Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 147 One Of The Superpowers, Nothingness Fails

"As for the alien races that make up the two, no one knows.

"You secretly kept this news in your heart, and did not continue to investigate further."

"And the pressure on planet No. 3 is as great as you can imagine."

"You can clearly see that countless chaos are swarming out of that black vortex!"

"Your task has changed. It's not to completely clear the chaos that came out, but to clean the higher chaos in the chaos."

"28 Bloodthirsty Demon, Destroyer Butcher, Shadow of Nightmares...these are existences belonging to the high level of chaos, even the Forbidden Army can't deal with them!"

"The task of the top ten planets is to clean up these high-level chaos.

"The big fish has been dealt with, and the remaining small shrimps can be left to the guards of other planets to deal with!"

"There are so many chaos, it is almost impossible to completely deal with them! In this way, the division of labor is clear and the layers are weakened!"

"You finally understand why you can't see the reasons for these high-level chaos on the outer planets, because they were cleaned up by the top-ranked planetary guards at the very beginning!"

"Facing these high-level chaos with different shapes, let's go to the ephemeris!"

"Fortunately, it has been strengthened by the 'sacred blood gene potion', the strength of the Star King Army has been greatly enhanced, and with the blessing of the absolute sacred field, your Star King Army is actually the most easily defended group in the top ten planets! "

"The speed of cleaning up the advanced chaos is faster than that of the first and second planets!"

"Even the 'Death Watch' and 'Black Shield' on Planet 1 and 2 were shocked by the fighting power shown by the Star King Army!"

"As time goes by, more and more Chaos rushes out from the Gate of the Guardian!"

"It actually reached 100 billion one day! The entire defensive guards of the Gate of the Holy Guardian almost failed to defend themselves!"

"It took a lot of money to put down the riot someday!"

"It is said that the number of guards who died that day reached an exaggerated 200 billion! This is still a day's loss! The number of guards is urgent!"

"In order to supplement the defensive guards, the Eternal Tabernacle even sent someone over to ask if you can summon more Star King Army for defense."

"You rejected it on the pretext that the distance is too far away and you will not be able to get through for a while!"

"You know, there will be an attack by agents of chaos soon, which is also one of the main reasons for the collapse of the defense of the entire Saint Guardian Sect!"

"Sure enough, in the last two days of this month, a news spread to the defenders of the Gate of the Holy Guardian. The Holy Glory Army defending the outer reaches of the Hope Galaxy was attacked by 383 foreign forces and was directly destroyed. !"

"Agents of Chaos are coming towards the Galaxy of Hope!"

"That is to say, at this moment, in addition to facing the pressure of Chaos running out of the Gate of the Guardian, we also have to face the pressure of Chaos agents attacking from outside the galaxy!"

"The so-called agents of Chaos are those powerful aliens polluted by Chaos. They will become the most loyal servants of Chaos and help Chaos complete the cause of polluting the universe!"

"And this time, after the explanation of the Eternal Tabernacle correspondent, you know that the inside story is not as simple as that!"

"This group of agents of chaos is called the 'None Necromancer'!".

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