Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 86 The Highlight Moment In Ye Mo's Life, One Person Destroys A Million Warships

Become a god?

The simulator suddenly prompts,

It's a bit overwhelming!

Ye Mo didn't expect Tinder to be so powerful!

After absorbing massive resources,

It directly raised his ability to a god-like level!

Dad didn't hurt you in vain!

What is even more shocking is the prompt given by the simulator afterwards.

"Your strength has broken through the limit of the body itself, and touched that illusory threshold! You have the strength comparable to a god, but you are not a god!"

"At this moment, you feel many powerful existences in the universe, and your power resonates with them!"

"You perceive them, and they perceive you!"

"But they give you a very strange feeling! Some are evil and scary, some are warm and bright... There are many inexplicable feelings mixed in!"

"They seem to exist in the universe in some strange form...or exist in another space..."

"As the violent forces in your body settle down, you lose the connection with these powerful beings!"

Ye Mo, "!!!"

Big secret!

There really are super life forms in this universe!

Ye Mo didn't use the word 'God',

It is among the prompts of the discovery simulator,

nor the word god,

Instead, it is described as 'a powerful existence in many universes.

Ye Mo has a feeling,

These super life forms that echoed him,

Maybe it's not the same as the god in his consciousness.

Just at Ye Mo's current level,

Not qualified enough to contact the other party!

Ye Mo is very curious,

How many secrets are hidden in this universe.

"Explosive power gives you confidence!"

"Your powerful ability fluctuations also attracted the fleets of the four major forces! They have never seen such a terrifying energy body!"

"After multiple confirmations, they realized that the one who emitted such terrifying energy fluctuations is the most wanted criminal they want to deal with!"

"Hehe, laugh, in today's situation, who will deal with it is not sure!"

"You have to open the killing ring! Bloodbath the four major forces!"

"Today is destined to be a day in the history of the beginning and end of the galaxy!"

"Use your full power and directly kill the fleets of the four major forces that have gathered!"

"Your Star Rhyme Sword has turned into Changhong, and the spiritual consciousness that you have evolved into from super thoughts can control people's life and death, and the God Emperor has given you the power to destroy planets... At this moment, you are the king of this universe. The most terrifying existence in the world!"

"With a wave of your hand, hundreds of space battleships can be destroyed by a long rainbow! With a single press, you can completely wipe out a machine clan's battleship base from the planet..."

"The attack of the four major forces on you is like scratching an itch!"

"The four major forces are amazed at your strength. Even you are shocked by your own strength. It turns out that people can be so strong!"

Ye Mo looked at the hint for this part.

a little dumbfounded,

It's a bit of a fork!

When Ye Mo comes,

Just have an idea.

If you can dominate the universe by yourself,

It's the kind where one person can blow up the entire universe!

Ye Mo has emulators,

There are achievements and title rewards,

This time, we have the blessing of Origin Tinder again!

At that time, I thought this idea was not feasible,

But now it seems that

Is there still hope?

One person becomes a god, the way to invincible universe,

Ye Mo feels like he can take a walk!

As a result, the following emulator prompts,

It directly brought Ye Mo's idea of ​​a unique universe back to its original form.

"You are in the midst of a fierce battle! You are so powerful, H is frightened!"

"Millions of battleships 180 died under your onslaught, and the star devourer battleship was smashed by you before it exploded..."

"One person alone against tens of millions of battleships... This is simply the highlight moment of your life!"

"But you discovered that the number of fleets of the four major forces, under your fierce attack, not only did not decrease, but actually increased several times!"

"It turns out that there are more battleships coming to support through the portal!"

"This is even more convinced of your previous conjecture. The history galaxy is not enough for the four major forces to control an area, and the four major forces still have more territories in the universe!"

"I'm afraid the property of the four major forces is more than you think!"

"What makes you even more chilling is that your power is getting weaker and weaker as you use it! It's like a deflated ball, every point you use loses a point!"

"By the end, you're down to one-tenth of your prime power!"

Ye Mo, "???"

what's the situation?.

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