"Lilith gave the coordinates of Yalando, the planet of the Holy Spirit. After you exit the wormhole, drive towards Yalando, the planet of the Holy Spirit!"

"Three days later, your fleet will arrive at Yalando, the planet of the Holy Spirit."

"Your sudden appearance caught the Celestial Clan fleet staying behind on the holy planet Yalando by surprise!"

"They don't even know where such a powerful force came from!"

"Your surprise attack was successful. Under the suppression of the firepower of 100,000 crescent warships, the Celestial Clan fleet was wiped out!"

"The warriors of the Celestial Clan still want to fight you hand-to-hand on land, and make the last resistance!"

"As a result, I was severely taught by the Star King Army!"

"With the strength of the Star King Army, fighting these Celestial Clan fighters on land is not much more difficult than beating Sun Tzu!"

"You shook your head after watching it, feeling that the fighting power of these Celestial Clans is just stronger in space..."

"You and Lilith came to the temple smoothly!"

"This is a bronze castle building full of age!"

"You are surprised to find that this building is similar to the alien relics discovered on the Hengyu star before. Could it be that this temple is also related to the space knight?"

"At the gate of the temple, Lilith said the second problem of entering the temple!"

"There is some kind of hidden mechanism in the temple. Every time you enter the temple, no more than three people are allowed, otherwise the temple will automatically close, trapping those who enter to death!"

"But in the temple, there are guardian beasts left by the gods. If you want to enter the innermost layer of the temple to get the oracle, you need to kill the guardian beasts!"

"The Guardian Beast is powerful, no one is a match for the Guardian Beast! It's the same even if three people fight together!"

"Over the years, I don't know how many saints who wanted to defeat the guardian beast died in the hands of the guardian beast!"

"This is also the reason why the Saints have never been able to obtain the final oracle!"

"If it weren't for the emergency, she wouldn't want to take the risk!"

"Lilith asked for your opinion, but she didn't expect to agree to it cleanly. I want to accompany Lilith!"

"Lilith is very excited. I didn't expect that you would risk your life to help her. Seeing that your eyes have softened a lot again!"

Ye Mo smiled.

directly agreed to go,

It also fits his personality!

Lilith didn't know why, but he agreed to go because of his confidence in his own strength!

Just saw the god in Lilith's mouth, how powerful the guardian beast left behind is!

"You and Lilith entered the temple without bringing a third person with you!"

"As Lilith said, once you enter the temple, the gate of the temple will be closed automatically!"

"Afterwards, the entire hall fell, falling hundreds of meters before stopping!"

"This is a bigger underground plaza, you saw the guardian beast that Lilith was talking about!"

"It's a ten-meter-tall monster that looks like a cheetah. Its body is intertwined with flesh and machinery. It's actually a biomechanical beast!"

"As soon as it came in, the mechanical beast cast a fierce look at you and Lilith! It swooped and rushed towards you! Then...he couldn't move in mid-air..."

"You fix him in mid-air with your super-mind power, the god descends to the earth, and with the blessing of Yuanli, the Xingyun knife flashes in your hand, and with a wrong body, you cut this mechanical beast in half!"

"The biochemical mechanical beast is dead. Before he died, his eyes were still puzzled. He didn't see how he was killed until he died!"

"Lilith was also stunned. She never thought that the extremely powerful guardian beast in the rumors would be instantly killed! Could it be that she met a fake guardian beast?!"

"It was you who reminded her that Lilith came back to her senses!"

"Along the way, you noticed that Lilith's eyes on you became brighter..."

"Under Lilith's guidance, you have successfully obtained the final oracle, which is a transparent crystal."

"Lilith read the contents of the oracle, her face was full of surprise!"

"Under your inquiry, Lilith still told you the contents of the oracle!"

"The oracle said that God was dissatisfied with the eight races it created, so he found another planet and created another race, called the perfect race!"

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