Creator God?

Lord of the world?

At this moment, the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit looked at Ye Qing blankly.

Not to mention that he couldn’t figure out what it meant, even Iron Man, Captain, Thor, and the green fat man who didn’t have a very high presence on the side couldn’t figure out what Ye Qing was talking about.

Is this a lunatic?

That was the only thought running through their minds.

Who in this world dares to call himself the God of Creation and the Lord of the World?

But the person in front of him is an extremely mad king, extremely arrogant, brazenly calling himself the Lord of the World, the God of Creation?

They were shocked and confused…

Just looking at Ye Qing’s expression, and then looking at Dr. Clef, it seemed as if what Ye Qing said was the truth.

For a moment, everyone was a little surprised and confused.

Is it possible that everything Ye Qing said is true?

Is Ye Qing really some kind of creation god? What kind of world master is he really?

“oh? Don’t you know the Creator God or the Lord of the World?”At this time, Ye Qing was slightly startled when he saw the reactions of Purple Sweet Potato Iron Man and others…

This secret world is really different from other small worlds.

Could it be that this secret world is some kind of naturally formed world? , or is it a parallel world, a parallel universe?

“What creation god? What world lord?”Purple Sweet Potato Spirit frowned and asked subconsciously.

The God of Creation and the others knew that although the words of the World Lord were a bit weird, they could probably understand what they meant.

However, the God of Creation they knew could It’s definitely not Ye Qing’s image.

Anyway, it’s definitely not Ye Qing.

Just looking at Ye Qing like this, it seems that there is something else to say…

They were all confused…

For a moment, Ye Qing didn’t know what to say. How to explain, and he didn’t want to explain…

To be honest, he was really curious about this secret world.

He looked at Dr. Clef.

Dr. Clef understood it, and without saying a word, handed the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing looked at the Infinity Gauntlet, directly set the remaining three gems on it, and put it on again!

“Buzz!”The familiar power came again.

It was the power that could observe everything and see everything… the next second……

“Buzz!”On the thumb, the green gem exudes 793 light, surrounded by the power of time, and the surrounding scene begins to change rapidly.

Time begins to go backwards, and in the blink of an eye, tens of millions of years have passed!

Look around again… the future The land of nothingness, thousands of years ago, was actually a prosperous civilization, with a clan of pointed-eared elves walking everywhere. These were the clans that the grandfather of Thunder God defeated.

“Not this time……”Ye Qing pondered, and soon, the green gem began to shine again.……


The surrounding scene changed rapidly again, and in the blink of an eye, time was set back for tens of millions of years.

Countless streams of light flashed before their eyes…

Everyone saw that the glorious elves had retreated from a prosperous civilization to the city-state era. Back to the tribal era, back to the era before evolution.

Even in the end, in this land of nothingness, there were trees and vegetation all over the sky.

And in the end, the land of nothingness began to become barren again, with ice and snow, and fire. The sky has become a desert without any observable life.

This is the most distant ancient period, the origin of life.

This is an era that is unknown how many years ago!


“Wrong time……”Ye Qing pondered and looked into the void of the universe. With a thought in his mind, time went backwards again.

Those tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, passed by in the blink of an eye. The stars beneath my feet began to disappear, and everything around me became nothing. finally……

“Buzz!”That was in the void hundreds of billions of years ago.

Here, there is no time, no space, no up, down, left, right, and no front and back.

This is nothingness!

In front of you, there is only an extremely huge statue, and some even cannot see the form. Even, I don’t even know what it is.

In the void, there are only six light points flickering slowly.

And those six light points are red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple!

They correspond to six Infinity stones!

They are like eternal existences, like the universe itself, like the world itself.

This is the origin of the universe!

At this moment, Purple Potato Spirit, Fawn Evil God, Thor, Iron Man, Captain, Green Fatty, and even Ye Qing and his subordinates all felt fascinated when looking at the void of the universe.

