Instant kill!

Holy Kesha was killed instantly!

At this moment, not only Kesha herself was stunned, but Art and even Hercules’ eyes turned red instantly as they watched this scene!

“Keisha!”They exclaimed!

They are brothers and sisters from the same father and mother. Now, seeing their sister being pierced through the body, how can they not be anxious or angry?

At this moment, monstrous slavery breaks out!

Art’s eyes are red, and the terrifying sea water Instantly attack the zombie supreme!

“Give it to me!”Art shouted loudly, and the violent seawater invaded instantly and began to roll wildly, forming a terrifying seaspout, crushing towards the zombie supreme.

In fact, the seawater was still shrinking and condensing!

At this moment, Baidu Drops of water condense into one drop of water!

Super-heavy water gathers into a tornado, crushing everything!

Kesha is their biological sister. Although they may not necessarily care about this sister sometimes, the family love is absolutely inseparable. It doesn’t matter what happens normally. However, at this moment, he really couldn’t bear it!

Regardless of the issue of restraint or not, he controlled the sea water and invaded the Zombie Supreme. Even at this moment, he felt that he had even exerted his ability countless times more than before!

Of course, , not only Art, but also Herax!

Herax is closer to Kesha.

Now, seeing his own sister being stabbed through the body, his anger has overwhelmed his reason!

His eyes are red, and his body shape With one leap, he jumped directly into the field, regardless of the surrounding sea water. The punch packed with terrifying power instantly struck the zombie supreme!

“Boom!”At this moment, the space trembled faintly, and Hercules even used a power that was countless times greater than before! The powerful Dragon King completely unlocked all restrictions and blasted the zombie supreme at all costs!

“It’s finally interesting!”The Zombie Supreme looked at the terrifying seaspout, then looked at Herax, sneered, and with a move of his hand, the long sword that pierced Kesha trembled, and he pulled it out straight away, and the sword light pierced the sky. The long sword fell directly into his hand!

“Clang!” He blocked with his sword horizontally, and a terrifying trembling erupted.

The sword body collided with the terrifying fist, the long sword trembled, and the terrifying power came. His body was blown away uncontrollably and hit straight. Into the invading sea water!

“Wow!”The sea water is rolling, with a terrifying force of annihilation, sweeping over the Zombie Supreme!

It is super-heavy water condensed by countless sea water!

Every drop even has a terrifying gravity. Just falling on the body will make people unable to move!

This is Super heavy waterspout!

“Wow!……”His body began to disappear, from his wrists, to his arms, to his body!

Even, in a short while, half of his body was wiped out to ashes!

The dark, stinky corpse blood infected the sea water.


At this moment, Art’s eyes lit up.

Hercules also looked happy.

However, they were not in a hurry to see the Zombie Supreme. They almost turned back to see Kesha in unison!

Immediately, they breathed a sigh of relief!

Because, they saw that the epidemic doctor had already caught Kesha and gently placed her on the ground!

Although the long sword only pierced Kesha’s abdomen, that sword was of great significance.

The moment the long sword pierced her body, the sword energy vibrated, almost wiping out Kesha’s internal organs!

If it had been anyone else, he would have died long ago due to this horrific injury.

Fortunately, Kesha is the Lord of the sky, the sacred Kesha, and an extraordinary creature with divinity.

Even if her internal organs were shattered, to her, it was only a serious injury, not a fatal injury.


Hercules and Art hurried forward, looked at the epidemic doctor, and asked nervously:”How is it?”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious and your life is safe!”The plague doctor spoke.

Even if he evolves, his memory (aifa) and his medical skills will not disappear.

He will still know what he should know.

Hearing this, Hercules and Art couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no It’s fine.

But, looking at Kesha’s pale and bloodless look, the two brothers were still worried!

Seeing their sister being so seriously injured with their own eyes, it’s hard for them to feel better..

Even if his life is safe, he is still injured.

However, this also proves that the Zombie Supreme is really strong!

Kesha, as an existence that inherited a trace of divinity from Emperor Apocalypse, almost crushes existences of the same realm. It is not a problem to fight even if you fight at a higher level.

But now, he was killed by the Zombie Supreme with a sword.

You can imagine how strong this Zombie Supreme is!

There must be epics, and even, they doubt , this Zombie Supreme also possesses a hint of divinity…

Although the Zombie Supreme has never shown true power or divine power from beginning to end.

But being able to kill Kesha in an instant is definitely no small feat.

However ,……

“No matter you are divine or whatever, if you dare to hurt my sister, you will never get over it today!”Herax gritted his teeth.

The God of Creation said that if you want to capture this Zombie Supreme alive… you can’t kill him.

However, you can make him unable to live or die!

So what about the Zombie Supreme?

What about the Ancient Emperor?

What about the Corpse Sword Immortal?

Today, he is going to show this so-called Zombie Supreme his absolute terrifying power!

“Don’t worry, I have new abilities that can heal her!”At this moment, the plague doctor suddenly spoke.

The baptism of violet!

The plague doctor knew very well that his violet baptism could definitely completely heal Kesha’s injury.


Hercules and Art’s expressions changed. Hercules quickly stopped him:”Don’t!

