
The real dragon!

At this moment, Ye Qing looked at the dragon and was slightly startled, a little confused!

Good guy, these dragons have appeared?

Does this zombie world still have such a trump card?

Didn’t it mean that all living things have turned into zombies?

What the hell is this dragon?

Ye Qing looked at the dragon rising into the sky following the golden light, and was slightly stunned, a little unbelievable.


Ye Qing looked around the entire zombie world again and fell into silence as he saw that there were only 1,700 kilometers left in the world!

For a dragon to successfully evolve into a divine dragon, it actually consumed a thousand kilometers of the world’s area!

This isn’t just a simple world area collapse.

This thousand kilometers of world area consumes the source!

In other words, the world consciousness is completely using its origin to forcibly give birth to the dragon to evolve into a divine dragon.

Such consumption is simply cutting off the future of the world.

It is impossible for any world lord to do this.

But unfortunately, the world consciousness did this…

There is no way…

After all, it is about life and life. If he doesn’t do this, he will still have a dead end.

After thinking about this, Ye Qing finally figured it out.

Sure enough, this last-minute counterattack was indeed a skill.

The key is… the dragon itself was only at the epic level, but now after evolving, it has directly become the legendary level!

Even though it was just a forcibly upgraded legendary level, it only looked like a junior legend.

But it was truly legendary.

For other creatures, the legendary level is absolutely crushing.

As for the Zombie Supreme?

To be honest…

Ye Qing had been watching for so long and knew the strength of the Zombie Supreme very well.

Definitely no arrival legend.

But it surpasses countless epic-level existences. Above the epic, it is not full of legend, so it can be regarded as a quasi-legend!

Coupled with that terrifying talent and incredible recovery ability, it is definitely not a problem to rival the legend.

Of course, having said that, it is not a legend after all.

Now, a dragon has evolved into a divine dragon and has become a legend… tsk tsk……

“If you put all your belongings on that zombie supreme, I might still be afraid of you, but now……”Ye Qing looked at the legendary dragon that was extremely powerful, domineering and mighty as hell, chuckled and shook his head.

It’s just an ordinary legend after all……

“Let’s do it!”Ye Qing spoke lightly and gave direct instructions.

At this time, in the containment world…

Dr. Clef, who had always been sitting in the fortress of the Sky City, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then walked out of the palace gate directly!

At this time, the palace where he was Parked above it was a giant spaceship that looked extremely terrifying and huge, like an aerospace aircraft carrier!


As a golden light fell on Dr. Clef, Dr. Clef was directly led into the space battleship.

Soon, he went straight to the operation hall.

Looking at the countless buttons and countless virtual electronic screens above the operation hall , Hercules smiled…

He had actually been ready for a long time.

He stood directly in front of a display screen, gently reached out and pressed it on the screen!

“Buzz!”With the scan, the identity was quickly confirmed.

Dr. Clef’s lips curved into a devilish smile like a civet cat, and then he softly uttered two words:”Fire!”


The terrifying energy was mobilized in an instant and converged into the muzzle directly in front of the battleship!

“buzz buzz.!”The terrifying beams of light converged in the muzzle, and the death light that seemed to annihilate everything surrounded everything.

“boom!”The next second, the terrifying death light instantly hit the door of space, passed through the space, and hit the zombie world!


The terrifying death light trembled, and in just the blink of an eye, it was close to the edge of the majestic dragon.


“Hee hee hee……”

The annihilation beams spread out one after another, and the dragon’s upper body was completely annihilated without making a sound.

“boom!”The terrifying death light pierced the sky and broke through the world barrier in an instant. The entire zombie world was in turmoil! Instant kill!

This is the real instant kill!

From the dragon to the divine dragon, it has not even begun to show its power. In just one second, he was blasted by the terrifying beam of annihilation, and he couldn’t die anymore!

This is definitely the most miserable legendary creature.

As soon as he became a legend, he immediately burped!

Even if the legendary vitality is very strong, even if the legendary creature The recovery power of super creatures is very strong.

But the head is gone, and the dirt is gone!

The upper body is directly annihilated into light spots and disappears, even if the lower body is still retained, it is useless!



It is also a legend, but How can a junior legend that has been forcibly promoted compete with a legendary weapon?

This is the biggest gap, which is beyond what others can imagine.

At this time, as the dragon was annihilated, only half of it was left and even fell to the ground……

The consciousness of the world is really hopeless.

He no longer has the extra source to forcibly enhance another creature.

Moreover, judging from the situation of the previous shot, no matter how many creatures he spawns, it will not help.

One Even if the cannon comes down, he will still die!

This is the difference.

But obviously, he cannot just wait to die like this…

As the half of the dragon corpse fell to the ground, the eyes of countless zombies flopping in the sea instantly turned red.

They He ran wildly in the direction where the dragon corpse fell. In an instant, he arrived in front of the dragon corpse. He opened his mouth wide and began to swallow the dragon blood from the dragon corpse.

This was obviously because of the control of the world consciousness!

Still struggling!

After all this, he still doesn’t want to let go of any opportunity…

No matter how small the opportunity is, he doesn’t want to give up.

To put it nicely, this is called persistence, to put it worst, this is called stubbornness!


At this time, as the countless zombies drank the dragon’s blood, they looked up to the sky and roared with red eyes.

