Chapter 96 Resentment Poison Ivy! Suffocating cage!!

After returning to the hotel, Lin Mo washed up, changed into clean clothes, and directly entered the Rootless Realm Sea and descended to the Indescribable Realm.

It was midnight, the dark clouds in the dome of the sky were low, and the rust-colored moonlight was faintly falling, covering the whole world with an ominous color

Dark lakes, scarlet flower fields, cracks in the fierce hunt, endless deep sea dead forests

And the forest gap, the dense vines!

They snaked out of the cracks in the ground like cobwebs, extended to the withered trunks of the trees, tightly attached to them, and climbed upwards!

In the dark forest, these countless vine branches hang upside down in the forest, swaying with the wind!

The sight is endless, and it is almost breathless! But Lin Mo was extremely satisfied with the scene in front of him!

“Now there are still some divine sources, which should be enough to create a new unnameable form.”

Lin Mo took out the remaining dozen or so divine sources on his body, gently closed his eyes and began to slowly outline them in his mind

For a Creator, the process of creation is full of randomness and uncertainty, and failure in creation is commonplace!

Even demigod-level creators often make mistakes and omissions when creating living beings!

Either the desired result cannot be achieved, or the creation directly fails! But this kind of trouble did not exist at all for Lin Mo!

Comparable to the creation power of the Supreme God, it gave Lin Mo unparalleled power, and almost at the same time as he outlined the appearance of an indescribable creature, the siren forest in front of him suddenly began to change!



Countless chaotic and dense sounds suddenly sounded in every corner of the forest! At this moment, the countless vines seemed to have been blessed by some kind of law, and they began to grow wildly at a jaw-dropping speed!

Before this, although their number was spread throughout the forest, both the rhizomes and branches and leaves were extremely slender, and it seemed that they could be torn to shreds with a gentle pull!

But at this moment, with the blessing of Lin Mo’s terrifying creation rules, these countless vines actually became hideous and thick in an instant, skyrocketing a hundred times!

Their branches and stems clinging to the trunk are as thick as arms, and they seem to have indescribable terrifying power, deep into the bark!

Strangle one deep ravine after another on the dry trunk!

They stretch out like living creatures, climbing from this tree to tree and back from that tree snake, firmly entwining all the trunks, branches, and canopies in the entire siren forest!

No roots, no end! Densely packed and endless!

Like a cobweb!

It was as if the entire siren forest had turned into a cage at this moment! A dark prison that is depressing, breathless, and makes people’s scalps tingle!

Those terrifying vines are everywhere in every corner of the Siren Forest!

Some hang from the air, some grow between the branches, some crawl all over the ground, and some hide in the shadows behind the trunk!

And at this moment, these vines can no longer even be called vines, they are more like tentacles!

Their appearance does not have the texture and emerald green of vines, but becomes wet and sticky, and shiny!

It is covered with horrible deformed sarcoma that emits a disgusting stench!

From a distance, this dense tentacle is like countless jungle pythons hanging between giant trees!

That terrifying scene will absolutely make everyone who sees it! It’s all crazy!

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes!

He looked at the new creation in front of him, his eyes were mesmerized, as if he was admiring the most beautiful work of art in the world!

This is his latest creation! Resentment ivy!

Chill! Chill!

The resentful ivy felt the breath of the Creator, and it waved its countless tentacles in the darkness, showing its closeness and surrender to Lin Mo!

At this time, Lin Mo finally saw the specific appearance of these tentacles, and there was a crack on the inside of each tentacle curled!

The crack spread all the way to the base of the tentacle, like a series of shocking wounds, hidden in the shadow of the backlight, slowly opening to the sides, slowly closing… Slowly open and close slowly like breathing!

It was one torn after another, covered with hideous jagged deformed vertical mouths.


Even if this resentful ivy was a creature created by himself, Hu Lin at this time was also a little numb in his scalp!

The Creator who can create such a deformed being… What kind of mental state do you have? Lin Mo expressed concern about his mental condition!

“Let’s take a look at the detailed introduction of Resentment Ivy first1~”

Lin Mo muttered to himself while clicking on the information panel of Resentment Ivy.

[Name of living being: Resentment ivy! ] 】

[Creature attributes: unnameable! ] 】

[Life Level: Platinum Ninth Order! ] 】

[World: The Unnameable Realm! ] 】

[PS: This creature is a special unit that can be continuously upgraded as the level of the creator increases! ] And there is no upper limit! 】

“Boom! Platinum Ninth Order! ”

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up, and he resented that the vine had reached the ninth order of platinum!

