Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 74 Alien Refugees, Inexplicable Victory

What are you talking about?

the universe is mysterious,

Anything can be encountered!

Ye Mo never dreamed,

In this way he will,

Went directly to another universe space.....

This is too much a test of adaptability and survivability,

Ye Mo wants to say,

I'm not ready yet......

According to Ye Mo's idea,

With Blue Star as the main base,

Steady and steady,

Expand a little bit!

It's a pity that things don't go as planned,

Ye Mo wants to expand outward,

We must first withstand the pressure brought by other advanced~civilizations,

The problem is that I can't stand it...

In fact, until now,

Ye Mo has always had a - question to ask.

He has a simulator,

With the support of resources and capabilities,

It is so difficult to survive in the universe.

the other challengers,

It can be said that there is no one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him,

Then you will be pressed to death by other alien forces before you start the game?

Ye Mo even once suspected that this overlord world was a conspiracy,

Bring in a large group of challengers to come and die!

Ye Mo can't see the way out for these challengers for the time being, so they can only ask for their own blessings.

Ye Mo continued to look at the prompts on the simulator,

This can be regarded as entering a new chapter in the stage of cosmic battle.

Anyway, in the simulator,

Hang up, hang up!


take this opportunity,

Learn more about useful information.

Inexplicably ran to other cosmic spaces,

There are not many opportunities like this!

Maybe it can give him a deeper understanding of the power distribution in this universe.

"For the sake of convenience, you named this galaxy the beginning and end galaxy, which means the end and the beginning! The previous achievements are gone, and you have to start again from here!"

"After exploration, you were surprised to find that the First and Last galaxy is a highly developed galaxy in the universe!"

"Almost every planet has mining bases of alien civilizations!"

"That is to say, the planets in this galaxy have been divided up by the civilization of the universe!"

"You have also discovered many resource planets that are suitable for human survival. Unfortunately, they are also ruled by higher cosmic forces!"

"The indigenous life on the original planet became slaves!"

"The cosmic civilization at the top of the food chain in this galaxy, in addition to the machine race, also discovered an alien race you call the demon race. They are like slender ghosts, and they can only float in the universe! "

"The Demon Spirit Clan and the Machine Clan seem to have an agreement, the territories will not interfere with each other, and they can do business with each other!"

"In addition, you saw a lot of alien fleet ships that you have never seen before. They all have unique marks on them. You secretly wrote down these marks. Unfortunately, you don't know which force they represent!"


"You also discovered a huge space fortress suspended in space for material exchange!"

"Many alien merchant ships entered the fort back and forth."

"If you want to investigate further, you will be discovered!"

"The warships of the machine race and the demon spirit race are chasing you, and you are forced to leave! Escape to the edge of the galaxy!"

"After a chasing battle, you were lucky enough to escape the fleet of the machine clan."

"But also lost the way forward."

"There are only 300 Dawn battleships left in the fleet, and they don't even have the fuel for navigation, so they can only float in the universe"

"But when you were powerless, a group of alien warships attacked you!"

"The appearance of these warships is incomparable to the warships of the mechanical clan. They are so tattered in appearance that you even think that these warships were picked out of a garbage dump!"

"Although the battleship Chenxi suffered serious damage, it is not comparable to these junks."

"What makes you even more speechless is that this group of fleets found that the protective armor of their attacking Dawn warships was impenetrable. Before you could counterattack, these alien warships surrendered en masse.

"Also sent a signal that please don't kill them...

"You won this battle inexplicably, and obtained fuel resources from the dilapidated fleet, and captured the aliens of the opponent's fleet by the way... Eight".

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