Their bodies even began to grow fine scales, and s

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ome zombies even had a stick on their foreheads. Or two horns!

Their already dark and sharp claws are even sharper and tougher.

This is the blood of the legendary dragon!

Even if it is just an ordinary legend, it is a great supplement for any creature! (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention these blood-sucking zombies.

Blood is the source of their power, everything to them.

As long as there is blood, their strength can be infinitely improved.

Of course, dragon blood is more Strong.

The infectious and corrosive power of dragon blood is naturally more insoluble than zombies.

Now, after absorbing dragon blood, these zombies have all become so-called dragon-blooded zombies.


The key is, these The guy’s strength has also begun to become stronger…

Ordinary zombies directly become high-level zombies, and mid-level zombies directly become extraordinary zombies.

Extraordinary zombies directly become epic-level zombies.

And zombies that were originally epic-level are even more powerful and spiritual. His wisdom became more transparent.

This wave of dragon blood can almost be regarded as a major enhancement.

Looking around, there are at least one hundred thousand high-level zombies, 80,000 extraordinary zombies, and 8,000 epic zombies!

Eight thousand Epic level!

No one believes this!

But… that’s it!

Eight thousand epic level dragon blood zombies, although they look scary, the number is staggering.

But in fact, it’s easy to fight Loose!

On the battlefield, Abel held the spinning blade, fighting one against a hundred, killing the epic dragon-blooded zombies seven in and seven out.

Look at Hercules…

He is still in an overloaded state now, he There is no need to change lives, it is just a big punch, killing everything violently, it is simply unbelievable!

At this moment, the general attack began!

Under the order of Dr. Clef, countless armies came out…

The dragon-man army tore apart zombies with their hands, The Lizardman army swept across everything.

The Winged Man army interfered at high altitudes, and the Tiger Man army opened its mouth.

Even the dragon snails breathed out flames, forming a flaming dragon, annihilating everything and burning everything!

The Taotie Rabbit clan began to fight the autumn wind on the battlefield. , the Demon Heart clan also began to gallop on the battlefield!


At this moment, the entire zombie world was in chaos.

There were killings everywhere.

Of course, these zombies are really strong.

After drinking dragon blood, they are even stronger.

Yes That is to say, both the zombie world and the containment world have suffered casualties from each other.

Moreover, many zombies are one against ten.

At first glance, the zombie world does have the upper hand.

But with the rampage of Hercules and Abel Killing, the balance of the battle instantly tilted towards Ye Qing’s side.



With the continuous killing and the continuous death of zombies, the zombie world also shook, the void trembled, and cracks appeared on the world barrier.

The entire containment world began to shrink and collapse!

This zombie world is going to be destroyed!

At this moment, the world consciousness of the containment world began to fully invade the zombie world…

The world consciousness of the zombie world still wanted to struggle and resist…

But because the world continued to collapse and the creatures in the world continued to die and fall, the world consciousness naturally also Weakened, the world consciousness of the containment community suppressed it almost easily.

Then, the containment world began to forcibly take over the entire zombie world… the wind, the water, every plant and tree in the world, every fiber… space, time, origin!

At this moment, the world consciousness of the containment world directly takes over everything.

Of course, just because the consciousness of the containment world has taken over the zombie world does not mean that the zombie world can be maintained…

At the moment when the original world consciousness collapsed, the entire zombie world began to collapse.

Starting from the edge of the world and then to the world’s barriers that are riddled with holes, the entire world begins to collapse and begin to dissipate into nothingness… The zombie world is completely destroyed and coming to an end!

At this moment, the world consciousness was trying to make a fortune. Without saying a word, it used its tyrannical world consciousness to wrap up a large area of the origin of the zombie world and a large area of land in the zombie world and began to run away!

Of course, it’s not just world consciousness that’s starting to run away.

Even the creatures that were still in the zombie world began to run away.

Of course, before that, you need to make a fortune! it’s over!

At this moment, it’s all over.

Ye Qing watched helplessly as the zombie world came to an end, and finally turned into dust and disappeared in the boundless void.

The next second, his consciousness returned to the containment world again.

Looking at the sudden increase in the area of the world in the containment world, the corner of my mouth twitched… three hundred kilometers!

“You just plundered three hundred kilometers?”Ye Qing was speechless.

You plundered three hundred kilometers of such a huge zombie world and came back?

So useless?

Ye Qing was a little disgusted…

Immediately, a thought came from the bottom of his heart…

Well, the general idea is, I was so full that I couldn’t move.

I just managed to plunder three hundred kilometers of land resources.

What the world consciousness wants most is to improve its origin!

Because the expansion space inside the containment world is really too big, it’s already huge. It has exceeded the load.

Therefore, he has spent all his efforts on improving his origin and replenishing his origin.

In general, he can now barely bear the huge space inside, and he can also have a certain amount of spare power.

Today’s containment world, It has been increased to 2000 kilometers.

But the strength of the world’s will is comparable to 3000 kilometers!

“Forget it, two thousand kilometers is just two thousand kilometers!”Ye Qing nodded and said it doesn’t matter.

This battle is won, a real victory!

Of course, before that, there is still a problem to deal with…

Ye Qing’s eyes turned and looked at the man trapped in the black material cage. Zombie Supreme!.

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