"Nan Kuntian, aren't you arrogant? Don't you want to kill me? Don't you want to take my blood power? Don't you want to kill me?"

Feng Wuchen sneered teasingly, and disappeared the moment he finished speaking.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Wuchen flashed in front of Nan Kuntian, so fast that Nan Kuntian couldn't react in time.

"Feng Feng Wuchen." Nan Kuntian was terrified to the extreme, and had never seen such a strange speed.



Without giving Nan Kuntian any chance, Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and with a bang, a stream of blood sprayed out. Nan Kuntian's chest suddenly sank, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out, and his figure flew out.


Witnessing this scene, everyone was shocked.

With just one move, the four-star ancient fairy king was beaten to spit blood and flew out. Feng Wuchen's combat power completely crushed Nan Kuntian.

"What a terrifying body! Feng Wuchen's fighting power can actually rival that of a six-star ancient immortal king!" Tang Xuanzhen and others were shocked, their eyes full of horror.

The powerful men from all the major forces in the ancient immortal world all looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Wushan's faces were petrified on the spot.

The fighting power of the disciple of the ancient immortal master was so terrifying!

"The leader is so powerful! Is this the power of the Heavenly Evil Seal?" Ling Xiaoxiao laughed excitedly, with a bright smile on her pretty face.

"The Heavenly Evil Seal is indeed extraordinary." Beidou Yan took a deep breath.

Feng Wuchen's fighting power made him feel deeply afraid.

The power of Feng Wuchen's punch was too domineering, even if he was also a five-star ancient immortal emperor, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Is this the fighting power you are proud of?" Feng Wuchen asked coldly, staring at Nan Kuntian with cold eyes.

Nan Kuntian was seriously injured, but he was not afraid at all. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Feng Wuchen, I want to see how many ancient immortal arts you have!"


After the words fell, Nan Kuntian turned into a golden stream of light and shot out again, stabbing Feng Wuchen's throat with a fierce sword.


Feng Wuchen immediately raised his hand to grab the sword blade and twisted it hard. With a crisp bone-breaking sound of "click", the ancient immortal sword flew out of his hand, and the tip of the sword was inserted into the ground, shaking violently.

"Ah!" Nan Kuntian screamed and his right arm was broken instantly.

"What kind of power is this?" Nan Kuntian was terrified, his old face was as pale as paper.

Feng Wuchen said coldly: "This is the ancient immortal sword you are proud of, it is vulnerable. Didn't you say you would twist my head off? Where is your head?"

"You" Nan Kuntian was so scared that his soul flew away.

"I'll count to three. If you don't kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy, you will die." Feng Wuchen said coldly.

"I, I kneel down for you!" Nan Kuntian finally couldn't hold on any longer.



Feng Wuchen said coldly, leaving no room for negotiation.



As soon as Feng Wuchen started counting, Nan Kuntian had already knelt on the ground, wailing in pain.

"Feng Wuchen, I kowtow to you and admit defeat!" Nan Kuntian desperately begged for mercy.


Nan Kuntian kowtowed fiercely.

Seeing this, Dongfang Xiaotian and the others all cast contemptuous and angry eyes, wishing they could slap Nan Kuntian a few times.

The dignified elder of the Ancient Immortal Sect was actually frightened to kneel down and kowtow for mercy!

What kind of ability is this?

"Feng Wuchen, if you let me go, I am willing to submit to you and repay you by working like a cow or a horse!" Nan Kuntian cried.

Feng Wuchen frowned slightly and said coldly: "You don't deserve it."


Feng Wuchen grabbed Nan Kuntian's throat with his claws, swung it violently, and threw it out of the palace.

Nan Kuntian's figure rolled several times in the air, and finally fell into the Ancient Immortal Sect Square, smashing a hole, looking as embarrassed as a dog.

"Oh my God." The Nan family members and the disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and trembled all over, as if struck by lightning.

"The leader is too powerful, and he solved Nan Kuntian so quickly!" Yang Qingyun and others were shocked and ecstatic, and the panic in their hearts dissipated.

"Elder Nan, why are we still standing there? Hurry up and save Elder Nan Kuntian." Chu Junshan said hurriedly, anxious.

"Yes! Hurry up and save him!" The other two elders came to their senses and rushed into the palace.


At this moment, Feng Wuchen's figure appeared in front of Nan Kuntian like lightning, staring at Nan Kuntian with cold eyes, and smiled faintly: "I said, you must die, no one can help."

"You dare! If you dare to kill me, my master will not let you go!" Nan Kuntian gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"I don't know who the master you are talking about is, but I can be sure that he can't protect you at all." Feng Wuchen shrugged and smiled.


As Feng Wuchen's voice fell, his claws condensed into a dazzling purple light.

"Ancient Immortal Method! Ancient Immortal Shield!" Nan Kuntian roared suddenly, and sacrificed a top-grade ancient immortal weapon for defense.

