Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

One Hundred And Sixtieth Chapters Mechanical Star Clan Surrender (6)

The mechanical emperor heard Ye Mo's words, and finally understood that Ye Mo wanted to find them this time, and he wanted to subdue their mechanical star clan this time.

That is to say, Ye Mo's purpose from the very beginning is not necessarily to compete with his mechanical emperor, or to provoke the mechanical star clan,

His purpose is to subdue the entire Mechanical Star Clan. If this goal was at the beginning, the mechanical emperor would not even dare to think about it.

I didn't expect that Ye Mo's appetite would be so big, and he wanted to swallow all their mechanical star clan,

If Ye Mo said this in the first place, you can't definitely take it as a joke to a humanoid race,

It is simply impossible to subdue their mechanical star clan, but now it is different, this humanoid race is not only powerful,

And it has already mastered the particularly large lifeline of their mechanical star clan.

The mechanical emperor also felt that what he said was true.

If you don't agree to Ye Mo's conditions, it is very likely that Ye Mo will directly become angry,

Killed all their Mechanical Star Clan, there is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves,

Now the lifeline is in the hands of Ye Mo, man is the knife, I am the fish, if you don’t want to talk about the solution,

It’s just that there is no way to have room for menstruation, and if there is some progress, it’s not that it will restrict their actions,

As long as they surrender, they can just follow him in the future, and they won't be squeezed.

"Don't be too naive. In this universe, our mechanical star clan is not the only one. There are many other great powers above us, and even more powerful super powers. These super powers. No It will be as easy to deal with you as we are, even if we defeat us, it will not defeat their super power."

"You end up shooting yourself in the foot when you lift it."

Ye Mo, hehe.

"The superpowers you're talking about are those of the God of Chaos."

"It's nothing but rubbish in my eyes."

"Including other big forces, you don't have to worry about those big forces, I will recover them one by one immediately."

Hearing Ye Mo's words, the mechanical emperor knew that old Ye Mo's heart was not with them, but with the entire universe. This is also a big heart. After subduing the entire mechanical star clan, he wanted to conquer this universe.

After thinking for a moment, the mechanical emperor made the final decision.

"I have decided to surrender."

"Our Mechanical Star Clan will be waiting for your call in the future, but I also want to see how you can realize your career and conquer this universe. This universe is really not as simple as you imagined. 550 "If you If you die in battle while conquering this universe, then we can also escape from your control. "

Ye Mo chuckled.

"Sooner or later, this universe will be mine. As for seeing me fail, I'm afraid it will disappoint you. I will never fail in my life.

After a lot of talk, Ye Mo easily subdued this powerful mechanical star clan force.

The 300 billion mechanical star clans have all become Ye Mo's forces.

This time Ye Mo easily within a day,

A plan to subdue a big force!.

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