The wheel level is even a small realm higher than the Shagai worm he created before!

Lin Mo slid the panel and continued to look at the skill introduction of the Resentment Ivy [Skill 1: Resentment Devouring! 】

[Resentment blooms: The resentment ivy is blessed by the unspeakable creator, and its own terrifying distortion beyond common sense, the disgusting sinuous tentacles can open to the sides, turning into hideous tearing shafts, devouring all malicious targets into slag! ] 】

[Skill 2: Entangled Roots! ] 】

[Entwined Root: The Poison Ivy is blessed by the Unspeakable Creator, and regardless of its python-like tentacle branches, it will have unparalleled terrifying power to crush any target within the attack range! ] 】

[This skill effect has absolute priority, and under the erosion of the skill effect of the Entangled Root, all the target’s defenses will be reduced by 100% and will not be able to play any role as it should!] 】

[PS: If the target exceeds the level of Vengement Ivy by two or more, the effect of this skill will be invalid! ] Only deal damage of the corresponding value! 】

[Skill 3: Deadly Omnipotence! ] 】

[Deadly Bloom: The vengeance ivy can devour the target through the vertical mouth on the tentacle and absorb all the activity and vitality in the target’s body while devouring the target! ]

[PS: After bathing in the blood of enemies, they will have a chance to obtain more terrifying mutations)

After carefully reading all the three skills of the Resentment Ivy Vine, Lin Mo showed a satisfied smile on his face!

In terms of skill form, Resentment Ivy and Shagai Worm can be regarded as two extremes!

The skills of the Shagai worm, whether it is the control of the nerve tentacles or the travel of the shuttle shadow through time and space, all highlight a strange and unexpected!

The skill effect can even be called ‘bells and whistles’.

And the skill of resentment ivy, Lin Mo looked down, there were only two words throughout the text – ‘simple’!

Unexpected simplicity!

Skill one, the devouring of resentment!

The tentacles of the vengeful ivy can open to the sides, turning into hideous tearing vertical mouths, completely devouring the target!

Skill 2, Entangled Root!

The branch tentacles of the Vengeance Ivy have unparalleled terrifying power, and have absolute priority when attacking, and can erode the target!

Make all its defenses 100% cut! One hundred percent!

Let the other party directly turn into a blank piece of paper, what a terrifying debuff!

Although the target will be disabled if it exceeds two or more levels of Resentment Ivy, it is also buggy enough!

At least leapfrog the level to kill diamond-level creatures, that must be easy! And even if the debuff will fail, it does not mean that the resentment ivy cannot suppress the creatures above the diamond level!

These countless tentacles, even if they do not have absolute priority skill effects, I am afraid that they can deal heavy damage to the eyes above the diamond level!

Skill 3, Deadly Bloom!

Resentment ivy can devour the target while absorbing all the activity and vitality in the target’s body!

And get even more terrifying mutations because of this!

Although the three skills are bloody and cruel to the extreme, they are not fancy at all, and in Lin Mo’s eyes, they are unexpectedly simple!

“Xia Gai worm is like a special operations team that has achieved amazing feats by surprise!”

“And the resentful ivy is like a slaughtering legion sitting in the rear, in all directions!”

A smile appeared on Lin Mo’s face, and he continued to mutter, “The Flower of Annihilation and the Poison Ivy are both indescribable plants and have similar effects. ”

“The siren head is a lethal weapon capable of dealing a wide range of AOE damage, and the Magic Rice Purple Spider is a killing machine for ground connected centers!”

Lin Mo’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

“And Blood Harbor Ghost and Deep Diver…”

“It can barely be counted as a combat force in the sea!”

“As for the big octopus that is still sleeping.”

“That’s a cough weapon that can destroy everything…”

【Bloody Trio】

It is a name that is resounding in the boundless sea!

In the source country, most of the high-level and even below-level creators have heard this name, and they are full of fear of what these three words represent!

Because this bloody trio is nothing else, it is the notorious interstellar raider organization in the Rootless Sea!

Although there are only three people in this organization, the lowest strength among them is all mid-level creators!

The leader of the trio is a senior senior creator! There is only half a step away from the consummation level!

Each of the three of them is an officially wanted felon, roaming and plundering in the boundless sea, destroying an unknown number of worlds!

Slaughtered an unknown number of living beings! Blood is in debt, and sin is gushing!

But a few days ago, the personnel of the bloody trio changed, from the previous threesome to a two-person group.

Because one of the members of the trio is gone.

Or so to speak, dead.

