"Concubine Xiao, our Wanjiang Pavilion doesn't owe you anything."

"If the Pavilion Master hadn't taken action in the first place."

"You died a long time ago. Now that you have become stronger, you repay kindness with hatred."

"With such an attitude towards the people of Wanjiange, have you forgotten how much help your mother received from Wanjiange back then?"

The third elder of Wanjiang Pavilion looked at Concubine Xiao and shouted coldly.

"I don't need you to remind my mother, one day I will make her understand."

"When I become a saint, I will pay back everything I owe to Wanjiange."

Concubine Xiao said in a deep voice.


"Okay, don't you want to know the whereabouts of the Pavilion Master?"

The third elder pointed at Concubine Xiao and yelled angrily.

"Since my father is not in Wanjiange, I can just go find him."

Concubine Xiao said with an indifferent expression.

She left here directly.

Soon Concubine Xiao came to a valley.

There is a wooden house built in this valley.

Concubine Xiao walked straight towards the wooden house.


Suddenly, a shout came from the wooden house.

Then the cabin door opened.

An old woman on crutches walked out.

"Meet Master!!!"

The old woman on crutches looked at Concubine Xiao, who quickly bowed and shouted.

"How did you come?"

The old woman looked at Concubine Xiao and said directly.

"Master Wife, you are still alive, so great!!!"

Concubine Xiao looked happy and looked at the old woman and said excitedly.

"I'm already half buried, so naturally I won't live long."

The old woman said calmly.

"Master's wife, I heard that my father is now imprisoned in the abyss of the Wanjiang Pavilion."

"Is he okay?"

Concubine Xiao looked at the old woman and said worriedly.

"He should be relatively stable now."

The old woman murmured to herself.

"But I have sent people to rescue him."

The old woman said softly.

"That's good."

Concubine Xiao nodded.

"By the way, my concubine, your bloodline is Wanjiange's special bloodline - the Phoenix bloodline. Your future prospects are limitless."

The old woman sighed.

"Master Wife, I want to ask you to do something for me."

Concubine Xiao said thoughtfully.

"what are you up to?"

The old woman said in surprise.

"I want my mistress to send me to the Southern Wilderness, find the Xiao royal family, and hand my sister over to my brother-in-law, so that he can take care of my sister."

"This way I can fulfill my mother's last wish."

Concubine Xiao said.

"Well, that's a way."

"But you are now one of the Seven Sword Guards of Wanjiang Pavilion."

"If you leave Wanjiang Pavilion, I'm afraid..."

The old woman said solemnly.

"I'm not just trying to save my sister this time."

"I also want to completely eradicate the entire southern wilderness."

"To prevent trouble from happening again in the future."

Concubine Xiao's eyes glowed with an icy coldness.

"My dear concubine, you are so courageous that you dare to attack Nanhuang."

"Although you have awakened the ancient bloodline, you are only at the ninth level of the Xiantian realm after all."

"And there are many strong people in the Southern Wilderness."

"It is not easy to destroy the major forces in the Southern Wilderness."

The old woman said in a deep voice.

"I believe I can do it."

"As for Wanjiang Pavilion..."

Concubine Xiao said with twinkling eyes.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a violent roar and explosion sounded.

Then a deafening sound of thunder came from the void.

This sound is like the end of the world.

In an instant, the entire sky was turbulent.

Dark clouds gathered, covering the sky.

The overwhelming pressure enveloped the entire Wanjian City.

"How is this going?"

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in Wanjian City were inexplicably throbbing.

They all raised their heads and scanned the void.

"what's going on?"

The people in Wanjiange looked solemn at this moment.

They all rushed out.

"Is there a powerful enemy coming?"

At this time, Concubine Xiao's master, the fourth elder of Wanjiang Pavilion and several other deputy pavilion masters appeared one after another.

They stared into the void with solemn expressions.

boom! ! !

at this time.

A loud noise suddenly came from the sky above the entire Wanjian City.

Above the void.

A dazzling fiery red thunder descended directly.

Carrying a destructive aura, he headed towards Wanjian Town to kill.

The power contained in this strike is enough to kill the powerful Martial Emperor.


Suddenly, all the buildings in Wanjian City turned into ashes.

The warriors in the entire city were destroyed by the terrifying power of thunder.

It all happened very quickly.

No one reacted at all.

This thunder and lightning came to Wanjian City.