Although it was not gorgeous, it was dreamy and strange.

They seemed to have witnessed the appearance of the universe at the beginning of its birth, and saw Everything!

Is this the formation of the Infinity Stones?

It turns out that the Infinity Stones already existed in such a distant past.

But… what exactly is this guy looking for?

Everyone looked at Ye Qing again, and for a moment, There are also some people who are confused and some people can’t figure it out.

“Well, there is no World Lord?”Ye Qing looked at the huge figure and frowned again.

Yes, he wanted to use the power of the time stone to look back on everything in the past. He just wanted to see if there was a world master in this world!

What was it like? How can a world master give birth to such a secret world?

But now, it can only be said that he has found nothing, and he has not found what he wants at all.

Or is there really no world master in this secret world?

It is quite reasonable that there is no world master. After all

, this secret realm is really big, even as large as the universe!

There is also life on the distant planet who knows how many light-years away.

And there are countless gods in the depths of the universe…

If it is true was created by the World Lord, so how strong is this World Lord?

In reality, it is at least a true god-like existence, and its strength is definitely no less than that of Tao Ancestor and Xuanhuang Ancestor!

However, without the World Lord, what would this universe be like? Formed?

It can’t really be a parallel universe or a parallel world, right?

But how did the Death Star key to enter this parallel world appear? And how can it be transported to this parallel world?

Everything is full of The unknown, everything is confusing.

Everything is also full of contradictions and weirdness……

“Buzz!”The next second, the surrounding scene flashed with green light, and everything returned to its original state.

Everyone stood on the ground of nothingness again.

Everything before was like a dream, making people feel trance-like.


Ye Qing didn’t travel through time. He went back to the past. He just went back in time and saw scenes from the past. If he really traveled through time, he had to solve the paradox problem.


(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) didn’t want to be so troublesome.

Of course, it wasn’t a big deal…

This At that time, Ye Qing just fell into deep thought.

“You win, it’s destiny, whatever you want to do is up to you!”At this moment, the voice of Purple Sweet Potato Spirit sounded.

He was free and easy. He knew that in his current situation, he was no match for Ye Qing who had six infinite gems.

Even if he rushed forward, he would only be facing death. Instead of fighting to the death. , it’s better to openly admit defeat.

“oh? Ye Qing raised his head, looked at the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit, chuckled, and said,”You are very good, but are you willing to leave this world and join my divine system?””

“this……”The purple sweet potato spirit hesitated, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to speak.

Join the pantheon?

What kind of operation is this?

Recruit yourself?

He never thought that one day he would be recruited. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dr. Clef and others also turned their heads slightly and looked at Purple Sweet Potato Essence…

They looked Purple Sweet Potato Essence up and down, scrutinizing it.

If this purple sweet potato spirit really agrees to be recruited, then he will really be a companion from now on!

Speaking of Purple Sweet Potato Essence… he definitely has the strength.

That kingly domineering attitude that looks down on the world, coupled with that terrifying physique.

Even without the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet, he is definitely among the strongest.

However, the strong will become the strong, but they couldn’t figure out why Ye Qing would choose to recruit such a guy…

You must know that when they participated in the plane war, they encountered many strong people.

But Ye Qing has never taken the initiative to recruit during wartime.

Now, he made an exception and took the initiative to recruit the purple sweet potato spirit?

Is there anything special about this purple sweet potato essence?

Anyway, they can’t see it…

However, this is the decision of the Creator God, so naturally they can’t make irresponsible remarks.

They just looked at Ziya Jing in silence, waiting for Ziya Jing’s reply.

Similarly, Ye Qing is also waiting for the purple sweet potato spirit’s reply.

The reason why Ye Qing recruited the Purple Sweet Potato Essence was, first of all, because this Purple Sweet Potato Essence was considered a talent.

On the other hand, it is because of fate and luck!


The moment Ye Qing saw the Purple Sweet Potato Essence, he saw the strong power of luck and destiny in him.

