Chapter 78 Key Fragment? Crazy harvest!!

After sailing in this unknown sea for about half a day, everyone finally saw the first Kraken!

It was a sea python that was tens of meters long!

The whole body emits a faint purple shimmer, and huge flesh wings grow on the back! At this moment, it is half-floating in the sea, and its huge body is up and down with the waves, ~ ups and downs!

Although this Kraken himself had never seen it, at the first glance of it, Ah Wu was incomparably sure

This is definitely the high-level Kraken that I have been looking for! This big guy looks at it from any side

No matter the size, momentum or otherwise, it is enough to throw away those Krakens that have been hunted before, far away ten streets!

Under the command of the captain, the Blood Port began to slowly approach the Kraken! Ah Wu’s heart beat violently, and he seemed to go back to the day many years ago, when he first went to sea with a ship and saw a living Kraken for the first time!

Awu climbed onto the side of the ship with a harpoon!

This time, for safety, he specially tied a rope to himself, and if he couldn’t kill with one hit, the rest of the sea hunters would pull him back to the boat!

This time it is not those low-level Krakens who were facing before, so I can’t be careless!

The Blood Harbor was already extremely close to the Kraken.

Ah Wu saw the opportunity, took a deep breath, bent his knees, and exerted force under his feet for a moment, he was like a cannonball out of the chamber, and he shot towards the hideous giant python!

That indomitable momentum, lightning-fast speed, even if everyone on the ship has seen it for an unknown number of times, but at this moment they can’t help but shout loudly!

Between the electric flint, Ah Wu fell heavily on the body of the giant python! He rolled over and threw himself towards the front of the python’s body!

Although Ah Wu had never seen this kind of Kraken before, a similar python-like Kraken had already hunted an unknown amount!

The weaknesses of these Krakens are all in one place! Heart!

As long as you can take advantage of the Kraken’s reaction and directly penetrate its heart, even if it is a powerful and fierce Kraken, it will definitely die!

Ah Wu is extremely experienced, and he found the location of the python’s heart in an instant!

A confident smile appeared on his face, he raised the harpoon in his hand, and stabbed down towards the body of the giant python with the weight of the whole person!

But the smile on Ah Wu’s face quietly froze in the next moment!

Because the harpoon that poured all his strength pierced the body of the Kraken, but did not bring any normal feedback that he imagined!

Including the sound of a harpoon piercing into the tough body surface of a giant python, the frictional resistance from the flesh and bones, the scalding blood sprayed everywhere, and the Kraken’s wail of pain and madness

The purple shimmer shrouded in the body of the giant python suddenly burst out at this moment, and the sharp harpoon forged from stainless steel could not even leave a shallow mark on its body, and it shattered in an instant!

The giant python stood up furiously, and the scarlet letter turned into a hook chain of death, sweeping towards this ant who did not know whether he was dead or alive!

And at this time, Ah Wu, under the shroud of that purple light, could not even move half a finger!

He could only stand in place, watching the lightning-like letter come in an instant, at this moment, the only thing that could save himself was the sea hunter on the Blood Port!


“Save me——!!!”

At this time, Ah Wu could not even open his mouth to speak, and could only roar desperately in his heart!

But the crew on the Blood Harbor has long been stunned! Even Harpoons… All shattered?!

What exactly is that purple light?! This horse stepper… Or a Kraken?!

These sea hunters have lived by the sea for decades, but they have never seen such a terrifying Kraken!

They originally thought that although this Kraken in an unknown sea area was dangerous, it was only a mortal in the flesh, no different from those Krakens in the near sea!

But who would have thought… It’s so terrifying?!

Kraken here… I am afraid that it has long been out of the category of Kraken and evolved into a terrifying monster far beyond his own understanding!

And just when everyone was stunned, layers of huge waves suddenly rolled on the sea in the distance!

Countless giant python Krakens came on the waves, and the number was so dense that it firmly covered the entire nearby sea!