Although before this, the remaining two people in the trio still have a trace of slightest suspicion

But when descending into this world and looking at the lifeless ocean, all the luck completely disappeared at this moment.

This world has long ceased to be as vibrant as before, but has become desolate, dilapidated, and lifeless!

As experts in destroying other people’s worlds, the two of them could see at a glance that the Creator of this world must have fallen long ago!

“Third brother…”

The boss of the trio clenched his fists fiercely.

The three of them met at the end of the micro, and after becoming interstellar raiders, they have experienced an unknown amount together along the way!

The joy of the first plunder, the rush when the wanted people, the joy of the slaughter of the living.

Although they are not related by blood, the three of them have long been brothers and sisters to each other, and they are even closer than brothers!

But now his third brother is actually dead… The second elder also almost crushed a mouth full of steel teeth!

Since becoming intergalactic raiders, they have always been the only ones who have plundered other people’s lives!

But now, the third brother was actually killed! It’s unforgivable!

“Definitely by those damn hunters!”

The second elder clenched his teeth and slowly spoke word by word.

The boss nodded slowly: “It’s possible.” ”

“I just checked on the reward website of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, about the reward of the third brother.”

“It’s already shown.”

“These damn scraps!”

The second elder’s expression twisted.

These days, he and his eldest brother are not there, because of the hunt of hunters!

It is precisely because of this that the weakest third brother in the trio will be killed by other hunters without the protection of his own two!

“Damn, I want you to die, ahh!!!hh

The second elder roared, but it was just incompetent rage.

The boss didn’t see much abnormality in his expression.

He had always been overjoyed, and before he came here, he had faintly noticed the death of his third brother, so he had already prepared his heart.

It’s just that the killing intent in his triangular eyes can’t be covered up no matter what.

“Look for it here, maybe you can find some clues.”

When the words fell, the boss took the lead and entered the boundless deep sea ahead.

Seeing this, the second elder also quickly followed.

Although this ocean is mighty, after all, the two of them are strong, and they soon found something strange and noticed something obviously wrong!

The world of the third brother, they used to come!

This rootless deep sea was a creation that he had carefully cultivated with a large amount of divine sources, and countless sea tribe creatures were bred in the sea!

Whether it is those powerful Krakens, or ordinary fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, there are countless of them, and they can be seen everywhere!

But at this time, there was no one!

The entire sea area is empty, not to mention those Kraken fish and crabs, not even a single seaweed!

But how is this possible?!

Although after the death of the Creator, the world opened up will not be maintained, it will begin to collapse, and the living beings will gradually perish

But perishing doesn’t just disappear!

It wasn’t long since the third brother died, how could all the living beings be gone×?!

There is not even a corpse, what kind of trouble is this?

But after all, the two are well-known senior raiders, and after the initial sluggishness, they quickly figured out the crux of it!

The third brother’s world was obviously plundered!

It’s just the sophistication of this robbery, the ruthlessness of its actions, and the greed of its actions

I actually made both of them feel ashamed of myself! Is there such a plundering as a stepping horse?!


I don’t have a single fry left!

It takes a ruthless person to do this kind of thing! It’s just everywhere you go, and there is no grass!

“It must be the murderer who killed the third brother!”

“After he killed the third brother, he came here again and plundered everything in the world!”

“He must have done it!”

The second man’s face was full of bone-chilling!

“At least a seventy percent chance.”

The boss nodded slightly, and there was not the slightest mood swing in his voice, “But it is not ruled out that other raiders did it.” ”

“But no matter who it is, he should be allowed to pay the price for the death of the third brother.”


The second elder, who had a developed mind and simple limbs, touched his head and frowned.

“But big brother, where are we going to find this guy?”

The boss smiled, bent down to pick up the mud under his feet, and picked up a conch.

The conch was fiery red in color, covered with thorn-like spikes all over, and its slender body looked like a horn!

I think it was because he was buried deep in the seabed that he was not plundered and taken away by that person!

“This is!”

The second elder was stunned, and a pair of eyes instantly lit up: “This is the echo conch block!” ”

As a special creation in the world of the third brother, the third brother once introduced this echo conch to himself and his eldest brother!

The echo conch can emit a sound fluctuation with an extremely peculiar frequency, which is a sound that no living being can receive except their own kind!

And this sound can ignore the law of spatial distance, no matter where it sounds, even if it is thousands of miles apart, the same kind of echo conch can receive this peculiar sound in an instant!

And respond in the same tone, calling on your companions to come and find yourself!


The corner of the boss’s mouth hooked a cruel smile: “Echo conch!” ”

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