Chapter 90 Lin Mo in the Seventh, at stake!!

“If it weren’t for Wang Teng’s three, the top name this time would definitely be hers!”

Someone spoke with great certainty.

Everyone listened and nodded one after another!

With such strength, it can already crush any player except Wang Teng’s three!

The ranking prediction has also come to an end at this point.

“Ahem! Last place… It’s Lin Mo in the seventh middle school! ”

“Of course, this ranking also has a lot to do with Lin Mo’s first round of byes, and it does not represent Lin Mo’s true strength!”

“It can only be used as a reference!”

The staff worked very hard to make up for Lin Mo.

“Whether it’s a bye or not, this Lin Mo’s ranking is the same as the bottom.”

“This is already the rhythm of being doomed to be eliminated in the third round!”

“Indeed, after all, no one in this world can always rely on luck.”

“To be able to get to the third round… This is already the best record of the Seventh Middle School in all these years, right? ”

“Mu Mu, why don’t we have such luck against the sky in the fifty-four! Every year, we want to go in a few more rounds! ”

Everyone exchanged ears and whispered.

“Next, it’s the third round of our preliminary round today!”

“Pairing begins!”

When the staff’s words fell, the light curtain of the venue suddenly lit up, and the avatars of the third-round contestants appeared, and random matching was carried out again!

After a moment, the flying avatar slowly stopped.

When the result of the match was clearly seen, everyone in the seat suddenly widened their eyes!

“Groove!! Wang Teng and Lan Che!! The two of them actually matched together. ”

“This is where you??!! I thought they wouldn’t meet until the last round!! ”

“This is the third round!! It’s a semi-final!! ”

“Sooner or later it’s going to happen anyway!! The winner between the two of them is undoubtedly going to compete with Li Yuan for the title of champion! ”

“Boom! It’s not started yet! The sense of anticipation is already full!! ”

There were bursts of exclamations in the venue, and even Zhu Yin, who had just attracted everyone’s attention, matched Lin Mo, and no one cared!

“The players who played in the first round were-”

“Second Middle School, Li Yuan!”

“Sixth Middle School, Zhang Le!”

As the sound of the staff’s report 03 sounded, Li Yuan and Zhang Le stepped onto the battle platform.

The battle will begin soon!

Although Zhang Le’s strength in the sixth is not weak, and the creatures in the world are infinitely close to the seventh order, what he is facing is Li Yuan after all!

What Li Yuan opened up was the extraordinary Guangling World!

The undead creatures in the world and even half of their feet have broken through to the eighth order! The gap in strength between the two cannot be made up with any hole cards and means!

Therefore, although Zhang Le made a lot of preparations in advance, he still lost in Li Yuan’s hands without the slightest suspense!

However, although he was defeated, compared to Li Yuan’s opponents in the other two rounds, Zhang Le’s performance was already too much!

“Li Yuan has already entered the fourth round, and it will be up to us to see who can win between Wang Teng and Lan Che!”

“So nervous! How can this be more exciting than my own battle!! ”

“Ahem! Don’t talk about you little guys, even we demigods are already looking forward to it! ”

After some battles, the contestants of the twelve won in the end!

After announcing the victory of the twelfth middle school, the staff’s expression was also rarely full of expectation, he raised the microphone and said loudly: “The next contestant——”

“Third Middle School, Wang Teng!!!”

“Twenty-four, Lan Che!!!”


The scene was instantly restless! Here it comes!

The long-awaited semifinals are finally here!! Wang Teng tilted his head and went to the battle platform.

Although everyone had long been accustomed to the maverick behavior of this genius, at this moment, they still couldn’t help but exclaim!

Not for anything else, just because standing in front of Wang Teng, but the halo is not weak to his Lan Che!

“Even in the face of such a formidable opponent, it is still that cynical posture… Is this the world of the strong?! ”

“I realized! I finally know why I am so weak! ”

“It turns out that it’s because I don’t have a strong heart!”

“With the heart of a strong man, even if you face a powerful opponent, even if you are standing in front of a demigod! Can also be undeterred and move forward! ”

“This is the real strong!”

Some people’s eyes flashed with tears: “This is the essence of life taught to me by Boss Wang Teng!” ”

“I… It’s too late to see each other! ”

The exclamation with a crying voice from the audience reached Wang Teng’s ears, and Wang Teng’s whole person twitched, and he almost didn’t turn his back!

God has the heart of a strong man! I force you a face!

“I’m afraid that now, only Ye Liangchen can understand my situation at this time…”

Wang Teng secretly sighed, and the afterglow from the corner of his eye inadvertently glanced under the stage, and saw Ye Liangchen, who was also tilted sideways and equally unruly…

A feeling of sympathy came to me instantly!

“Ask the two players to open the personal panel and access the trial system!”