Although their size is far less huge than the one just now, the surface of each one is covered with the same purple shimmer!

And that purple shimmer is becoming more and more intense as it gets closer to the Blood Port!

This is the companion of that giant python!!!

The sea hunters of the Blood Harbor instantly came to their senses, and the indescribable fear completely drowned everyone!

They knew that if they continued to stay here, they would definitely die!

“U-turn!!! Veer!!! ”

The captain of the Blood Harbor let out hysterical screams!!

“U-turn!!! Veer!!! ”

“Run!! Run!! ”

“Lao Tzu who stepped on the horse doesn’t want to die here!!!”


“But, but Lord Awu…”

“Are we just going to just leave…”

Some crew members panicked, trembling and spoke.

At this time, the scarlet letter of the giant python was already close to Ah Wu!

“Crazy, huh?! Do you still want to save him? ”

“This guy is dead!”

“Immortals can’t save him!”

“Saving him will put us in danger, do you want to kill everyone?!”

“Quick! Cut the rope quickly!! If those Krakens find out that this guy has something to do with us, they will definitely not let us go! ”

Everyone cursed loudly, rushed up, and cut the rope attached to Ah Wu’s body!

And at this time, Ah Wu had been firmly rolled up by the hideous letter of the giant python and swallowed it into his belly!

At the moment when the hooked teeth crisscrossing the giant python’s mouth completely cut off the light, Ah Wu’s face was white and bloodless, and he could see the scene on the Blood Port clearly

Although as a sea hunter, Ah Wu was ready to be buried in the belly of the Kraken anytime and anywhere, he never imagined that it would be in such a pathetic way…

In this moment, he has no fear, no from time to time!

Some are just resentment and hatred deeply imprinted in the depths of the soul for those who abandon themselves, for those who betray themselves!

There was a warm touch under him, the sound of swaying water sounded in his ears, and the corner of Ah Wu’s eyes twitched a few times, and he opened his eyes sharply.

The lost eyes slowly focused, and a disgusting sour and rancid smell crept into his nose, and Ah Wu looked around blankly

At this time, he was half-floating in a thick liquid!

The liquid was cloudy and blood-red, and the remnants of some sea creatures were immersed in it, but only the skeleton had long since decayed.

Ah Wu was shocked!

Over here…… Could it be the stomach pouch of that giant python?! But why is he still not dead?

The gastric juice in this stomach pouch can easily corrode even the bones, which is no different from strong acid, and he should have died a long time ago!

Ah Wu’s eyes widened, his expression was full of confusion, and he subconsciously looked down.

And then saw a strange… Splinter.

It seemed to be a broken part of something, and the whole body appeared a stony gray white, covered with strange patterns like star maps!

Those lines are shimmering at the moment!

That shimmer gently wrapped himself like water, even though he had already been corroded beyond recognition by gastric juice at this time, but under the protection of that shimmer, he still did not die!

It’s this piece of debris… Saved yourself!

Ah Wu was stunned by this bizarre scene, and it took a long time before he finally came to his senses

Ah Wu held the fragment in his hand, and at the same time, there seemed to be some shackles in his body that shattered at this moment!

A powerful aura gushed out, melting into every subtle corner of his body, up and down!

At this moment, Ah Wu’s entire person seemed to have evolved, and began to rapidly ascend to a higher level of life!

Black Iron Class! Bronze level! Gold! Golden First Order! Golden Third Order! Golden Seventh Order!……

The black iron level Ah Wu was actually promoted to the seventh golden rank in an instant! And Lin Mo, who had been paying attention to Awu with great interest, was also in shock at this moment!

“As I guessed correctly, that fragment… It is one of the key fragments that summons the stars to return home!! ”

An excited look appeared on Lin Mo’s face!

He really didn’t expect that the key fragment that he had in mind appeared in front of him in such a way under such a circumstance!