It was as if he was favored by fate, blessed with destiny, and possessing a lot of power from the world. He was simply a child of fate.

Even if he is not the son of luck, he is still the villain of luck!

Of course, it’s not just the Purple Sweet Potato Essence that has luck.

Iron Man, Thor, Captain, and the Fat Green Man also have varying degrees of luck.

Iron Man has the most, followed by Thor, then Green Fatty, and finally Captain.

They can all be regarded as children of luck, favored by fate. so……

“The same goes for you, would you like to join my pantheon? Enter my world, break away from the constraints of this world, and see the real universe? See real reality?”Ye Qing looked at Iron Man and the others again.

Iron Man and the others frowned and looked at each other. For a moment, they didn’t know what to say.

These words were said without politeness.

What does it mean to see the real universe?

To see the real universe. Real reality?

“Well, I interrupt, what I want to say is, if we refuse……”Iron Man suddenly spoke.

Ye Qing looked at Iron Man indifferently…

He cherished his talent, but he didn’t mind being cruel!

“understood!”Iron Man smiled and frowned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

They have seen Ye Qing’s strength and Ye Qing’s weirdness.

He is really strong!

But if you can’t beat him, then join. , is this some… It’s okay for the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit, especially the captain…

He has an upright nature and doesn’t see weird things, so he still has a certain degree of resistance to Ye Qing.

The enemy is the enemy…

He and After so many years of teaching the Hydra, has he ever joined the Hydra?

Joining if you can’t defeat it?


Not only the captain, but even the God of Thunder was quite resistant…

He looked at Ye Qing with some resentment, and then Glancing at the dangling metal wires next to Ye Qing, made of Uru metal and covered with electric light, he felt even more resentful.……

“My hammer……”He opened his mouth

“If you want it, not to mention Thor’s Hammer, I can give you the Storm Axe!”Ye Qing said calmly.

Now that he has six gems in hand, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the supreme one!

“Storm Axe?”The God of Thunder was surprised. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved…

Although he didn’t know what this storm battle ax was, could what he said from Ye Qing’s mouth be wrong?

“I want to know, what is the so-called world and the so-called god system in your mouth?”This is it, the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit suddenly spoke, looking at Ye Qing with burning eyes.

“That’s a bigger stage! Don’t stick to this world! Plane wars, collisions of different civilizations, profound science fiction, passionate fantasy, elegant heroes, and gorgeous magic! There’s nothing you can’t imagine, nothing you can’t see! This is reality!”Ye Qing said.

Without knowing the situation in the real world, everything is really just a frog in the well.

The colorful life they think is just a trivial talk in the world.

Soon, Ye Qing He talked about the situation of the so-called world master and the situation of the so-called plane war…

Zisha Jing, is really moved!

Not only Ziya is moved, but Iron Man and Thor are also moved.

Ziya Jing, He is still warlike at heart!

And Thor is even more warlike.

As for Iron Man?

He is excited because he can see more worlds, more civilizations, and more unknown existences.

Once the soul of research is ignited, it will It’s hard to extinguish it!

The three of them were excited, and even the little deer evil god was a little moved.

Of course, out of the instinct of the god of mischief, he still hesitated a little, as well as his fear and resistance to Ye Qing.

There was no way, he and Ye Qing We had enemies before. At this time, just when Zishujing was about to agree to the extreme……


Suddenly, Ye Qing seemed to have sensed something. His mind moved, his brows furrowed, and his eyes were filled with uncertainty.……

“I’ll give you one day to think about it!”

Ye Qing put down these words, and the blue light on the Infinity Gauntlet flashed away… the next second……


The blue space door instantly enveloped Ye Qing, Dr. Clef and others, and disappeared in an instant!

When Ye Qing appeared again, he had already appeared in the void.

In front of him, there was a cold, devoid of any temperature. It looked like Like a steel planet made of steel!

This is…


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