A prompt from the staff came in his ears, Wang Teng and Lan Che glanced at each other, and entered the boundless battlefield at the same time!

What Lan Che opened up was also a powerful fantasy world!

Moreover, the creatures in the world have also reached the seventh order of bronze, and the distance from breaking through to the eighth order of bronze is infinitely close!

The creature bred in Lan Che’s world is a sword cultivator, a reincarnation of the Divine Sword, and its origin is extremely amazing!

Although the cultivation time is not long, he has already comprehended the sword intent, and his cultivation on the sword path has reached the grandmaster realm!

He is extremely similar to Ye Fan’s strength in Wang Teng’s world, and this battle is inextricably distinguishable, and the battle situation once saw the extreme!

But in the end, the sword cultivators in Lan Che’s world were still defeated.

Because his sword was destroyed.

Although this sword was a treasure tailored for Lan Che, the green ding used by Ye Fan was a top-level magic weapon that Wang Teng had spent several divine sources and many rare materials to create!

In the confrontation and collision with Green Ding again and again, Jian Xiu’s sword finally completely disintegrated, turning into endless fragments!

For a sword cultivator, if there is no suitable weapon, then even no matter how profound the cultivation and thorough understanding of the sword path, he will not be able to exert the slightest power he should have!

Unless you can reach the legendary Great Grandmaster Realm of turning into a sword and merging with the sword! But that realm still has a long, long way to go for the current sword cultivation.

Lan Che lost.

Although I lost, I still won the applause of everyone present!

The amazing strength he showed in the battle against Wang Teng made all the players in the stands happy, even those demigod-level principals were amazed!

And what is even more impressive is the unfathomable combat power of Ganteng! Although from the bright side, the sword cultivation in the Lanche world lost to Wang Teng because of the gap in weapons!

But most of the demigods present clearly knew that the gap was not only weapons!

Because Ye Fan in Wang Teng’s world has already stepped into the eighth step of bronze with one foot!

Compared to the sword cultivation in the Lan Che world, this is not a level at all, a creature on a level!

In this battle, Lan Che lost unjustly!

“Wang Teng, this son… Terrifying! ”

“Invincible! Invincible! ”

“He and Li Yuan are worthy uncrowned kings in this preliminary round!”

“I just don’t know who the two of them can win in the end!”

“The undead knights in Li Yuan’s world are also getting a glimpse of the eighth order, this battle… I’m afraid it will be even more suspenseful than the battle between Wang Teng and Lan Che! ”

The staff also came back from the shock, and their faces were full of amazement! These little guys… It’s so raw!

Although he is already a high-level creator, he can only open up the ordinary world, so he is still dazzled when he sees such a wonderful battle!

“Ahem! Next up are the final two finalists of the third round! ”

“They are-”

“Seventh Middle School, Lin Mo!”

“Ninth Middle School, Zhu Yin!”

When reading Lin Mo’s name, the staff’s faces subconsciously showed a trace of regret.

But he immediately thought that before Lin Mo’s last battle began, he seemed to have such an expression…

“Cough, what are you thinking, how can that kind of bizarre thing happen every time!”

The staff shook their heads slightly.

When they heard the names of the two, the people in the seats were also agitated again.

An ordinary world creator who has come to this point by luck!

A genius whose strength is second only to Wang Teng and Li Yuan, and who wins every time!

The game between these two… Will there be the slightest suspense?

In other words, this kind of matchmaking… Is it still necessary to proceed?

“After so many rounds of being fooled around by him, it’s time for him to go home…”

“That is, we have to have this luck, I am afraid that we will go farther than him!”

“Gee! Unexpectedly played the third round, the seventh middle school is already the biggest winner this year! ”

The crowd burst out laughing.

“If you don’t mind, I can actually give you a small build.”

Zhu Yin’s appearance was quite gorgeous, she winked at Lin Mo on the opposite side, and smiled very charmingly: “If you admit defeat in advance, it seems to be the best choice for you!” ”

Lin Mo glanced at her and did not speak.

Zhu Yin smiled with understanding: “If you are afraid of being looked down upon by others because you admit defeat, then you don’t have to have such thoughts~”

“Because if you fight against me, you will lose even more humiliation!”

In the end, the smile on Zhu Yin’s face did not diminish in the slightest, but the unkind meaning in his words was already obvious to the extreme!

It was a naked, undisguised threat!

“Does talking this nonsense make you look more confident?”

Lin Mo was a little helpless, a cannon fodder who ran tricks, where did he get so many scenes! After speaking, Lin Mo didn’t bother to talk nonsense with her anymore, and directly entered the boundless battlefield.

The smile on Zhu Yin’s face was a little unbearable.

She originally thought that if she casually threatened a few words, she could scare this guy in the seventh middle school and make him withdraw from the competition and admit defeat

This will not only save your strength and hole cards, but also save it for the next round to face a stronger opponent!