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) Never! You just need to take good care of her and die while I avenge Kesha!”

“good!”Herax also nodded.

“Alas, why don’t you believe me?”The plague doctor sighed. His newly awakened power is really powerful.

Unfortunately, these two guys have too deep a stereotype of him.

Don’t you believe in your own abilities?

Hercules and Art looked at each other and were thinking What to say…

However, at this moment……

“good! A bit decent!”Suddenly, a chuckle sounded behind them.

Hercules and Art’s pupils shrank, and they suddenly turned their heads…

Immediately, they saw that not far from them, the zombie supreme from before appeared in the air. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The most important thing is that the arms, arms, and lower body of this zombie supreme are recovering at an extremely terrifying speed!

Terrifying self-healing ability!

Art and Herak Si took a breath.

This monster has such a terrifying self-healing ability?

From the beginning to now, this zombie supreme has exceeded their imagination one after another.

It only needs intelligence and freedom of movement.

Now, it still has Showing such a terrifying self-healing ability!

Still fighting like this?

Captured alive?

Hercules and Art twitched at the corners of their mouths…

They could only say that the God of Creation thought highly of them.

This was simply not something they could do. Ah!

They wanted to cripple it and couldn’t take it away.

What should they do?

The two of them thought quickly…

But at this time, it was no longer their turn to think too much.

At this moment, it was As they saw it, the Zombie Supreme was slashing towards them with a sword!

The two of them shrank their pupils and subconsciously turned their heads, narrowly dodging the sword!


“Poof!”Even so, there was still a wound on their faces from the aftermath of the sword energy!

A little bit of bright red blood slipped from their cheeks, a trace of warmth came, and a little cold sweat fell on their foreheads.

If they dodge again Move slower, and this sword will fall on their necks!

With such a sharp sword, they have no doubt that it can decapitate them!

“Wow!”Art finally reacted faster.

With a thought in his mind, the next second, the seawater under his feet was attacking towards the Zombie Supreme. The seawater condensed into a big hand and moved towards covering the Zombie Supreme!

“trouble!”The Zombie Supreme glanced coldly, and in his hand, the long sword carried terrifying power, and he slashed across it…

The next second, the terrifying sword energy vibrated, instantly cutting off the big hand…

But obviously, even if the sea water was cut off, Break, the sea water was still controlled by Art, and the sea water in the air gathered again, turning into a water whip in an instant, entangling the Zombie Supreme tightly!

Immediately, a fist packed with terrifying power hit him firmly. On the face of the Zombie Supreme!


At this moment, the Zombie Supreme was instantly blown away, fell into the sea water, and was submerged by the waves in an instant.

“It’s now!”Herax shouted.

Art didn’t waste any time. He took out the trident and forced it to rest on the sea water!


The ripples began to spread, and they began to invade bit by bit.

The Dinghai Shen Zhen really Ding Hai Ding Shui!

As long as there is water, it can be sealed.

No matter what you are, as long as you enter the water, you will be fixed by the Ding Hai Shen Needle…

Unless the Ding Hai Shen Needle is used Take it out, otherwise, no one will be able to get out of this water prison.

The artifact is indeed an artifact, but the only problem is that the speed is too slow!


Art can control the sea water!

At this moment, the endless sea water is moving towards The Zombie Supreme crushed away, and the terrifying pressure fell on the Zombie Supreme, like a huge burden, like carrying the mountains and the abyss!

As long as it is not interrupted midway, the cooperation between Art and Dinghai Shenzhen is perfect.

At this time, the sea water Among them… feeling the terrifying pressure and turbulence around him, and even being restrained…

The Zombie Supreme narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on Art.……

“Sure enough, you can’t underestimate any opponent. If I had known, I would have killed you first!”He murmured

“It’s better to think about your own situation! Art snorted coldly:”I am the lord of the ocean. As long as there is sea water, I am invincible!””

He raised his head proudly and looked down at the Zombie Supreme, seeming to have forgotten the embarrassing situation where he was almost killed by a sword!

However, in this situation, there is nothing wrong with him pretending to be cowardly!


However, the Zombie Supreme suddenly smiled:”In this emperor’s era, who dared to claim to be invincible? Who dares to say that he is invincible? They’re just a bunch of clowns!”

“That time period? Haha, your era has long passed, you are just a remnant of the old era!”Art didn’t even bother to laugh.

“Is it……”

The Zombie Supreme nodded slowly, and then said quietly:”Then let me, a remnant of the old era, tell you what the absolute power gap is!”

He closed his eyes gently. At this moment, he seemed to be gathering some kind of power!

“Boom! Boom!”A terrifying heartbeat suddenly sounded, like a heavy drumbeat, resounding in everyone’s hearts!

“Buzz!”The next second, he opened his eyes suddenly, and bright light burst out in those golden eyes!

“Dominate the world! Supreme royal power!”

“One sword, open the sky!”


At this moment, as the Zombie Supreme finished speaking, rays of golden light gathered together. Immediately, the golden light condensed into a terrifying sword! The sword was like a pillar supporting the sky, connecting the sky and the earth!


At this moment, the terrifying sword was chopped down instantly!.

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