
However, at the moment he was about to take action.

In the valley, there was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, both of them were stunned.

I saw a huge momentum rising.

Then, a figure dressed in black slowly walked out of the valley.

Seeing this scene, both of their pupils couldn't help but shrink.

They knew this man in black robe, he was a top expert among foreign races.

It is said that it happened by chance.

Found this.

I didn’t expect that I would practice here.

At this moment, I didn’t know what to do.


And the man in black robe also discovered two aliens.

The roar came out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, with his wings vibrating, he killed towards Elder Jinguang.


The huge claws waved, covering the sky and the sun.

Terrifying energy flashed in the sky.


At this time, Elder Jinguang didn't care much.

He drew out his palm, and wisps of fiery sword energy burst out.

"Bang bang!"

There was a crackling sound.

The two fought together.

Although there is a big gap in their cultivation, Elder Jinguang is not afraid at all.

After all, his technique restrains the opponent.

Moreover, the opponent did not use all his strength.

Just testing.

In this way, it can delay time.

As long as reinforcements arrive, victory will still belong to the Jin family.

But at this time, the man in black robe didn't know what the two of them were thinking.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

Every move seems to contain endless energy.

And right now.


In the distance, a carriage crashed into the formation and appeared outside the valley.

The curtain of the car was opened, and King Jin Yao looked extremely pale.

He was obviously seriously injured.

However, he didn't care.

He jumped off the chariot and stood outside the valley.


Jin Ningxiang's eyes were red.

At this moment, she hated herself.

If I hadn't been playful in the beginning.

My father would not go into the depths of the mountains alone to hunt for magic medicine for himself.

Otherwise, how could he be injured?

And just after his words fell.

King Jin Yao said slowly.

"Ning'er, don't be sad, now we have returned to the headquarters of the Jin clan.

Just stay here peacefully.

After I recover from my injuries.

We must conquer the Northern Wasteland! "

The voice is low, but it gives people an oppressive taste.

And just after his words fell.

In the valley, an even stronger murderous aura erupted in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out.

"Haha, is this the Jin family?

As expected, she is infinitely beautiful and worthy of being a vassal of the mighty man! "

This guy just showed up.

The black robe on his body was making a hunting sound.

He has a strong build and a cold face.

His body exuded a cold aura.

Especially those ferocious teeth.

It's scary.

Then, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his lips.

"Odd Demon King, how dare you!"

The moment you see each other.

Elder Jinguang shouted angrily.

He didn't expect that the other party would appear here.

And, more importantly, the opponent's realm has actually reached the ninth level of a half-step saint.

I am no match at all.

"Jie Jie, is this your Jin clan? It's true, if you become my slave.

Maybe I can spare your lives! "

The foreign prince said indifferently.

A cruel smile appeared in his eyes.

This made the golden elder have a look of anger on his face.

Then, they rushed out in an instant.


However, the opponent's speed is indeed faster.

Before he could react.

There was a scratch on the whole person's neck.

Blood rushes.

Elder Jinguang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

But the voice of the foreign prince sounded again.

"You are no match for me, just surrender and capture me!"

There was a ferocious look on his face.

After hearing the voice, Elder Jin Guang's expression turned ugly.

There was even a look of despair in his eyes.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, a dragon roar came from the sky.

Then, a yellow dragon roared over like thunder.


Elder Jinguang's head was forcefully torn off.

This scene was something no one expected.

"What is this!"

The king of the foreign race had a look of fear in his eyes.

There was surprise in his voice.

I didn't expect to encounter these monsters.

"hold head high!"

Then, the giant python's attack arrived.

The snake's tail swept out.

Wherever the mighty wind passes.

The body of the foreign king was instantly flung away.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of the alien king.

It was the elder Jin Ling.

At this time, he looked at the foreign king and shouted.

"Come on, I'll stop it.

You go back to your family and report to the patriarch! "

After saying that, he rose directly into the sky.

At the same time, the golden python was already chasing after him.

Jin Ningxiang, who saw this scene, was already crying.

His father and elders died in the battle after all.


However, at this moment, a sword light suddenly rose between the sky and the earth.

Directly cut off the golden python.

"Who dares to stop me!"

The alien king roared.

Then, prepare to leave.

And the moment he turned around.

But a giant ax was thrown head-on.


The king's body was knocked directly to the ground.

The whole person was in a very embarrassed state.

Then, a cold voice came out.

"Elder Jinguang, Jin Ningxiang, follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Zheng walked towards the valley.

Seeing such a scene, Jin Ningxiang did not dare to neglect.

He quickly followed behind him.

Only then did they understand what Liu Zheng meant.

There are many dangers here, if you want to save people.

We must find the leader of the foreign race.

"How dare you!" After hearing Liu Zheng's voice, the king of the foreign race roared angrily.


However, just after his words fell.

An extremely powerful wind rippled out in an instant.

His head was kicked straight out.

The whole body fell on the mountain wall.

Blood gurgled out.

Finally, he completely lost his breath.


After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng's voice was filled with excitement.

Because, he discovered a trace of pure energy from the foreign king.

How could he be unhappy?

And just when he was about to leave.


Several sounds of breaking through the air were heard.

In the void all around.

A dense crowd of people appeared.

“Hmph, the Jin clan is really becoming more and more wanton.

Killing a strong alien from my race is simply an unpardonable crime.

Jin Yuanba, now that you are here, stay here forever. "

A cold voice came out.