Nan Kuntian has tried his best to resist.



Feng Wuchen punched up, and the ancient immortal shield was shattered in an instant. Feng Wuchen's fist penetrated the ancient immortal shield and hit Nan Kuntian. The terrifying power pierced a hole in it, and blood gushed out.

Nan Kuntian's body flew out like a cannonball, hit the gate wall heavily, and then slid to the ground.

"Elder Nan!" The elders of the Ancient Immortal Sect shouted in grief, and hurriedly ran forward to help Nan Kuntian up.

"Feng Wuchen! How dare you abolish Elder Nan!" An elder glared at Feng Wuchen and shouted angrily, looking like a mad dog.

Feng Wuchen walked up slowly, and glanced at the elder with cold eyes. Feng Wuchen said coldly: "I will remember you. I hope you don't seek death by yourself. Go away."

Although Feng Wuchen's tone was not loud, it was full of supreme majesty, which made the elder panic inexplicably.

"How is Elder Nan?" Liu Yiyang asked worriedly.

"The elixir has treated the injury, and there is no danger to life. It's just that his cultivation has fallen to the ancient fairy king realm. I'm afraid it will take some time to recover." An elder reported respectfully.

Liu Yiyang nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ancient fairy art! Flame sword!" Nan Kuntian shouted violently, urging all his strength to inject into the ancient fairy sword, and performed the strongest ancient fairy art. The sword art danced, and the brilliant blue and red flames burst out, and the overwhelming destructive momentum was breathtaking.

"Hmph! Overestimate your own ability." Feng Wuchen grinned and sneered, grabbing with one hand in the air, and the Dragon God Sword appeared out of thin air.


Feng Wuchen swung his sword and tore a dark arc. Wherever the sword passed, the void collapsed and annihilated.


The sword tip slashed on Nan Kuntian's sword. At the moment of collision, the crisp and harsh sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the Ancient Immortal Sect. Nan Kuntian's face suddenly changed, and the ancient immortal sword in his hand almost slipped out.


The sword tip was raised upward, and Nan Kuntian's wrist hurt. The ancient immortal sword slipped out of his hand and flew hundreds of meters away.

Feng Wuchen looked down at Nan Kuntian with the ancient immortal sword in his hand, and sneered jokingly: "With your ability, I advise you to put away your pride, because in my eyes, you are as weak as an ant."

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Feng Wuchen stretched out his palm and several golden lights burst out.

The speed of the golden light was extremely terrifying, and it could not be captured by the naked eye.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In the blink of an eye, the golden light penetrated Nan Kuntian's vital points, severely injuring him and causing blood to spurt out of his seven orifices.


Nan Kuntian screamed, his eyes widened, and his pupils slowly shrunk.

Kill instantly!

Feng Wuchen used only a few moves to crush Nan Kuntian, who was at the peak level of the Seven-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor, to death!

Feng Wuchen's simple and crude methods completely stunned everyone in the Ancient Immortal Sect.

Feng Wuchen's methods were more cruel and vicious than those of the Ancient Immortal Sect!


Seeing Nan Kuntian's tragic death, all the disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect present couldn't help swallowing their saliva in fear, and looked at Feng Wuchen with panic eyes.

"Elder Nan is dead," Chu Junshan said dully, looking at Feng Wuchen in disbelief.

Yang Qingyun and the others were also stunned, completely unable to react, feeling like they were dreaming.

"How is this possible? Elder Nan was killed." Chu Junshan became more and more scared the more he thought about it, and he trembled all over.

"Young Master" Chu Junshan stuttered and looked at Feng Wuchen. How could he dare to say the word "Young Master" at this moment?

"Young Master." The other four elders were also shocked, and their faces were all extremely horrified.

Feng Wuchen's strength was beyond everyone's imagination.

"Nan Kuntian's master should be some kind of ancient immortal emperor-level alchemist, worthy of being a five-star ancient immortal emperor alchemist." Feng Wuchen said calmly, as if he was not afraid at all.

"Feng Wuchen! I am an ancient immortal emperor-level alchemist! How dare you kill my disciple! You will definitely not live beyond tomorrow!" An elder said fiercely.

"Ancient immortal emperor-level alchemist?" Feng Wuchen was a little surprised when he heard it.

This is a very rare existence. Feng Wuchen did not expect Nan Kuntian to have such a backer.

When he was in the Ancient Immortal Sect, Feng Wuchen had seen Nan Kuntian's alchemist realm, but he did not delve into it.

Feng Wuchen was not interested in how deep his background was, but he shouldn't mess with him.

"Brother Feng, Nan Kuntian has a very powerful master, whose strength may have reached the level of a nine-star ancient immortal emperor. You should leave quickly. Master Nan Kuntian will not forgive you. You should run away quickly." Yang Qingyun frowned and said secretly.

