Universal Creation: Start a God Simulator!

Chapter 395 The Commander's Concerns, The Strange Demon Attacks Again

Star Ring Defense Line United Front Work Department.

Li Mu and all the rewards are sitting here.

All the people present looked solemn, because the news brought by Li Mu was too shocking.

"Is Su Bai's news accurate?" a man in a general's uniform asked~.

Li Mu said: "To be honest, we have no way to determine whether the news is true or not."

"However, from the appearance of the strange demons and their offensive posture."

"I think the news is pretty close."

The general said: "We cannot rashly start a war between the two races just because of a piece of news that cannot be confirmed to be true or false."

Li Mu asked back: "Isn't it a war now?"

The general was speechless for a moment.

Li Mu continued: "How many people have we died?"

"So many world masters, so many fighters."

"Do we let our people die in vain?"

"Is it possible to use the lives of our soldiers to train those strange demons?"

"If they are really a big race, there are hundreds of billions, or even trillions of their races."

"Even if each of us can fight one against a hundred, in the future.

"In the end.....it will also be consumed to death."

"When our fighters are almost exhausted, they will no longer be useful to them.

"And when we have no resistance."

"What do we use to guard Blue Star?"

"What do we use to guard humanity?"

A passage by Li Mu is powerful and plausible.

No one present could refute.

Because what Li Mu said makes sense.

The man sitting at the top spoke, he is the supreme commander of the star ring defense line: "Principal Ji is right.

"However, we also need to consider the big picture."

"Among what you just reported, Su Bai said something right."

"The time for human beings to really leave the ground and step into the universe is too short.

"It's only two or three hundred years."

"In this universe, there are many races that have entered the universe for thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years."

"Humans are too weak before them."

These words made the atmosphere in the entire meeting room extremely depressing.

Because everyone knows it's true!

Are all other races stupid?

The development of hundreds of thousands of years can not beat the development of human beings for hundreds of years.

Li Mu couldn't refute it for a while, because it was the truth!

Li Mu thought of those soldiers who died in battle, "Commander, then...then we are wasting our lives like this?"

The commander-in-chief said: "Look at the situation again, collect more information, and let those who have the ability to travel through the wormhole take the opportunity to investigate later."

"Have more information before making the next decision."

"Insufficient information is available, once a full-scale war breaks out, mankind may face a catastrophe.

"We cannot gamble with the fate of all humanity."

Li Mu said: "Commander, what Su Bai said is right, they just use us to train soldiers, isn't this considered a war?"

"Principal Li, I know what you said." The commander knocked on the table and said, "But...do human beings have the ability to truly face an alien race in an all-round way? We don't have enough information!"

Li Mu was silent, he knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore.

"The strange demons have attacked, organize the defense.

"The first column, defending the left flank; the second column, defending the right flank."

"Everyone in the first column, keep up."

"Space Team, fire now.

Humans have set up a space bunker in space, and the ground troops of many world lords have no way to participate in the battle.

Combat in space is completely different from combat on the ground.

The strange devil's attack was very violent.

The human fighters resisted desperately, and the armies of many world lords suffered a lot of losses.

Su Bai watched all this with a heavy heart.

These are human warriors!

But at this time, the warriors who defended the human race became the training tools of the strange demons.

In the distance, Tang Xiaomiao led her troops to fight hard.

She is like a sharp knife, cutting a hole in the enemy's whole body.

The students of Silver Moon College immediately saw the timing and followed the opening made by Tang Xiaomiao to expand their results.

Amidst the thunderous killing sounds, countless soldiers fell.

In space, countless human warriors and aliens float in space.

The attack density of both sides was extremely high, and the corpses floating in the air exploded directly instead of being hit.

The blood condenses into ice clots in the low temperature of space.

Suddenly, Bai saw that the alien army began to attack from all around.

There are only four directions on the ground.

Up and down in space must also be defended, sometimes the enemy's attack is from below.

Most importantly, you have no way to fully defend yourself.

The defensive side is like a ball, which may be attacked in all directions, and the enemy will go farther away at worst.

...asking for flowers......

For space warfare, the movement speed of the Legion is mostly supersonic, even if it circles hundreds of kilometers and turns around to attack your rear, it is not difficult.

Soon, the offensive team formed by Tang Xiaomiao and Yinyue University was besieged by strange demons.

Although it is said that it is a small team, there are no more than a dozen people in total, but each of them has at least a few hundred thousand, or even a million or so space combat troops, adding up to several million troops.

"Senior Tang, it's too bad, we are surrounded."

"Let's break through!"

Although Tang Xiaomiao looks like a lolita and looks like she needs someone to protect her, she is very calm at this moment.

Open the real-time situation of the battlefield.

This is a three-dimensional presentation of all troops on both sides through technology.


"Can't retreat!" Tang Xiaomiao pointed to the direction of the wormhole: "We happen to be blocked right in front of the wormhole.

"If we retreat, the corps behind them will return very smoothly."

"We are like a pillar stuck in the water outlet."

"To a certain extent, it can block the water flow, and at the same time, it can also branch the water flow."

"Once we retreat and their corps come out, they can gather here for deployment."

"If we don't retreat, they must immediately join the battle when they come out."

A student looked at the loss data of his troops in the world: "Sister, my troops have lost more than 20%, and they are about to fail."

Anyone who knows a little bit about military affairs knows that large-scale wars.

In the era of cold weapons, due to underdeveloped communications, the casualty rate reached 10%, and the army may collapse.

In the era of hot weapons, communication has developed.

The casualty rate is about 30%, and it may collapse.

The miscellaneous army can basically support less than 30%, and the elite army can probably support about 50%.

If it is a regiment level or company level battle, all of them may be killed and there may be no collapse.

But that kind of war with hundreds or thousands of people is completely different from a war with hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of people.

Tang Xiaomiao said: "I have read your information, and your army will not collapse until the loss reaches 80%."

Some students couldn't help it: "If the loss reaches 80%, we can't recover in a short time, how can we participate in the follow-up war?"

Tang Xiaomiao was silent for a while, turned her head to look at the wormhole, and muttered: "What about Su Bai!",

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