Then, arrows rained down from the sky.

This made the golden elder's pupils shrink involuntarily.

At this time, his face was extremely pale.


And at the same time.

In the sky, a ferocious beast roared.

This is an ape.

The body is as big as a thousand feet.

Dark all over.

Like an iron tower, it rushed downwards.

With one punch, the entire space shook.


Those sharp arrows were directly smashed.

And at this moment.

A knight came riding a war horse.

Wearing armor.

Carrying a spear.

After getting close, he threw it out without any hesitation.


The sharp spear cut through the space and hit the Jin clan disciples hard.

In an instant, the bodies of those weak clan members flew backwards.

The remaining clan members barely escaped the disaster.

But it was also affected.


At this moment, bursts of roars came from the sky.

One after another, huge creatures appeared in everyone's sight.

This is a giant elephant, exuding terrifying power from its whole body.

Every time a foot steps on the ground, it makes the ground vibrate.

Although the strength of these monster beasts is not as good as that of the giant elephant.

However, it is better in numbers.

Crushed all the way.

Rarely encounter opponents.

But Elder Jinguang was already sluggish.

He knew that in the Jin clan, there were some powerful people hiding in the dark.

However, I didn't expect that there were so many.

At this time, Elder Jin Guang had a look of horror in his eyes.

Because he recognized that these people were too powerful.

Even within the Jin clan, he is considered a top existence.

However, what he didn't know was that the most powerful beings in the entire Jin clan had been slaughtered by Liu Zheng.

The rest are just part of that year.

At this time, Elder Jin Guang knew in his heart that he and others would definitely die today.

I just hope that Liu Zheng can leave alive.

But at this moment, the battle in the field entered a fierce stage.

The king of the foreign race had many strong men gathered around him.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

Then, he said slowly.

"Han Emperor, you killed my son, what should I do with this debt?"

There was a chill in the voice.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng, however, had no intention of paying attention to the other party.

Just, continue to move forward into the valley.

Obviously, he was preparing to enter the cave of the alien king.

After seeing such a scene, the eyes of the alien king showed a look of embarrassment and anger.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng would be so rampant.

He actually regarded himself as air.

Thinking of this, how can I be reconciled?

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar.

"Jin Ling, why are you still standing there?

Help Your Majesty destroy these alien races, leaving no one behind! "

"Yes, patriarch!"

After hearing the order, Elder Jin Guang said respectfully.

Then, he stood still.

The tribesmen around him rushed towards the alien race.

In a short time, the two sides fought.

However, Jin Yuanba's strength was even stronger.

His cultivation reached the peak of the eighth level of the ancestral realm.

In the battle, there was no need to care at all, just attack.


His palms opened.

Like a palm leaf fan.

Slapping out, the blazing aura flashed with dazzling light.

After the alien races were touched, their bodies were instantly torn apart.

"Ah, it hurts, help me, clan leader!"

A scream sounded.

Elder Jin Guang's eyes showed excitement.

Jin Yuanba's strength exceeded his expectations.

At this time, Liu Zheng had also arrived near the passage.

At this time, a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

Then, he stepped into the cave.

This is the place where the king of the alien race practices.

Rich energy is gathering.

If it can be absorbed, it will definitely be of great benefit to increase one's merit value.

Not only that, more importantly, Liu Zheng also felt the taste of the elixir.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, just when he was about to enter the depths of the cave.

Elder Jin Ling blocked his way.

There was a worry in his eyes.

After all, these people are the top leaders of the Jin family. If they die here, it will be a loss for the entire family.

And at this moment.

The king of the alien race did speak.

"Haha, Emperor Han, you finally came out.

This time, I want to see who can stop us from killing you!"

After the voice fell, he pointed to an old man beside him and said.

"Elder Jinmu, kill this man quickly!"

This time, he can be said to be determined to kill Liu Zheng.

Otherwise, it is difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart.


After hearing the voice, the elder Jinmu retreated respectfully.

Then, he killed Liu Zheng.


He pushed out with his palm, and the vast magic power surged.

Everywhere he passed, the whole world seemed to turn green.

In addition, the trees behind him actually changed at this time.

His arms kept extending.

After a moment, it merged with a towering ancient tree.

Then, he slapped Liu Zheng directly.

"Get out of the way!"

However, just when the attack was about to fall.

Liu Zheng shouted.

The Immortal-killing Sword in his hand was waving.

The blazing sword light almost illuminated the void.

Then, it collided with the Elder Jinmu.

In an instant, the opponent's attack was defeated in an instant.

The body fell backwards.

He vomited blood from his mouth and couldn't even get up.

The people watching the battle around were completely confused at this time.

Especially the alien king.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

He never thought that Liu Zheng's strength would be so strong.

However, it was too late now.

While he was hesitating, Liu Zheng had already arrived beside the king.

Without any mercy, he thrust out with the sharp blade in his hand.


The king was nailed to the ground without even reacting.

Blood spurted out.

This was a powerful alien leader.

He was one of the top 50 strong men in the periphery of the God's Tomb.

Now, he was easily killed by Liu Zheng.

It was shocking.

And at this moment.

Elder Jin Guang could no longer bear it.

He took a step forward.

He rushed towards Liu Zheng.

The weapon in his hand burst into dazzling golden light.

It looked very dazzling.


Then, the two of them fought in an instant.

Elder Jin Guang did not hold back at this time.

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