Hearing this, Feng Wuchen shook his head slightly and smiled faintly: "No, a mere eight-star ancient immortal emperor is not qualified to let me leave. I will set rules for the Ancient Immortal Sect today. The Ancient Immortal Sect cannot bully people by relying on its own background. This is a rule and a principle."

The disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect cast admiring glances, but they still sweated for Feng Wuchen in their hearts. After all, Feng Wuchen's enemies were too powerful.

"Brother Feng, you are so handsome!" Ning Meixian laughed excitedly, with admiration on her face.

"Nan Kuntian, since you want to play, I will accompany you to the end. I want to see what your master is like." Feng Wuchen smiled faintly, looking like he was sure of victory.

"Feng Wuchen, stop talking nonsense. You killed my master. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, my master will not let you go!" Chu Junshan shouted angrily.

Nan Kuntian's master is a nine-star ancient immortal emperor alchemist, not to mention that there are many guards who are as strong as Nan Kuntian.

"Feng Wuchen killed Nan Kuntian?" Yang Qingyun and others were shocked again.

Nan Kuntian is a six-star ancient immortal emperor peak existence, who can kill him easily?

"Feng Wuchen did kill Elder Nan, and Elder Nan has fallen. This matter must be investigated." Liu Qingyang said solemnly.

"What a fool, Elder Nan is an eight-star ancient immortal emperor alchemist, how can he allow others to insult him? This is a disaster." A disciple said gloomily.

"Nan Kuntian has a strong man behind him. Feng Wuchen killed Nan Kuntian, and he will definitely die." Another person gloated.

Nan Kuntian is at the level of a three-star ancient immortal emperor. If Feng Wuchen kills Nan Kuntian, it will definitely arouse the anger of his master.

Feng Wuchen not only killed Nan Kuntian, but also killed him in front of all the senior leaders of the Ancient Immortal Sect. This is trampling on the face and majesty of the Ancient Immortal Sect.

"I, Feng Wuchen, am not afraid of trouble. I will take on anyone who comes. I killed Nan Kuntian. The Ancient Immortal Sect can punish me at will. If you don't accept it, come and fight!" Feng Wuchen said domineeringly, staring straight at Chu Junshan, and the cold murderous aura spread.

Feng Wuchen's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which immediately frightened Chu Junshan and his people.

"This guy dared to say such a thing. Isn't he afraid of death?"

"I finally understand why the Ancient Immortal Sect sent someone to invite Feng Wuchen."

"Feng Wuchen is very courageous, but his courage is admirable."

"Feng Wuchen doesn't really think that the Ancient Immortal Sect will stop after killing Nan Kuntian? He is too arrogant!"

Many disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect mocked and discussed.


Chapter 2837 I, Feng Wuchen, am not afraid

"What did you say? You killed Elder Nan?"

Chu Junshan was so frightened that his soul flew away, and he stared at Feng Wuchen with a pale face.

Although Nan Kuntian's cultivation was comparable to Chu Junshan's, Feng Wuchen killed Nan Kuntian as easily as stepping on an ant, which was enough to prove Feng Wuchen's terrifying strength.

Chu Junshan couldn't believe that Feng Wuchen really dared to kill Nan Kuntian in public.

"Feng Wuchen, do you know what the consequences of killing Nan Kuntian are? Don't forget, this is the Ancient Immortal Sect. If you kill Nan Kuntian, the Ancient Immortal Sect will never let you go!" Chu Junshan asked coldly, his tone was extremely cold.

"Isn't the Ancient Immortal Sect very powerful? Why don't you make trouble? When Nan Kuntian wanted to kill me just now, why didn't you stop him?" Feng Wuchen asked sarcastically.

Feng Wuchen's words seemed to touch the reverse scale of the Ancient Immortal Sect.

The disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect gnashed their teeth, wishing they could eat Feng Wuchen alive.

Feng Wuchen's words were clearly a challenge to their dignity.

"Feng Wuchen!" an elder roared, "You dare to humiliate the Ancient Immortal Sect! Today, this elder will destroy you first!"

A surge of powerful momentum burst out, and the monstrous evil spirit swept the entire palace, making people shudder.


The moment the elder finished speaking, the surging and vast momentum suddenly doubled, and in the blink of an eye, the terrifying aura broke through the realm of the Seven-Star Ancient Immortal King.


The elder shot out like lightning, with a sharp and piercing sonic boom.

"Useless waste." Feng Wuchen sneered disdainfully.



Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and a golden flame burst out. With a muffled bang, the dazzling golden flame turned into a huge one of tens of thousands of feet, blocking the attack abruptly, shocking the elder of the Ancient Immortal Sect to spit out blood, and his body fell to the ground, smashing a huge pit.


Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Ancient Immortal Sect took a deep breath, all of them were frightened, and there was chaos, and their hearts contracted violently.

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