These key fragments are incredibly important, and two of them in each episode unlock one of Cthulhu’s skills!

After all of them are collected, they can lift Lalaye’s seal and make Cthulhu return to the world!

“And this fragment also seems to have some kind of powerful ability that can make the owner’s level increase terrifyingly!”

“Soar directly from the black iron level to the gold level!”

“Isn’t that a little too raw?!”

At the same time, a prompt from the Sea of No Heel suddenly lit up on the panel!

[Dear Creator, there are creatures in your world who have independently broken through to the gold level! ] Please click on the panel to view details! 】

Lin Mo raised his hand and clicked away.

[Name of living being: None (waiting for naming)]

[Creature attributes: unnameable! ] 】

[Life Level: Gold! ] 】

[World: The Unnameable Realm! ] 】

[PS: This creature is a special unit that can be continuously upgraded as the level of the creator increases! ] And there is no upper limit! 】

“Waiting for the name…”

Lin Mo muttered to himself, and his eyes suddenly lit up: “It’s better to… Just call you Blood Harbor Ghost! ”

Saying that, Lin Mo clicked on the skill bar of the Blood Port Ghost.

[Skill 1: Ghost Stealth.]

[Ghost Stealth: The ghost of Blood Harbor is blessed by the unspeakable creator and can completely hide its figure in the surrounding environment without being discovered by anyone! ] Can’t be caught by any means! 】

[PS: This skill has absolute priority, no matter how strong or weak the target’s strength level is, it cannot see through the whereabouts of the Blood Port Ghost! ] 】

[Skill 2: One hit kills! ] 】

[One hit kills: Blood Harbor Ghost has an incomparably rich hunting experience, so it can see through the Achilles heel of any target and kill it with 100% hit! ] 】

[PS: If the target is two or more levels higher than the Blood Port Ghost, the one-hit kill effect will be invalid, and it can only cause corresponding damage! ] 】

[Skill 3: Death List! ] 】

[Death List: Blood Harbor Ghost has a death list, and when it writes the target’s name on the list, the target will be powerfully cursed! ] And will gradually go crazy in endless terrifying illusions! Until you die completely! 】

After reading the skill introduction of the Blood Harbor Ghost Shadow, Lin Mo instantly blossomed!

“Sure enough, it is worthy of being a golden seventh-order creature, and the effect of this skill is simply invincible!”

“Ghost Sneak! Powerful stealth skills! ”

“Has absolute priority and cannot be seen through by targets of any rank!”

“Death list! Illusion-like curse skills! ”

“Write the name of the target on it, and the target will fall into complete madness.”

“One more hit to kill!”

“Being able to hit a target 100% is a one-hit kill… This is no longer just a skill, but a terrifying law! ”

“Although the target is two levels higher than the Blood Harbor Ghost Shadow, it is also outrageous to be able to kill the enemy in seconds after crossing one level!”

Lin Mo really didn’t expect that his unintentional move would bring him such a big gain!

Not only did he successfully find the first key fragment, but he also created a gold-level creature!

My own luck is simply nobody!

Ah Wu has never experienced such a powerful feeling as now!

That terrifying power spread in every corner of his body, and the skills of the masterless self-learning also appeared in his mind, as if they had been practiced thousands of times, and they could be easily cast!

And he also sensed his new name – Blood Port Ghost.

“From now on, there will be no more Awu in the world!”

The Blood Port Ghost Shadow knew that all this was an adventure given to him by the gods!

Being swallowed into the belly by such a powerful Kraken Sheng, if it weren’t for the blessing of the gods, I am afraid that he would have died a long time ago!

And now himself, not only did not die, but even gained unparalleled power!

The Blood Harbor Ghost Shadow rubbed his face fiercely.

His face has been eroded by sea python stomach acid, and he has long been unrecognizable!

But he didn’t care!

“Those who betray me, it’s time to put them… Sink to the bottom of the sea! ”

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