Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 57: The Secret Of The Cosmic Star

Good guy!

Danger is everywhere in the universe!

Finally got rid of the space pirates,

A space zerg came out of nowhere!

like locusts,

No grass grows in the crossing!

This is the result of Ye Mo driving them away in time,

If it takes a while longer,

It is estimated that these three resource planets will be eaten into barren stars!

Ye Mo took out a small book,

Got the information about the space buggers on it!

This is all important information,

Difficulties that must be resolved in the future.

It is worthy of the era of cosmic confrontation,

Ye Mo gradually felt the meaning of the phrase 'significantly increased difficulty' prompted by the system.

It's only been a few months,

There is a feeling of being in a hurry.

Thought it was over?

not at all!

"On the twenty-eighth month, you are busy rebuilding the resource stars of the Chilian galaxy!"

"A strange space fleet has entered the territory of the Albert galaxy!"

"After communication, it was a group of 28 aliens who claimed to be from Ku Luo Xing, and they called themselves the Perfect Race!"

"They came with the oracle!"

"According to what they said, this is the guidance given to them by God. They came to the Albert galaxy and will bring hope to the Albert galaxy and lead the eight planets to a better future.

"He asked you to surrender, and sent messengers to contact them!"

"I go!"

Ye Mo is speechless!

What a leaky house and rainy night!

It's not good when this perfect family will come out,

It's time to jump out!

What did you do early!

At this time, the Star Alliance has to investigate the incident of the Hengyu star and deal with the problem of the resource star. This time, a perfect family came out...

Wouldn't the previous lie be exposed?

You must know that the eight major planets have become Ye Mo's biggest reliance,

Let him hand over control of the eight planets,

That is dreaming!

Sure enough, in the simulator, there is the latest decision-making method!

"The emergence of the perfect race has caused chaos on the eight planets! Since you call yourself the perfect race, where did the perfect race come from?"

"You made a decisive decision and announced that the Perfect Clan that appeared is a counterfeit! We will punish them!"

"This time, the saint clan who has been in charge of delivering the oracle is also on your side. Princess Lilith of the saint clan came forward and said that the blue star you lead is the perfect clan that God said, and the others are just fakes with wolf ambitions. goods!"

"With the testimony of the saints, the chaos of the eight planets has settled down! The people in charge of each planet speak to you, and they will unite to teach the counterfeiters a lesson!"

"You breathed a sigh of relief, took advantage of the situation and combined the power of the major planets, and launched an attack on the fleet of the Perfect Clan!"

"Seeing the Star Alliance fleet attacking, the Perfect Clan is also confused!"

"Why did these Star Clan people murderously kill them? Didn't God say that with the oracle, the eight planets would return to their hearts easily? That's not how the script was written!"

"What do they mean by counterfeit goods?"

"Between doubt and incomprehension, the perfect family is forced to fight!"

"What you didn't expect is that the Perfect Clan has a strong fighting power!"

"Although the fleet of the Perfect Clan only has 80 warships!"

"But the level of that battleship is completely higher than your crescent battleship, I don't know how many levels!"

"From the text on the surface of the battleship, you can translate the name of this battleship, 'Dawn Battleship'!"

"It's like a work of art, a ship floating in space, in the shape of an oval football, with a length of two hundred meters, precise weapon design layout, and exquisite pattern carvings

They all wrote the word "perfect" in their bones!"

"Judging from the appearance alone, there is no flaw! It all reflects this race's pursuit of perfection!"

"There is also a layer of silver-white protective cover on the outside of the battleship, which can absorb all attacking firepower, and transform its own power, which is emitted through the energy cannon penetrated by the ship!

"With the firepower of the Crescent Battleship, it can't touch the protective cover of the Dawn Battleship at all!"

"Instead, the energy was absorbed by the Chenxi battleship, and many crescent moon battleships were shot down!"

"If you don't break through this protective shield, the battleship Chenxi will be almost invincible! This is a contest with a huge difference in strength!"

"Fortunately, you have the You Clan, and the You Clan is a variable in this battle!"

"The You Clan's cursed power of exchanging lives for lives, ignoring the protective shield of the Chenxi Battleship, killed many Perfect Clan members!"

"The Perfect Clan was forced to leave!"

"This battle ended with your tragic victory!"

Ye Mo,

good guy,

It is indeed the most perfect race created by God,

Combat power is different.

A fleet of only eighty warships,

I ran to the Albert galaxy and circled around,

Under the attack of the Star Alliance forces, he can still retreat completely!

That shows what the other party can do!

One must know that when Ye Mo encountered the 100,000 crescent warships, the entire army was wiped out...

Ye Mo feels as if he has returned to the time when he started to simulate,

Anyone dares to fight, but no one can beat...

Ye Mo has to admit,

I still have a long way to go.

It is no problem to deal with some asteroids with advanced life,

But it is really against the powerful forces of the universe,

He is still far away...

At first regained the joy of the eight planets,

Has been doused by the cold water of reality.

The more we understand this piece of the universe,

Feel the unfathomable depth of the universe more and more!

king of the universe,

It's not something you can do casually...

"In the twenty-ninth month, you are cleaning up the mess of several wars, and another subordinate reported to you that something happened!"

"The Mingfan star where the cockroaches are located has lost contact! The fleet stationed there only had time to send out a danger signal, and they can no longer be contacted!"

"Fleet 243 sent out to investigate also never returned!"

"Your uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that there is an unintentional big hand wrapping towards you!"

looking at the simulator,

Ye Mo's expression became more serious.

Ming Fan Xing means little to Ye Mo,

There is a small amount of minerals on it, it is simply a tasteless!

The aborigines of Mingfan star are also spiritually undeveloped,

Impossible to steer battleships and such,

So it is even more impossible to be regarded as a regular force.

to be frank,

I lost Ming Fanxing,

Ye Mo is not heartbroken.

It's just the danger lurking behind it,

That's what Ye Mo cares most about!

this incident,

It is very likely that it is still related to the alien relics of the star of the universe!

That alien relic involves too much,

So far, Ye Mo thinks that space knights are probably a super-highly civilized race,

Even the perfect family may not be able to compare with the space knight.

The creator gods of the eight planets also seem to have some connection with the space knights.

There are too many hidden secrets in the stars,

This time I don't know what's going on!

Ye Mo wanted to deal with it two months ago,

It's just that something is delayed.

Ye Mo decided,

don't care about anything else,

Let's figure out the problem of Hengyuxing first!

"You left the work in hand and led the fleet directly to Mingfan Star.

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