Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 70 The Star Devourer Arrives!

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

The crisis of the soul-devouring beast, which was regarded as the enemy before,

It was finally lifted.

This was also within his expectations.

That is to say,

At this time, Blue Star,

With his support,

It has the ability to deal with soul-devouring beasts~!

In this way,

would not need to be forced to flee into space,

Just use Blue Star as a base to expand outward!

In addition, with six resource planets and the surrender of space pirates,

This is simply a magical start!

If you don't do something this time,

I'm sorry for myself!

"In the fifteenth month, the arsenal on each resource planet is fully fired, and your Dawn battleships number in the tens of millions!"

"You organize the fleet and head towards the Albert galaxy!"

"On the sixteenth month, you came to the Albert galaxy and found Lilith in the wormhole!"

"Save Lilith, and help Lilith get the oracle from the temple!"

"You send your troops to the south. On the first day, defeat the Celestial Clan fleet, on the second day, defeat the Earth Clan fleet, and on the third day, defeat the Heart Clan fleet! On the fourth day, defeat the coalition forces of the seven planets!"

Ye Mo secretly said a good word.

With the current strength of Blue Star,

There is no need for conspiracy calculations.

Just push it straight across,

see God kill God,

all the intrigues,

In the face of the absolute power gap, they are all paper tigers!

no way,

Being strong is being so confident!

"In one month, you easily managed eight planets! And distributed the 'Lingquan Waterfall' to give hope to the eight planets!"

"The eight planets are yours to follow, and the Universal Star Alliance is established!"

"On the seventeenth month, you integrated the forces of the eight major planets and distributed the six resource planets."

"The resource crisis of the eight planets has been greatly alleviated!"

"With the addition of the eight major planets, you have established the Star Alliance fleet, and your strength has been further strengthened!"

"In the eighteenth month, you took the initiative to attack the Zerg entrenched in the Chilian Galaxy, and resolved the Zerg crisis."

"At the same time, you also sent troops to Hengyu Planet to destroy the man-made humans and Blackwater, and not allow anyone to obtain such a terrible weapon as Blackwater!"

Ye Mo nodded,

Having seen the power of black water,

It seemed that he was still terrified.

This thing hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred,

don't use it if you can,

Once bad consequences occur,

Can't control it at all!

"On the nineteenth month, the Perfect Clan strikes, encountering your fleet!"

"Your fleet successfully defeated the Perfect Clan fleet, and the Perfect Clan fled in defeat!"

"They can't figure out how you own the Dawn battleship, the most technological masterpiece on their planet!"

"On the twentieth month, you decided to attack the space pirates and use infiltration strategies to infiltrate one by one."

"You instructed Locke to pretend to lure another fleet of space pirates out!"

"Under the siege of you and Locke, this space pirate fleet was easily captured!"

"You defeated the fleet commander Haifeng, affected by the law of overlord, Haifeng has become your most loyal follower!"

"By the way, you have collected five resource stars under the jurisdiction of Gale!"

"Your power has expanded further!"

"In the twenty-first month, you have tasted the sweetness, repeat the same trick, and once again call out a branch fleet of space pirates!"

"Defeat him and collect the resource stars under his control!"

"You found that there is nothing faster than robbing space pirates and expanding your power!"

"In the twenty-fourth month, you have already recruited seven space pirate forces, and the resource planets you have recruited have also reached an exaggerated twenty-eight returns!"

"With the continuous supply of resources from the resource planet, the Star Alliance is stronger than ever!"

………seeking flowers… 0

"The number of dawn warships has successfully exceeded one million!"

"The number of the Star Alliance exceeded 300 million!"

"In the twenty-fifth month, your expansion still attracted the attention of the King of the Black Abyss!"

"He was so angry that he declared war on you on the spot!"

"Cosmic pirates have dominated the universe for a long time, but they have never suffered such a big loss!"

"You are ready to go, ready to fight to the death with the main fleet of space pirates!"

"On the twenty-seventh month, the King of the Black Abyss led the main fleet of space pirates to the Albert galaxy."

"The main army of space pirates and the main fleet of the Star Alliance are fighting fiercely in the Albert galaxy!"


"The battle went on for a whole month!"

"On the twenty-eighth month, both you and the King of the Black Abyss are amazed by the strength of your opponent!"

"You are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other!"

"During the period, you want to invite the King of the Black Abyss to fight, and use the power of the overlord's rules to recruit the King of the Black Abyss!"

"Unfortunately, the King of the Black Abyss is stronger than you. If you didn't have the teleportation technique, you would have been killed by the King of the Black Abyss on the spot!"

"On the twenty-ninth month, the battle continued."

"Because it's in your home field, with a steady stream of resource supplies, your fleet is gradually gaining the upper hand!"

"At the end of the month, the King of the Black Abyss led the fleet to retreat!"

"Although the King of the Black Abyss led the fleet to leave, you think that this battle has not been won! You and the King of the Black Abyss are at best a draw!"

"It was the last words of the King of the Black Abyss that caught your attention."

"'This universe is not as simple as you imagine! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little strength. Your arrogance has successfully dug a grave for you! If I don't take action, someone will rule you! You will know what is real Horror!' This is the last message from the Lord of the Black Abyss."

"In the 30th month, unexpected guests arrive! They call themselves the servants of the Star Devourer!".

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