Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 65: The Creation Continent and the Three Thousand Star Regions

Even Shui Yan couldn't help but take a look.

In the era of the God of Creation, the probability of becoming an orphan is indeed not small, but the probability of both parents dying in battle is still relatively small, but there will always be some people in the vast sea of ​​people.

"What's wrong, looking at me like that?"

Ye Xuan was a little confused.

Why are these people looking at him like that? In this era, the country provides housing and food for orphans, so how can they really let orphans die on the streets.

As for schooling, it is free, from elementary school to college graduation, all free, without spending any money at all.

Except for the loss of family affection, but the rest of the material aspects are not to say that everything is available, anyway, it is not miserable.

It can be said that the status of children in Daxia is extremely important, much more important than those Muggles, because Muggles are Muggles, and children may become Gods of Creation in the future.

"It's okay, I was just thinking, Shui Yan can't be as strong as you, is he not a real orphan, so he is so much weaker than you..."

Before Liu Yong finished speaking, he felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop sharply, and he quickly shut up and stopped talking.

He was right. Shui Yan was not an orphan. His parents treated him better than themselves. They let Shui Yan take things first before he got his turn.

Both of his parents were Muggles. Fortunately, the children they gave birth to and found were all true geniuses.

Those who could enter the top ten of the provincial list were the true geniuses of the ancestral star.

There were so many people in a province that only ten of them were selected.

There were hundreds of thousands of people who could enter the Tongtian list. There were probably hundreds of millions or even billions of people who could not enter the Tongtian list. How could they not be considered geniuses?

"We two plan to sign up to hone ourselves in other star fields during this period. Do you want to go with us?" Liu Yong asked.

This is the serious matter, and it is also the reason why he asked Ye Xuan to come.

"Star field?" Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes and pulled out the introduction of star fields from the book in his mind.

Since humans entered the era of the Creator God, they gradually walked out of the solar system and the Milky Way and came to the endless universe.

After many years and many hardships, a group of the strongest gods of creation discovered a continent.

The continent of creation.

This was discovered by the strongest gods of creation among all the countries.

This continent is suspended at the center of the universe. The gods of creation called the size of the universe they observed before as a star field, and there are three thousand star fields hanging around this continent! ! !

This is a central continent. The gods of creation found that no matter how strong the energy they emitted in it was, this continent of creation would not be damaged in the slightest!

And the resources in this continent are incalculable, which is exactly where the gods of creation developed.

Therefore, this continent is called the continent of creation, and because it will not be damaged, it is also called the eternal continent.

So, the gods of creation who destroy galaxies at any time entered this continent.

According to the division of strength, only five countries entered this continent of creation in the end.

They are the Eagle Union, which has the strongest comprehensive strength and controls the most star fields, occupying the entire southwest and part of the northwest of the continent of creation.

The Great Xia Kingdom, which ranks second in comprehensive strength and controls the second largest star field, occupies the entire southeast and part of the northeast of the Creation Continent.

The Raksha Kingdom, which ranks third in comprehensive strength and controls the third largest star field, occupies the north of the Creation Continent.

In this way, the three major countries almost divided the entire continent.

The empty space in the middle is the Empire of the Sun and the Holy Kingdom.

One thousand of the three thousand star fields are occupied by the Eagle State, eight hundred by the Great Xia Kingdom, four hundred by the Raksha Kingdom, two hundred by the Empire of the Sun, and two hundred by the Holy Kingdom.

Of the three thousand star fields, two thousand six hundred are occupied by the five major countries, and the Creation Continent has no place for other countries.

The remaining four hundred star fields come from Shintoism, giving other countries some living space.

The Great Xia Kingdom has eight hundred star fields, and the masters of the eight hundred star fields are enfeoffed, similar to the existence of eight hundred princes, and their purpose of existence is to maintain the rule of the star field and avoid invasions from other countries and various monsters in the star field.

The star field that Liu Yong just mentioned is one of the eight hundred star fields of Daxia.

The Zuxing is a very special existence. It was created by the top creator god of the year, who drew the land where Daxia lived for generations, and it has expanded countless times.

Although the Zuxing is far inferior to the star field in terms of strength and scope, it is a planet developed by human ancestors, so it has extremely important significance, and its administrative unit is equivalent to the star field.

Although many people in later generations look down on the people of Zuxing, thinking that the people of Zuxing have such superior conditions, but almost all the top masters in Daxia came out of Zuxing in the past, so their opinions are useless.

In other star fields, the Tongtian List is not available in every middle school in every county like Zuxing, but only in a small galaxy with ten places, similar to the small galaxy of the solar system.

In the star field, not every planet has a branch of the five major colleges, let alone every planet, even every galaxy as big as the Milky Way is useless!

Oh, no, even in superclusters there are no branches!

Each star field has only one branch of the five major colleges, just like the Zuxing, located in the domain of the star field.

From this, it can be seen how difficult it is to enter the five major colleges!

Therefore, the Zuxing household registration has become something that almost everyone in the eight hundred star fields of Daxia can only dream of, and everyone is extremely envious. Envy and inability to obtain it gradually turned into jealousy and hatred.

So, the eight hundred star fields are not very friendly to people from the Zuxing.

After thinking about the current situation of the major star fields, Ye Xuan couldn't help asking: "Daxia eight hundred star fields, where are you going?"

"Go to Kui Star Field!" Liu Yong replied quickly.

Kui Star Field, that is a star field far away from the Creation Continent, close to a barren land.

There are fierce folk customs, star field beasts are rampant, and there are few people. It is the most suitable place for training.

"Well, I'll go with you once!"

Ye Xuan thought about it for a while and decided immediately.

For him, no, for all the Creator Gods, if they don't go to the Star Domain to hone their skills, then they should go to the Shura Battlefield.

The Shura Battlefield is more suitable for the training of the Kingdom of God, rather than for personal training.

But the Chaos World is not easy to be released. Unless he plans to stay there for more than a month, it is better to go there together to hone his skills.

"That's great. There are countless dangers in the Star Domain. It's best to explore in a team."

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