Seeing this terrifying thunder coming, a cold light flashed in the cold eyes of the fourth elder of Wanjiang Pavilion and the deputy pavilion masters.

They all took action in unison, launching various terrifying attacks.

Spiritual weapons burst out all over the sky.

All these spiritual weapons were blasted towards this terrifying thunder.

In the end, this terrifying thunder was wiped out.

But peace returned to Wanjian City.

Many ordinary people in Wanjian City watched this scene.

His eyes widened with a shocked expression.

As for the four elders and deputy pavilion masters of Wanjian Pavilion, their faces were extremely gloomy and ugly.

Especially the four elders, whose eyebrows were full of strong anger and their eyes were full of cold light.

"Who dares to act wild in my Wanjian City?"

Then the four elders roared directly.

He released a terrifying imperial power in his body.

It instantly enveloped the entire Wanjian City.

"It's you!!!"

Soon, the four elders noticed Xiao Fei who was rushing towards this side from a distance.

The pupils of the four elders of Wanjian Pavilion shrank, their expressions changed, and they looked at Xiao Fei with a look of shock in their eyes.

"Uncle, we meet again!!!"

Xiao Fei looked at the four elders and said coldly.

"You are... Xiao Meir?"

"How could it be you?"

The four elders stared at Xiao Fei with an ugly look.

"Where is my sister?"

Xiao Fei shouted directly.

"Xiao Mei'er, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply and even get the ancient blood awakening."

"You bitch, you really don't deserve to die."

"But it's time to end this, you evil creature!!!"

The fourth elder roared with a ferocious look.

He swung a sharp blade.

He chopped at Concubine Xiao fiercely on the spot.

Concubine Xiao activated the power of her blood.

"Cut the sky!!!"

The fourth elder shouted word by word.

He activated the power of his blood.

A sword shot out.

A knife cut through the void, emitting a terrifying blade light.

Instantly rushed towards Concubine Xiao.


Concubine Xiao shouted.

She directly activated the power of her blood, concentrating all the strength of her body in her right arm.

Then she activated the power of her blood and punched the fourth elder.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the attacks of the two collided with each other.

A deafening roar of explosion was heard.

Endless energy spread out.

The space within a radius of a thousand meters was shattered.

The monstrous energy swept down and directly swallowed up all the people in Wanjian City around.

Including the disciples in Wanjian Pavilion, they were all swallowed up by this terrible energy.

At this moment, the foundation of Wanjian City for hundreds of years was destroyed.


The fourth elder of Wanjian Pavilion spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He retreated continuously and was hit by the terrible energy.

Xiao Fei also retreated, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth and her face pale.

"Senior Sister!!!"

"Are you okay?"

At this time, Chu Yu and Xiao Fei's brothers and sisters all came out and looked at them with a worried look.

"It's okay!!!"

Xiao Fei wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said.

"Let's go home!!!"

Then Xiao Fei said directly.

Swish swish swish!!!

Chu Yu and others immediately followed Xiao Fei all the way back to Wanshou Mountain.

And in Beizhou.

In a certain mansion.

"Master, Wanjian City has been destroyed."

At this time, a man in black knelt in front of a middle-aged man and shouted respectfully.

"Oh, really?"

The middle-aged man smiled faintly.

"Master, why do you want to deal with that kid?"

The man in black looked at his master with a puzzled look.

"That kid is the son of the Xiao family. I must kill him."

The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Master, the Xiao family is not weak and has a good background. If you act rashly against them."

"I'm afraid..."

The man in black reminded.

"Hmph, I know how powerful the Xiao clan is."

"But I'm not afraid. I've controlled Beizhou for ten thousand years."

"And I heard that the Xiao clan has a grudge against the Nanling Temple."

"If I destroy the Xiao clan, those idiots in Nanling will definitely help me to avenge the Xiao clan."

"Then I can take this opportunity to uproot the Xiao clan from Beizhou."

"In one fell swoop, the Xiao clan will be completely plunged into the abyss of death."

"As long as the Xiao clan is taken down, even if that old thing wakes up."

"I will still be the supreme being in the Wanjian Sect."

"Then Wanjian City will also fall into my hands!!!"

The middle-aged man shouted coldly with a gleam in his eyes.

"Master is wise!!!"

The black-clothed man looked delighted and flattered him.

"Okay, send someone to secretly monitor Wanjian City, and report to me immediately if they have any unusual movements."

The middle-aged man said directly.


