Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 127 Point Reward, 0.1% Discount Card (Medium)

"The rewards for the standings will be announced below, and 1,000 to 10,000 people will be rewarded with 10,000 magnetic storm machine guns (cosmic E-level technology, a powerful machine gun)"

"One hundred to one thousand people, reward 10,000 violent blood potions (D-level cosmic resources, which can greatly strengthen various functions of the human body in a short time!)"

"The 4th to 99th place will be rewarded with invisible battle clothes (cosmic C-level technology, which can be invisible and has super defensive power)"

"The third place, Murong Xue, rewards a thousand Odin warships!"

"Odin Battleship: B-level cosmic technology, with powerful destructive power!"

"Second place Xuanyuan Qingtian rewards one hundred kamikaze cannons (universe B-level technology), 10,000 tons of blood red fruit (B-level cosmic resources, eating can make people stronger)!"

As soon as the reward was announced, it immediately caused an uproar among the challengers.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred came out.

"This reward is a bit rich! It's directly cosmic-level technology, and it's been strengthened properly!"

"Haha, I am the 9999th. This electromagnetic machine gun came too timely. I will lead people to slaughter the gang of ministers who made trouble tomorrow! I am worried that the firepower is not enough!"

"The top three are actually B-level resources, and the first shot is the B-level resource hegemony of the world-ah!"

"I have never seen a B-level reward in my life, and I don't know if I will have a chance in the future..."

"No wonder only the top three are rewarded. If all rewards are given, will the Overlord World be at a loss!"

"Ever since I knew this world was dangerous, I couldn't sleep at night! The rebel army is about to reach the gate of the Star Palace. If there is such a kamikaze cannon, killing the rebel army is not the same as playing! God Xuanyuan, can you sell one of the kamikaze cannons to me?" Me, the price is easy to negotiate!"

"I want too.………"

"I'm different, can you show me what the B-level reward looks like [just dry eyes"

"Envy, envy, hate! The rewards for the second and third places are so good, why don't the rewards for the first place go against the heavens? Could it be A-level or even the legendary S-level resources?"

There was a lot of exclamation in the chat group,

A look that has never seen the world.

Ye Mo is speechless.

B-level rewards?

Is the B-level reward good?

In Ye Mo's eyes at this time,

B-level resource rewards are no longer on the table, okay?

But Ye Mo soon felt relieved.

...asking for flowers......

He has countless resources,

But no one else!

from their perspective,

The D-level rewards are already awesome.

Let alone a B grade.

how to say,

This may be the gap in vision.

Looking at a large pile of A-level and B-level resources piled up in the space,

Ye Mo felt a little better in his heart.

But by comparison, Ye Mo is even more curious.

What will be his reward.

Not only Ye Mo is curious,

The other challengers also fell silent one after another,

Want to know the reward for the first place.

"Ye Mo, who ranks first in the points list, will be rewarded with the Dragon God Mecha, or a discount card with a 0.1% discount. Choose one of the two."

"Dragon God Mecha: A-level resources in the universe, it is the crystallization of the top civilization in the universe! Its powerful defense can even survive in the sun! It also gives the wearer a power comparable to that of a dragon. An armored car is no dream!"

"0.1% discount discount card! During the novice protection period, all purchases of welfare resources are 0.1% off!"

It turned out to be an alternative reward. .

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