More able to let themselves surrender without a fight, admired by everyone! But I didn’t expect that this guy… He is really not afraid of death!

“Since you don’t want to be decent, then I’ll help you!”

Zhu Yin looked at the place where Lin Mo had just stood, shrugged slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly!

Boundless battlefield.

As soon as Zhu Yin appeared, a majestic world phantom instantly emerged, and a black river appeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

It seemed that he felt the order of the Creator, and the next moment, the pitch-black river suddenly fluctuated!

Turning into a raging black wave, it rushed out of the world barrier and rushed towards Lin Mo on the other side of the battlefield!

But the audience, who had already seen the creatures in the Zhuyin world, knew extremely well that this was not a black river at all!

It’s dense, like endless bugs! This bug is called the Star-Swallowing Bug!

They are pitch black and extremely small, the size of ants, and look unsurprising!

And that’s exactly what happened!

Each star-swallowing insect is only limited in strength compared to real ants, and can even be crushed to death by a finger!

The strength of each of them is only bronze fourth-order, compared to those opponents of the sixth and seventh orders, it is not a star and a half weaker!

But it was these bugs that were so tiny that they were negligible, but in the previous battles, they easily killed their opponents every time!

Devour the vitality in the other world, and there is not even slag left! Because of their number… That’s just too much!

Tens? Several hundred thousand? Millions? Nobody knows!

Even Zhu Yin himself didn’t know!

She only knew that she had poured unimaginable effort into these star-swallowing insects and spent a huge amount of divine sources!

Although the strength of each of them is weak, when such an astonishing number of Star-Devouring Insects gathers together, it is already a terrifying killing legion!

Under their own transformation, the empty brains of these star-swallowing insects will not produce any consciousness and thoughts!

They will only follow their own orders and turn into ruthless tactical execution machines! With instinct, devour everything in sight!

This is simply a terrifying killing machine!

“Even though 317 has already seen these terrifying creatures, I still have some scalp numbness!”

“The star-swallowing insects in the Zhuyin world are obviously only bronze fourth-order, but even those sixth-order and seventh-order creatures have only one way to die in front of them!”

“These star-swallowing insects are not only able to devour targets, but when they gather, they are also able to release deadly toxic gases!”

“Colorless and odorless, people can’t guard against it!”

“Seventh Lin Mo, it’s dangerous!”

“What you got by luck, you have to return it after all!”

“What, can it really make these bugs lose control and commit mass suicide?”

“Star-swallowing insects don’t produce any consciousness! They will only obey the command of the Creator and devour everything! ”

“If this Lin Mo’s luck can really be so terrifying, then I will directly stand upside down and eat!”

“Eat fresh!”

Someone laughed loudly in order to grandstand.

“Count me in!”

“And me!”

Three or two good players echoed, they lost early in the first round, so they were full of jealousy for Lin Mo, who had the qualification for the round.

After hearing the unfriendly remarks of these guys, many people in the seats frowned and shook their heads, but at least four people showed sympathetic eyes at this moment

Principals of the Third Middle School, Chu Feng, Wang Teng.

And Ye Liangchen, who had just converted.

I don’t know why, but he is extremely determined!

Everything that was terrifying during the war was inseparable from this Lin Mo! Absolute!!

Thinking so, Ye Liangchen tilted his head and subconsciously looked at Qianteng in the distance.

And Wang Teng also seemed to feel something, tilted his head and looked back.

The two were stunned, and then looked at each other and smiled!

The smile is full of joy and schadenfreude!

These guys are so young!

The seemingly endless tide of insects surged towards Lin Mo all over the mountains, and the star-swallowing insects wielded their sharp and hideous mouthparts, and everything that passed through was gnawed and devoured, even the slag was left!

“The number of targets this time seems to be a bit outrageous.”

“The number of shagay worms is too small to control them all.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Momo craned his chin and looked away from the overwhelming star-swallowing insect.

Fell thousands of miles away, full of confident smiles, Zhu Yin.

The corners of Lin Mo’s mouth slowly hooked: “Then you can only start from you, the creator~”

At the same time, Lin Mo’s mind moved, and a Xia Gai insect instantly appeared in front of Lin Mo!

Its whole body turned transparent, melting into the air like particles, and the hideous mouthparts on its head opened one after another, emitting a piercing and shrill fanatical sound at Lin Mo! Wha——!

“Let’s go!”

Lin Mo spoke softly.

The Shagai insect sensed the supreme will of the Great Creator in an instant, its transparent semicircular wings fluttered gently, and its figure disappeared instantly!

Thousands of kilometers, in just a moment!

The next moment, the Xia Gai insect came through the void and crashed into Zhu Yin’s consciousness space with a brutal posture!

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