The black-clothed man nodded and left directly.

The next morning.

In Wanshou City.

Chu Yu and her parents stood outside Xiao Yifeng's door.

"Xiao Feng, today is the Wandan Conference."

"You must participate!!!"

Chu Yu's father said to Xiao Yifeng inside the room.

Bang bang bang!!!

At this time, the door was knocked.

The closed door opened.

"Miss Chu, Mr. Xiao, the Wandan Conference is about to be held."

"I'll take you there."

At this time, the four elders of Wanjian City appeared here.

"Thank you."

Xiao Fei said.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, please!!!"

The four elders said with a smile.

Then they took the chariot directly to the place where the Wandan Conference was held.

More than half an hour later.

They came to the foot of a mountain.

Many people have gathered here.

Each of them has reached the realm of ninth-grade supreme or above, and there are even many strong men in the emperor realm.

Today's Beizhou, except for the Bahuang Territory.

The forces from other states have basically arrived.

"Little concubine!!!"

At this time a woman came over.

Looking at Concubine Chu, her expression looked very excited.

She is Concubine Chu's biological mother and the second wife of the Chu family.

"Mother, you are here."

Concubine Chu watched her biological mother step forward quickly, with a somewhat surprised look in her eyes.

She directly hugged the woman's arm and sighed with tears in her eyes.

"Silly boy, why are you crying?"

"Stop crying and let others see what it's like."

The woman looked at Concubine Chu and couldn't help but say.

"Well, I understand."

Concubine Chu nodded.

"Fei'er, I didn't expect you to be still alive."

The woman looked at Concubine Chu and sighed.

"I didn't expect that you are still alive, mother!!!"

Concubine Chu murmured to herself.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Chu Yunshan, my husband and my father."

"These three are my brother and sister-in-law."

Concubine Chu then pointed to her mother and introduced Chu Yunshan, his eldest and second brothers, and his sister-in-law.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

Xiao Yifeng shouted one after another.

"Hello nephew Xiao Xian!!!"

Chu Yunshan and others shouted one after another.


Xiao Yifeng said softly.

He looked at the three Chu Yunshan people, and they all felt familiar.

But they didn't know Xiao Yifeng.

"Xiao Yifeng!!!"

Soon Chu Yunshan and others noticed Xiao Yifeng.

Their eyes widened with disbelief.

They had no idea that Concubine Chu would come back with a strange young man.


Chu Yunshan and others all had dull expressions on their faces and did not react for a long time.

"My dear concubine, what's going on?"

"Who is this young man?"

"Do you know each other?"

At this time, the second lady of the Chu family stared at Xiao Yifeng with a cold expression and scolded.

"You go in first."

Xiao Yifeng said calmly.


Concubine Chu nodded lightly and walked directly into the room with Xiao Yifeng's parents and the wife of the Chu family.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you seduce my daughter?"

The wife of the Chu family looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted with an angry look on her face.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Xiao Yifeng immediately slapped him out without hesitation.

In an instant, the wife of the Chu family was flung away and fell heavily to the ground.

"How dare you hit me?"

The wife of the Chu family yelled angrily.

"I'm warning you, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you right now."

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a cold face, looking at the other party with a bloodthirsty cold light in his eyes.

Immediately, the wife of the Chu family was so frightened that she did not dare to say a word.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Have you forgotten what you promised me?"

At this time, Chu Yunshan on the side said in a deep voice.

"Are you talking about our agreement?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"Since you promised me, you must do what I say."

"Otherwise you will never save your grandfather and my son."

Chu Yunshan shouted coldly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely let you meet."

"But are you sure you really want to save them?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"Hmph, my son is the heir of the Chu family."

"His life is more precious than anyone else's."

"If you dare to hurt them even a hair."

"Even if you escape to the stars in the universe."

"My Chu family will hunt you down to the end!!!"

Chu Yunshan's eyes were filled with strong evil aura and he shouted coldly.

"This is your business."

"But you'd better be quiet until you rescue your son."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.


Chu Yunshan was just about to say something.

At this time Concubine Chu's mother suddenly pulled her father.

Chu Yunshan glanced at Concubine Chu.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

"Father, mother, I'm a little tired. Let's go back."

Concubine Chu said.


Chu Yunshan nodded.

Then the group of them returned to Chu Mansion.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

When they returned to the Chu Mansion, Concubine Chu noticed that her mother's brows were furrowed and she kept frowning.

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