu Egg to this new world.

Fortunately, this world is actually a chaotic world, but it is not in the chaos. After Ye Xuan transferred some of the chaos here, the chaos continued to expand on its own, and soon it became a large area.

And the Creation Green Lotus gave birth to Pangu here, just like in the chaos, and could use the power of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

It was said to be so long, but in fact, the time it took was very short.

After all, with the God Source, everything can be done much faster.

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